The Competitive Bugs Megathread

Still zero communication. It’s been pretty much a week now. :upside_down_face:

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To everyone in here who is experiencing issues with their career profiles, there is good news. Aaron Keller officially acknowledged the career profile bugs in a recent twitter reply, saying that they’re hoping to have a fix in for this in the mid season release in early September. Hopefully this is a good sign for things to come, especially if these career profile bugs end up fixing the end-of-season competitive ranks and rewards bugs too…

Link here:


Do you have the link to the official tweet? The one link provided was just him replying and thanking the community. I don’t have Twitter so I don’t know if that’s why it didn’t work for me. Lol.

This is Aaron Keller’s original tweet:

This is the Twitter reply asking about the career profile bugs:

And this is Aaron Keller’s response to the career profile bugs question:

I only saw the tweet but not his reply addressing the issue. With the way Twitter is now, it doesn’t let non users see any replies or profiles without direct links. :confused: Thank you for the effort in linking them for me. :slight_smile:

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The leaderboard for season 5 is bugged. I dropped from top 392 end of season to top 449 (so far; it’s still dropping daily) after the season was already over because of duplicate accounts on the leaderboard. At this rate, I might not be on the leaderboard anymore in a while. This is quite frustrating because I worked hard for my rank and not only did I not receive the top 500 player icon I thought was still earnable, but as icing on the cake my real final placing is also being diminished to a lower rank. This is also showing up on my career profile; not just the leaderboard.

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Yup, Top 500 leaderboards shifting after that season ended is a normal process, such as when accounts in Top 500 are merged, banned, etc. However, these are usually minor adjustments, nothing like the enormous shifts you described. To my knowledge, you won’t lose your Top 500 title if you are pushed off the leaderboard after the season ends, but if you do, please do report that as well. Hopefully the leaderboard will stabilize eventually and you won’t have to make a missing Top 500 rewards post though. I’ve also gone ahead and put your post in the megathread as well under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 5). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

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It’s not just about losing the title; it’s also about what my final rank shows on my career profile. My profile said: “Final rank: 392; Season high: 392” after the season ended. Now it says: “Final rank: 449; Season high: 392”. That’s not a correct or fair reflection of the rank I actually achieved. Sadly I only have a screenshot of when I was rank 438 on the leaderboard. I took the screenshot because I was so perplexed that my rank had changed so much after the season had ended.

This can’t be a normal process. There are dozens of duplicate players on the leaderboards. By duplicate I mean the same exact account showing up a second time 1 rank below the first time. Why would there be even a single duplicate? Makes no sense.

I counted the duplicate accounts that are above me on my leaderboard (tank role, Americas region) to see if it explains my current drop of 57 ranks, and there are exactly 37 duplicates: 2 Luka’s, 2 Cee’s, 2 Axure’s, 2 Bananaman’s, 2 Bug6worm54’s, 2 Ajax’s, 2 Kindred’s, 2 Azali’s, 2 Demitri’s, 2 Light’s, 2 Hysteria’s, 2 Rodrigo5d’s, 2 Carn’s, 2 Cyx’s, 2 Metalysis’s, 2 Cyn’s, 2 Aquatic’s, 2 Faded’s, 2 Solo’s, 2 Hawks, 2 Tevetron’s, 2 Greetings, 2 Getquakedon’s, 2 Zarbua’s, 2 Chaseyy’s, 2 Subfarts, 2 Remy’s, 2 Cat’s, 2 YYUIO’s, 2 Leo’s, 2 Farzan’s, 2 Anchor’s, 2 Bless’s, 2 Infectious’s, 2 Maranata’s, 2 LHCloudy’s, 2 Salt’s.

There’s no way these accounts have all been merged or banned. Many of them are known players.

37 duplicates would mean I should be at least (37/2 = 18.5, so) 18 or 19 ranks higher as my final rank. That still doesn’t explain the full drop of 57 ranks.

Below me, there are at least 3 more duplicates: 2 Ike’s, 2 Garchomps and 2 Ohprojects. And the leaderboard ends at rank 493, not 500. Is that normal? Europe’s and Asia’s leaderboards also don’t have the full 500 players but end at 488 and 481 respectively in the tank role.

I retweeted Poubelle’s tweet linking this megathread to Aaron Keller.

And I made a separate thread about this issue, linking this megathread: Season 5 leaderboard bugged (dozens of duplicate accounts)

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The competitive player titles are also bugged again.

