The Delete Tracer Movement

Since the game came out, Tracer’s mobility has made her far too oppressive. It’s incredibly unfun to play against a character that nobody can catch who can just stall out a point forever. It’s not fair that she can so easily slip into the backline and one clip your supports and squishies, and then easily recall out with the press of a button. Not only that, but her recall also reverses any of the damage that you did manage to get on her, often making any and all of your efforts against her in vain. This character can easily 1v6 a team with her ridiculous mobility and should be either nerfed into the ground or removed from the game!

If she is not removed from the game, I propose the following changes:

Give Tracer a critical health mechanic. When below 50 health, Tracer’s chronal accelerator becomes unstable, making her recall unavailable and increasing the cooldown on her blinks.

As compensation for this nerf in mobility, Tracer enters an adrenaline state while in critical health, which slightly speeds up her reload time. This will enable her to do more damage, since her role is as a damage dealer, after all, and give her a more exciting “risk/reward” playstyle, as a good player could opt to remain at a lower health to put out more damage.


Can we just not with these movements. I hate tracer as much as the next guy but if you really want her deleted just uninstall the game.


Oof, stop with these petty movements, and yes i’m a tracer icon defending brigitte.

The delete brigitte movement is pathetic nonsense and so is this.


And here I thought I was petty

Hashtag give me my images back


Gonna go start the #deletelasaia movement brb also #deletedoctorkid


You’re a genius! This forum is full of us support mains! All we have to do is unite together, change names to #DELETRACER, get a popular support main streamer or 2 to back this up, and the next thing you know is tracer got the biggest nerf cause apparently that’s all it takes to get a hero changed now adays.


It took them half a year to do what people asked them to do during testing.

They bring it on themselves, really. There’s no excuse for being that incompetent.

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Who’s they? i assume the developers

I do agree that they’re just feeding these people by actually listening to them, both of those brigitte nerfs are terrible.

The first one is inconsistent and the second one removes the only threat that kept people away from her, infact Xaron made a post that sums it up perfectly.

Brigitte needs some changes but the present changes sound horrible and rushed as if they gave into these delete brigitte people, which it feels like they did.

And by changes i’m referring to something like this


And heres where u guys lose like u always do LMFAO only popular support main streamer is ML7. You know how he feels about tracer? “Balanced”. Know why? He got gud and learned to AIM :slight_smile:


Oh dearie me… welcome to Exaggerations R’ Us.

So I guess Junkrat, McCree, and Brigitte never hindered her at all.

Mmm, can she? Really? Or are the enemies just bad and can’t kill her due to poor aim? She has a couple blinks and one recall. If you can’t track her down, it’s not due to her being “oppressive”. What a gross word.

She’s a flanker. That’s her role. Sombra can easily slip into the backline and kill supports too, and easily “recall” out with a button. Tracer has limited window to recall to safety. If she remains in the fray for too long, recall merely puts you into a different spot, but still in danger. One-Clipping people is a skill of the Tracer player. Not all can do it, and if they can it’s not consistent. Unless the Support just lets them kill them without a fight.

Oh my… she only has 150HP. Damage her, she recalls, watch where she was previously a bit before and you can nail her down right there. A Tracer with no recall is… in defense mode.

Zzzzzzzzz, yeah if I was in Bronze. You lost all credibility just now.

Mhm, seems you’re the reasonable type. Credibility is now in the negative. When you preface proposed changes with this stance, I personally won’t bother reading that. You make it clear that your goal, if not to remove her entirely, is to make her so ineffective and useless, that they may as well just remove her.

Get over yourself. She’s not “oppressive”. She’s the most balanced character in the game arguably.


Hey! We still have Animetic and Aria Rose.

You see, this is why you listen to testers during testing. That way your playerbase doesn’t have to be butthurt about “nerfs” because you gave them something they never should have had.

And no, I’m saying that development brings it on their community with their inability to listen and extremely questionable comprehension of the english language.

I literally do not know how anyone with a brain looks at either of these changes and is surprised by them. She was literally being played as a flanker. Like lol I just have no words for anyone who is genuinely shocked by this turn of events because it’s been a long time coming.

You remember that time Mercy got re-worked and you guys were all screaming power boost wouldn’t be enough to keep her competitive and that the devs had ruined mercy and overwatch… and then as misfortune would have it, mercy turned out to be ridiculously and disgustingly OP and broke the game for half a year?

Because yeah, I remember that.

So maybe you guys should chill with the whining since there is a lot more to Brigitte that made her a pain to deal with than the fact she could one shot combo you.

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This is so petty that instead of giving a generic “do not be that guy” talk, I am actually in support of this illustrious movement based on facts and reasoning. Great suggestions, mate.


Welp, some guy who preached “just adapt” isn’t adapting too well


Basically if you hate something, you stoop on the same level as them.
Congratulation, hypocrites. You’re no better than the one you despise.


Do people REALLY think this post is for real?


It’s the forum, it doesn’t matter how stupid the post is, I’ll believe it.

The changes are terrible from a balance standpoint and are just feeding the people with delete hashtags.

There’s all sorts of different changes they could have given her.

Another one could be making her mace only deal it’s maximum damage when aimed more towards the center of her crosshair, that way she could scale better rank wise.

Her shield bash not going through shields is completely inconsistent since all melee abilities go through shields and i already explained the problem with the damage nerf.

Remind me how direct nerfs are the same as a entire rework?

Also just look at the top posts presently and you’ll know that those healing buffs mean nothing.

Also i was never going on about the mercy rework making her underpowered in any way myself.

Yep and those problems were shield bashing reinhardt and countering characters she shouldn’t be countering such as mccree or reaper but as said above that idea would better solve the problem.

Motion to change any ongoing or future #Delete(x)Hero to the #StayFree movement.