The devs deserve a HUGE pat on the back for this

Removing heroes from the battle pass is incredible for the game, and I’m sure it was a hard change for the devs to get pushed through.

This entirely removes any pay-to-win concerns and instantly makes the game far more fair.

Coins in the battle pass is also WAY good–it means that players no longer have to do weekly challenge farming and treat the game like a job, it accommodates people who don’t play for 2 weeks then play a lot in a single weekend.

These are all player-friendly changes, and I for one applaud blizzard for making them.

(INB4: People who rage about other things they think blizzard should be doing better and people who rage and say “well, they never should’ve been there in the first place!” You know what? Going back on a bad decision STILL deserves praise, and I think Blizzard has earned a lot of goodwill from doing this.)


you’ll knee pad for anything i guess


if trump solved world hunger i would bend a knee…

a good decision is a good decision

mind you its a decision that shouldnt have had to be made in the first place since they shouldve never been on there…but still


no they don’t lets wait till the actual changes come, the matchmaking and balance is still awful and their excuse for it is “hey but you’ll look cool in game tho!”


Yeah, I don’t know why some people came away from this update sounding angry. Yes, they should never have locked heroes in the battle pass, but all that really matters is that they’re fixing that and (hopefully) don’t do it again.


It’s not rage.

It is more like the expression they have at AA for people that stay sober.

Congratulating blizz for putting currency in the bp is like giving a cowboy a standing ovation for getting on a horse.

It is what they are supposed to do.

It is standard in f2p mobile, console, and PC gaming.

This is more like a, “bout time” than a rage at them moment.

Money and player count is stronger than pride


“well, they never should’ve been there in the first place!”
just doing my part :slight_smile:


I’m not angry, but I am curious what the bpass changes are going to be now that we are getting coins in them.

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They did this after releasing all the heroes anyways. Now only 2 out of 6 BP’s will have heroes, so it’s not a big change anyways. That’s how you do nothing and make people think that you do something.


No, they don’t. they don’t deserve credit for doing the bare minimum


I’m not praising a major corporation for the bare minimum.


No, they do not deserve a pat on the back for walking back a predatory marketing scheme. At best it resets them back to neutral. Is it good? Yes. Was there any reason it should’ve been set that way in the first place? No.


Coins in the BP is just less grind/more grind based on how you play. If you play to complete weekly challenges whenever its Tuesday and always complete them all you always used to get the 540 coins every season. Now it will give extra XP instead of the 30, 20 and 10 coin milestones which means faster BP progression and reaching the coin BP milestones more easily.

In summary, the 540 coins earnable through weekly challenges for EVERYONE have been moved to the battlepass with extra coins earnable there to make it 600 coins for EVERYONE. Weekly challenge milestones are now XP rewards. So all that really happened is they moved weekly challenge rewards to the BP.

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“free for all players ON launch” and not “free forever AFTER they’re launched”.

Reserve your praise for when they tell us they lock them again after a time limit.

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I agree! Removing heroes from the battle pass levels the playing field for everyone! However, Mythic exclusivity being gone is a negative! I’d rather players paid $100 per Mythic instead!

Remember in OW1 when we got heroes for free?

So we praise going back to how it was initially?


No they said all current and future OW2 heroes will be instantly available in future seasons because they no longer want to lock them/make people grind for them in the future. Only heroes you have to grind now are the OW1 heroes as a sort of tutorial. Then you hit a milestone and bang… all heroes unlocked.

A player that heaps praise on Blizzard for monetization is exactly the kind of player they want.


I mean I’m a pretty big dev critic and this would legitimately surprise me with how bad a move that would be.

Where did they say that? I listened particularly carefully, since i know other games add heroes then remove them for paid unlock later.