Top 500 Season 0 Leaderboard Bug

The same thing is happening to me now. I was rank 392 end of season but now I am getting bumped down daily and I’m already at 449. A serious difference. The reason is that many players are double on the leaderboard and it is not alt accounts but the same account showing up twice. For instance the player ‘Cee’ is rank 59 and 60 in Americas region season 5. For some it shows their player name twice, and for others it shows it only for the top one and the bottom one is blank but you can see it is the same profile; also when you click their profile. The weird thing is that if I click the rank 59 Cee it shows rank 59 on their profile for season 5, and if I click the rank 60 Cee it shows rank 60 on their profile, but otherwise it is the exact same profile/account.

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