The Devs blame Lúcio for GOATs

Read the patch notes. The Devs flat out state that Lúcio is a major factor that causes GOATs comp.

I’ve been saying this for months. It’s nice to get backed up by the Devs.


Surprised there was no AOE heal stacking nerf.

But then again yesterday I was surprised there were no compensation Sym buffs.

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I just need to say this, I feel bad for Reaper. They buffed him to stop GOATs, didn’t work so they nerfed him again. it’s like adding insult to injury lol.


And on top of that, they’re nerfing his synergy with Lucio as well.

Wasn’t it 30-35% lifesteal before?

I suspect/hope this is a stopgap change while the devs work on something better that doesn’t go ham on the lower ranks.

Yeah, it’s like the devs flat out punished him for not stopping GOATs. I hope Soldier doesn’t fail, they might take away his 20 damage again lol.

Anyone who doesn’t think he’s a major factor is either willfully ignorant or simply doesn’t understand how this game works.

Goat’s two biggest weaknesses are its lack of range and mobility. Ideally, you would just sit back and kill them before they can even touch you, but Lucio’s speed boost in combination of the tank’s defenses let them just rush the point before they took any damage. Even Bastion couldn’t shred anything since the 2 seconds of DM from D.Va is more than enough time for Lucio to push his team onto them.

In the past, my opinion of Lucio has been “he’s only picked a lot because he’s the only one to offer speed boost, and speed is just too useful to pass up.”
But now, it’s become more and more apparant that that speed boost isn’t just too valuable to pass, it’s literally negating major weaknesses in an otherwise horrible team comp.


They gave sym a buff. Her ramp up time is 20% faster.

Yes it was. I know what you are saying, it’s still pretty high, but with everyone else that got buffs they probably could of just left him alone at this point. He was still pretty bad, if you saw OWL.

That’s exactly what I was getting at.

Surprised there was no AOE heal stacking nerf.

But then again yesterday I was surprised there were no compensation Sym buffs.

This was implying they could make a heal stacking nerf in the near future.

Yes, no one is disagreeing that Lucio is the reason why Deathballs work, no :cookie: for you.


Yeah, but unfortunately us casuals exist. He wasn’t in a healthy state for the lower ranks.

Yeah probably right. With Junk being to get his tire quicker now (assuming they hit their shots) that will probably terrorize lower ranks too.

They didn’t flat out say it was Lucio’s fault. They only mention he helped enable it.

This is something no one disagreed with


I never found Junk that bad actually. He tends to punish more individual mistakes, whereas reaper will punish whole teams.

He also isn’t a middle finger to tanks. (At least, In the context of sub plat. I’m aware the opposite is true for the higher ranks)

Now if only this community stopped blaming Dva for goats existence, then we might get somewhere.

It’s honestly been a no brainer that Lucio with the highest pickrate and never being swapped out and speed boost being so integral in moving goats around to being a threat, that he was strong in mobilising grounded troops.


Fair enough, usually wouldn’t side with pros but it just seems weird the devs would actually acknowledge a mistake.

Well that’s true, especially now he was kind of bad, I think they should of reverted his projectile size as opposed to buffing his damage. Just me though, I know a lot of Junk mains would of preferred that.

The grenade size not being changed is probably a lower ranked thing. Bad junks won’t hit shots, so they won’t be too annoying, but good junk players will, and will be rewarded.

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