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Agreed, the fact your career profile displays your bugged final placement is a serious issue. I’ve also noticed that the duplicated Top 500 accounts bug has affected all Top 500 leaderboards, even as far back as Season 36, which I’ve compiled a list of screenshots for in my megathread. But interestingly, the total number of Top 500 accounts has remained the same, which implies that those positions were not truly replaced.

As for how many players should be on the leaderboards, I don’t think there has ever been a single season where there were exactly 500 players on the leaderboard, there is usually around 10 positions missing. The only exception to this is of course the Top 500 leaderboard for season 36 open queue PC, which is missing about 250 positions.

I’ve also gone ahead and linked your new post about the duplicated Top 500 accounts to the megathread under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 5). And thank you for helping to bring awareness to this thread, I appreciate it greatly.

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To keep the thread bumped I’ll say my final rank somehow still keeps rising. My final rank said 449 yesterday. Today it says 452. How is that possible? Where will it end?

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There seems to be multiple bugs with the Top 500 leaderboards currently. For Season 36 Open Queue PC Americas, there were only around 250 players whereas now there are around 320 players, which is likely due to the duplication bug. I do suppose that your rank rising instead of falling is a good thing as its going closer to what your true final rank was, but do keep monitoring the leaderboards for more changes.

What a hot mess this is.


Always has been, always is, always will be…

Disappointed to be bumping this thread yet again. I know I only placed in bronze, but I still deserve the rewards I earned. :frowning:

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As we all do, pyroserotiny…

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I opened a support ticket for it a while ago and it was deleted, then I made a new one a week or two ago and they told me that “no such bug exists”
Then when I told them about the thread they told me basically “actually yes but we don’t know anything about people who still didn’t get their rewards after the fix”
…yes you do, you just ignore them as usual

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Unfortunately, that is rather typical customer support behavior. It’s truly baffling how little customer support is capable of and, in many cases, how they can actively worsen the issues they exist to solve. Case and point, the several large bug threads I have listed that are mysteriously hidden or the several thousand players who were given account punishment for opening support tickets, something I can personally attest to. At this point, the only hope we have in fixing these issues is to keep bumping up these issues so that the devs can notice them and fix them, because customer support will certainly not be helpful…

I really don’t want to deal with this, but I notice this thread bumped daily and I just wanted to address it real quick.

First, I just want you to know that I understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. I understand that it seems like a great, helpful idea to compile all the issues in one place for some higher power to see. However, this isn’t how Blizzard wants your help. I am not a Blizzard employee, but I wanted to let you know that you are violating several forum guidelines. This is likely why you keep receiving punitive action on your account.

I’m starting with this one because this is where this thread is at rn, tbh. It’s honestly at a point of "Calling Blizzard incompetent everyday till they fix my stuff: Day 499 sick dab "

Your thread technically has a clear topic, but here’s the problem with that topic:

You are literally in direct opposition of what Blizzard has asked of you. You don’t understand how their system works. It could be counting individual reports with similar names. By creating a hub on their forum for these reports, you could actually be harming your own cause.

The following are from the Blizzard Forum Code of Conduct and apply to all blizzard forums, while some of these may not be listed on Bug Report Guidelines.

"Harassing or Defamatory [Language]

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

→ Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
→ Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people"

Again, you pretty consistently insult Blizz.

"Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

→ Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
→ Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
→ Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
→ Making non-constructive posts
→ Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
→ Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

→ Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

→ Creating threads about existing topics
→ Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

→ Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Cross Linking Threads

This category includes:

→ Linking to threads from other forums
→ Creating threads with the sole purpose of linking another post

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

→ Be given a temporary ban from the forums"

Yea. I don’t think I need to tell you how your thread that is literally about compiling/cross-linking threads violates the rule about that exact thing. Again, I’m only replying in order to inform you of these violations.

"Discussing Disciplinary Actions

This category includes:

→ Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
→ Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

→ Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

If you have questions or concerns:

Submit a Support Ticket

Circumventing a Suspension / Ban

This category includes:

→ Posting on another account
→ Having someone post on your behalf

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

→ Be permanently banned from posting on the forums"

Yea… I haven’t read the entire thread, but do recall you posting about this at some point.


→ Repeatedly violating any area of the Blizzard Terms of Use or Forum Code of Conduct, including the areas detailed above, will often result in permanent banishment from the forums.
→ This policy is not language-restrictive. Language that falls under this policy will always be subject to the repercussions listed, whether it is inappropriate in English or any other language."

I’m responding to you, not because I don’t want you to do this, but because I don’t want you to get permabanned from the forum in case you weren’t aware that you were violating these guidelines.

I suggest you try a different platform to accrue support for your cause.


Good points above. “Megathread” is more work to read through.