The Devs blame Lúcio for GOATs

Hopefully they come back around and cave on changing his E

Can’t say I’m surprised. Lucio is the only hero that can’t be interchanged in a goats comp.

Which is counterbalanced by both Baptiste (assuming IF’s interaction with OHK’s works as it logically) implementation and the buff to Visor allowing Soldier to destroy Tire easier.

That’s right, I keep forgetting about that immortality field. Huge patch, sometimes I forget everything that’s in it.

Forgot about this one too.

Goats isn’t caused by any specific character. It’s the logical progression of synergy maximization in the game. Most tanks and supports cover each others weaknesses and bolster each others strengths.

Nerfing individual heroes is addressing the symptoms, not the disease. A fundamental shift in game design is what is really needed, but is apparently unpalatable at this time.


Every other hero used in goats has a replacement lined up that can fill the spot. Lucio is the only exception.

Lucio was a must pick like MOTH Mercy, he needed nerfs

I think they consider that to be a last resort. I doubt they want to create a situation where two heroes have anti-synergy with each other, or limit their design space so that they can’t make more aura healers, especially with Baptiste on the way with his aura heal.

It’s an absolutely massive patch. Can be forgiven for forgetting one or two things. Though admittedly I’m not entirely sure how Immortality Field is going to interact with OHK AoE’s like Dva Bomb or Junk’s Tire.

Soldier is shaping up to be especially good against Junkrat, with his previous burst fire buffs and now the Visor and base damage buffs meaning he has better range, spread and only needs 5 shots to kill Tire down from 6.

I still think Junk will be extremely strong at lower ranks, he always is, but the Soldier buffs will help mitigate it a little.

We do have a problem imo that I would call legacy changes, stuff that was added to the game a for a reason which either failed in its purpose or the reasoning behind it is no longer relevant, yet the change is still in the game.

These things can cause problems like when Doom became a monster it wasn’t because of 1 big buff, it was a bunch of ineffective ones that stacked up. Widow has additional bonus dmg for crits to deal with Torb armour, only he no longer has armour. It’s still useful for Brig, bit not very and its main role is killing tanks, which was not its purpose.

Leaving stuff like this in can cause issues down the line and the sheer amount of burst dps buffs we got to break goats that are still on the books could be very problematic in the future, so I’m glad they took this path.

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Unfortunate considering Brig is the main puzzle piece in this, causing this whole synergy chain to start.

It sucks that other heroes have to take the hit for nerfs rather than giving Brig a rework.

wait so lucio brought goats?.. when? where?.. i didnt see any? how did he bring goats anyway, who takes care of them , what do you even feed them?..

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Widow’s crit multiplier was a result of a nerf to her bodhshot damage. 2.5x means that she kept her 300 headshot, while her bodyshot damage was reduced to 120 from 150.

You’re thinking of the nerf to this patch in which DoTS aren’t reduced by armour which is a far bigger buff to Ashe than it is any other hero.

Biggest patch I can remember, at least they are finally taking a big swing at GOATs as opposed to the little armor nerfs that they’ve been trying out.

Yeah I think I’m going to take up Soldier, just always felt he was a throw pick, best time to try him out is now I think.

Even if brig is deleted goats wouldn’t die. Brig would probably run sombra instead of brig or go a full goats dive comp. But on the other hand, goats can’t live without speed and no other hero provides that.

I phrased that poorly but you misunderstood me. Yes the 2.5 multiplier for her crits was so she could keep the 300 dmg headshot, but they wanted to keep the 300 dmg headshot to make sure she would always be able to 1 shot a 200hp target, even if they had Torb armour or OG Sym Photon Barrier. Neither of those abilities are still in the game, the only thing like it is Brig pack which due to the way it is used and its limited duration doesn’t really justify Widow having that bonus crit dmg. The reason she has it no longer exists, its use now is to cheese tanks with dmg boost which was not why she got it in the first place. If she was a new hero added tot the game now she 100% would not have that bonus, it makes no sense anymore.

It’s not just taking a swing at GOATS. If it was just that, we could pretty safely predict that we’d just go back to a Sniper meta.

But it’s the buffs to virtually every non-meta hero. So many heroes are being changed and with the introduction to Baptiste who is looking to be incredibly strong, that predicting exactly who comes out on top is going to be a fools endeavor.

Personally I’m thinking a more mid-range bunker comp is going to be pretty solid, running either Rein/Zarya or Orisa/Hog as the Tank duo and running something like Baptiste/Mercy for the Support duo.

Though I dunno what the meta will eventually settle into.

I mean, I think they wanted to keep her at 300 to differentiate herself from Hanzo who was typically considered to have a superior kit outside his weapon, since (at the time) he brought Scatter, Sonic Arrow and a Wombo ult, whereas Widow only brought infrasight and a hitscan weapon.

Still doesn’t change that the nerf is only a stopgap that doesn’t address the actual issue. It simply kicks it down the road a bit.

And saying Lucio was nerfed is a bit of a misnomer. Outside of his function in Goats, he’s actually getting a significant buff, particularly if you have an aggressive Lucio playstyle.

I would disagree there, they are differentiated by the fact she is hitscan and he is projectile, yes he had the better kit but she had the better weapon regardless which made them (on paper) equal.

However the point still stands regardless. If your statement is correct then the reason she has that ability is to differentiate her form a hero that no longer exists in the game, so why does she still have it.

Evidently a lot of Jet and Speed.

I can see why everyone’s been concerned about how healthy said goats are now.

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