I sincerely believe that this game is in its death throws. The community is toxic, no one wants to work as a team in a game that is literally based on the concept of teamwork. Players are saying screw comps and working together and just playing whatever they want and not changing or trying to adapt to the situations. Competitive mode is a joke at this point on par with quick play in terms of toxic behavior. The players you run into in this game are almost worse than dealing with the children playing Fortnite. And in my opinion the players and community embracing this behavior and disrespecting everything the game stands for and was created for is what is killing this game.
Well League of Legends community is toxic, yet game is still alive.
Sounds like Customer Support needs to heavily police the game more and begin banning throwers, smurfs, toxic people, etc.
But sadly they won’t because MONEY!
The community is a big part of it.
Game health and communication is another.
We can’t completely stop toxicity. We can get them banned, but then they make another account… We can teach people what is right and what is wrong, but chances are, they already know and will not change.
I mean, banning gets them more money also. Banned players got to buy a new account.
Problem is, what constitutes a thrower?
How do you diferenciate a genuine player that sucks, and a player that plays bad on purpose?
Smurfing isn’t really against the rules, sadly.
Toxic people do have action taken against. But, once again, buy new account and repeat.
You are correct with all of your points except it isn’t the community that is “killing this game”…the choices that the designers make and their technical limitations are bringing out the toxicity within the player base. There are steps the DEVS could take to substantially reduce toxicity but it would require a rework of many systems and there may be technical limitations that prevent certain things. The answer lies within changing the game and its systems…the answer is not trying to shame 10+ million players to be nicer because that wont happen.
Laziness and selfishness are destroying the community.
Id say make Death Match permanent and polish it, that way one trickers and people that only do dps because they want to kill can go there.
The community is trash because the game is increasingly frustrating to play. There are so many options that could be implemented to reduce this frustration, but they either come too late or not at all. Why isn’t there role queue for competitive so that people can actually play the hero they want to play? Why not make the most popular arcade modes permanent? Why not make new game modes that aren’t just variations of QP/Competitive?
Oh well.
This is true. Blizzard was massively naive if they ever thought their concept would work when putting groups of random strangers together. My guess is they had OWL in mind the entire time, because the basic concept of OW does not work for the average person.
I agree with everything you said and I add: the blizzard lets it all happen, it could annoy the reports instead of letting toxic players go unpunished for a long time and also do not allow fake troll or toxic group reports, it could do away with the nescessity to win matches to win the match in the arcade and competitive points, and in the case of the latter we should also win in other modes of play, could give gold per game played, but does nothing and will only try to do is in harm
Toxicity is a big problem, but its not whats killing the game in my opinion, you can’t remove toxicity in competitive games, why? Because losing generates frustration and stress and people like to relief themselves by blaming others, it’s part of being a human, we love competitions but we hate losing. The game itself has a lot of flaws right now, and honestly, I would love Overwatch classic at this point, even when Bastion was op as hell.
ive been saying for a looong time that the majority of the issues with this game are really just people problems and not game problems…so im inclined to agree
what causes this is the impunity or lack of character of the person, myself losing or getting angry is not toxic, but sometimes I am “tempted to be” for suffering toxicity, but I control, not by believing in punishment, but by the same character, now if for me it is difficult, imagine for a bad character how easy it is to be toxic without worrying
Change your mind. Ok. The community isn’t responsible for what the devs do or more importantly do not do for this game. You can claim the OW community sways them in good or bad ways. But no, no matter what the shortcomings in OW from balance, lack of features, lack of modes, lack of growth, still no true pve content, and more all on the devs. Poor management is the issue with the game. It always has been.
The Community AND the Devs are killing this game
Change my mind
Yes, they are people problems. But they don’t need to be.
The biggest one is the stress of picking heroes and somehow getting other teammates to pick decent team comps.
That could be so much simpler.
âś… [Role Select] Finalizing this concept
Heck, another “people problem”, is it would be nice to have an in-game interface to write/read/edit notes about someone you friended, with a quick interface for you to mark what heroes you think they are good at.
You could build a stockpile of friends and friendly acquaintances to build your games around.
But you can’t even write/read a note, without alt+tabbing out to the battlenet, or alt+tabbing to a spreadsheet.
i wouldnt mind a role select…but i also know that its going to create all new issues (many of which im sure are all over the replies in that thread)…pretty sure we’ll end up right back where we are: arguing about comps being messed up
Well yeah, you’d get 2 offtanks, or healers that won’t heal.
But that’s why the flex roles can fill in the gaps, vote to unlock roles, and move Mei to the Tank Role, because she’s secretly the next best thing if you don’t have a main tank. (I.e., create space, stall objectives, block attacks/Ults, facilitate kills for other dps, high self sustain).
Or if your DPS can’t cut it with damage, there’s a lot of offtank/healer options that can supplement damage.
Would it be perfect? Nah.
Would it be about as good as you can get it, given human nature? Yeah probably.
No the slow balance and lack of meaningful updates are killing the game.