The Devs Are Listening

For a while, I’d see multiple threads talking about the devs and how they’re not listening and/or making horrible balance changes.

Our next PTR shows the devs actually do listen to the community.

•This Torb rework is going to make him much more viable.

•Pharah is buffed for more skilled players, but nerfed for those who just play her for Pharmercy. It also helps to nerf her on console, which is something console players wanted and asked for.

•McCree got a buff for his Roll cooldown. Exactly what we’ve been asking for.

•Soldier got a buff to his damage. Not directly, but indirectly and it’s great.

•Orisa got a nice, small buff, but she feels much better at long ranges. Hopefully, it’ll keep some heroes off her back. And besides, Orisa buffs are nothing bad.

•We got more (and better) colorblind options. Something Kolorblind and many others hoped for.

•And finally, Brigitte got her shield health nerfed to 500. Something I’ve seen being asked for constantly.

The devs are listening to us, even if it doesn’t seem that way. Please, let’s have a little more faith in them.


There was actually a really well written and highly detailed thread a while back about all the changes OW devs have made over the course of the game’s lifespan and it really did detail how frequently they try to adjust and change things. At some point it just feels like people will have a few things they personally don’t like and use that to try and say that the devs never listen, ever, or that the devs don’t do anything


I am still surprised they did this – they said they wouldn’t do this in the last support balance changes, as they said her being hard to kill was a defining feature of hers.

At the same time, I am glad they did it and I wish that was what they looked at sooner instead of tacking +1 second to the bash cooldown again. It didn’t do anything, because the CD wasn’t the issue after it was 6 seconds. I think her shield health relative to its role is a big reason why her winrate is so good outside of T500.

This here specifically gives me hope that in spite of her pickrate (but not winrate) being high, Ana might get a 2nd way of self-healing. Her and McCree were in very similar situations:

  • Live McCree = low distance mobility, high cooldown, no health replenishment
  • Live Ana = low health replenishment, high cooldown (that needs to stay high because of the additional anti-heal), no mobility

Outclassed in those 2 respects combined by the entire roster. If PTR McCree is fixed, maybe the Ana fix could happen

these are all side things.
would prefer them to fix the actual game.
nothing is going to change for a good 2-3 months.



Thanks OP, I’ve been trying to point this out for a while but there are some stubborn users who see only what they want to see.

The dev team is working really hard and I personally appreciate their efforts.


Yes they are listening but they aren’t talking much which is a problem.


So do I. I mean, nothing is ever perfect and there’s nothing that will please everyone, but saying that the devs aren’t listening is an outright lie.


Doom, Sombra, winston, dva, zen/lucio and ana.

That comp destroys goats, Me and some others are experimenting with a torb/hammond aoe denial comp against it.

The recent support patch and this coming one are some of the first things since before Brigitte’s announcement that didn’t make me facepalm immediately. I’m not sure I can commend the devs overall yet, but they’re starting to turn it around with some long-awaited changes. The upcoming patch will be a major step in repairing/improving the game for me.

I suppose they finally realized that “slightly less extremely hard to kill” is still very much “hard to kill.”

I wouldn’t want to talk to a community that’s name-calling and making rude comments about every tiny little thing I do.


I hope this, but also I was thinking that them explicitly responding to an idea was their version of a hard pass.

At any rate, maybe Brigs will actually start to be punished for overextending and frontlining.

if brig wasnt already being punished for overextending and frontlining without being ulted or nanod, that is entirely your teams fault

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Well the issue was that she wasn’t supposed to be in the frontline. The devs stated they wanted her to be a backline Guardian to prevent divers and flankers from killing off backline heroes.

But people found that she’s amazing at the frontline so the devs are trying to make her go back to the backline.


point taken i guess.

brig will always be able to frontline bad players though so sip

She was never meant to be a front line hero, but that was how literally everyone was playing her because of her level of sustain. Hold hands with Reinhardt instead of actually protecting your backline.

That is what I mean by overextending.

A Brig that is encouraged to actually protect their other healer(s) is closer to the vision I think, instead of being able to just spam cooldowns on the enemy tanks because what are they gonna do about it.

:joy::joy::joy::sob::sob::sob::joy::joy::joy::sob::sob::sob::joy::joy::joy:, gr8 b8 m8, I r8 ZERO OUT OF 8.

What? I think you’re the one who’s baiting here.

For me, they’re listening to the wrong folk. I don’t care about balancing or reworks, I care about having new permanent modes that radically changes the gameplay :anguished:

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Did anybody ask for a Torbjörn nerf?