The Competitive Bugs Megathread

didnt recieve my comp rewards either

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For better or worse, it seems like you are far from the only one. Be sure to bump other related threads such as this one: Wrong Rank Reward. And thanks for helping spread the word about this megathread.

Letā€™s start a class action lawsuit @ blizzard. Ball is in your court. At the same time I do blame Microsoft for screwing up the company more at the end of the day so letā€™s sue them too.

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As much as I find the idea appealing, I doubt us players will have much standing or chance to win such a lawsuit against a multibillion dollar company over virtual rewards. But who knows, Iā€™m sure someone in this forum is lawyer who can give us a more educated answer and Iā€™d very much love to be proven wrong.

Im on Top 500 Leaderboards combined and support, yet i didnā€™t get any top 500 rewardsā€¦ 454 support and 417 combined. Only got grandmaster rewardsā€¦

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Thanks for commenting about that, Iā€™ve put your post under: Missing Top 500 Rewards (Season 3). Any help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads would be greatly appreciated.

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Right here with you. Made multiple posts about this since Season 1. Partner and I start every season together, place together, he plays DMG, I play support, and he continuously outranks me while I am stuck in Bronze 5.

Question for you though, have you tried in Season 4 yet? Also did you play OW1 and then take a long time off playing then start in OW2? I feel like a lot of the posts regarding this issue happen after a player had a long absence.

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Didnā€™t get my rewards also.

Ended Diamond 5, it said I should get Diamond rewards.

I am now Diamond 4. Didnā€™t even give me the plat rewards. It clearly says ā€œFinal rewards rank: Diamondā€, but nothing unlocked.

I uploaded screenshots to imgur but it wonā€™t let me post images or links sadly.


I ended masters 5 but it said I ended diamond 3. My first rank update put me in masters 3.

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Same lmao. ended masters 3, started s4 diamond 1, went 5-5 and now im masters 2 and ā€œranked higher than 19% of playersā€. But yeah, diamond rewards for s3. sure blizzard. Itā€™s not even important, itā€™s just annoying and dumb. I grinded comp they canā€™t even get the few rewards comp has correct.


I was gold in everything but tank (silver tank) and didnā€™t get any rewards ???


I have noticed a bug that causes the competitive progress page to record two losses for every lost game, dont know if this is a common issue but i just noticed it on my end.

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WiddelRie: In theory, the rank decay for absent players is just a rank demotion, which means with enough games and high enough winrate, eventually you will start climbing. However, in your case, your rank remained in Bronze 5 regardless of your winrate and individual performance which leads me to believe this is the bug preventing their ranks from adjusting, something the Devs had supposedly fixed months ago but evidently havenā€™t.

Destiny: You can paste those links in the forums by adding a space in the middle of the link, or by shortening the URL using any free website.

Cardamon: How strange, your account experienced seasonal decay despite seasonal decay being removed and then experienced a five subdivision promotion on your first rerank. Taking into account the reranks from the previous season as well, Iā€™m not sure what to even make of this gameā€™s ranking system. Replacing the subdivision system with the old SR system would save us players a ton of trouble, but it seems the Devs arenā€™t planning to do that any time soonā€¦

Anhur: Itā€™s all very strange, and evidently, very bugged as well. The devs have promised to fix the bugged end-of-season rewards at least, but we need to keep pressuring them to do it, otherwise this bug will just remain unfixed just like the various incorrectly merged career statistics bugs from launch. I hope it will not come to that.

KyleeSadist: Seems like there were enough other players with that exact bug that the devs were forced to address it. Letā€™s hope they do actually address it.

AriMey: That sounds like a new bug to me. I compiled a list of other bugs regarding the match history page under: Incorrect Match History Page. Maybe you can find some helpful information in there.

I ended as a Plat 5 support, and didnā€™t get any comp rewards

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Thatā€™s unfortunate. If you would like to help in getting this issue fixed, Iā€™d encourage you to bump up posts regarding similar issues in the megathread listed under: Incorrect End Of Season Competitive Rank And Rewards (Seasons 1-3). Any help would be appreciated.

Hereā€™s a link to a video showing me staying at Bronze 5 after going 5-1. This is the most disheartening bug as it sucks all the satisfaction and reward out of playing. Reddit - Dive into anything

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Thanks for the video evidence, Iā€™ve added that under: Miscellaneous Links & Evidence. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads would be greatly appreciated as well.

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Here is link showing no reward and proof of top 500 combined

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I did not get my earned title. I have earned diamond 5 and got only platinum title. I have earned diamond twice in free choice and support role


In Season 4, I got deranked from bronze 3 to bronze 4 for dps and supp. I went 5W-2L on both DPS and supp and both got deranked to the bottom of Bronze 5

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