The Demon Hunter situation? šŸ¤”

Correction: See this thread. :point_down:t3:

It mayby have no obligation to follow what they said
But if devs gona just decide ā€œYou know what? We change our mind not gona give you that skinā€ now, then it will just be prove of not having any reason to trust them anymore with anything
I dont care about skin, but if devs are unable to do what they said they do (what is not hard to do, im not talking about failing attemps to implement something in game like new mechanics or modes, that can happend) then i think its clear red light for everyone.

After all, if they did it once, they can do it again. What this leads to? Making promises, that will never be true.

I really donā€™t mind what they do about the skin. But that is messed up. I already have the skin, because I always buy VTā€™s and I dont even play Sombraā€¦ but they said it will be available separately from VT in 2019. So I think itā€™s pretty unfair for those who actually waited months to get it.

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Im gonna be honest, thats just complete BS, people have waited months to be able to get the skin In-Game, and now they suddenly decided not to do it, i understand those who paid for it, but Blizzard made the promise to release it later on, if they dont want to make available for credits then make a Paid Skin at the very least