The Code of Conduct is Fine

Continuing the discussion from I can't defend silencing:

People are complaining about the devs’ definition of useful feedback but I have enough to work with.

It feels bad when I play as Reinhardt as Brigitte always shuts me down. We both need to get in close to be effective, but she has a lot more control over her close range space than he does. Maybe this wouldn’t be such an issue if I didn’t have to face not only Brigitte, but the full off-tank that the enemy team also has. I think Reinhardt should pose a bigger threat to Brigitte than he does currently in team settings, or that there should be more ranged tanks available to me (I volunteer Junkrat to be reworked into one) to swap to so I can keep my distance without leaving my teammates without a tank.

It feels bad when I play as most heroes as Mercy’s ultimate, Valkyrie, always shuts me down. I don’t think it’s fair that her ultimate removes Mercy’s main weakness, her vulnerability, and for such an extended time too. I would prefer it if Mercy’s ultimate was higher risk, with a higher reward too, of course. That would force Mercy players to make attempts at more punishing plays, and create a more thrilling experience on both sides.

It feels bad when I play as Junkrat as competent players always shut me down. Once players understand how to counter Junkrat’s spam, there is very little I can do to make it more effective. I think that the grenades should focus more on doing cleave damage against multiple targets (and less damage to single targets) to encourage Junkrat players to plan out their area denial and go for high impact grenade placement instead of discouraging enemy players from areas by the “threat” of them getting hit by direct hits randomly bouncing into them, doing extremely unforgiving damage very quickly with little effort or control by the Junkrat player.

(No “blue” text from here on out because I don’t know how to without making a new thread everytime, so I’m just going to copy and paste my quotes from here on out and add quotation marks. All quotes are taken from the same post.)

“I feel that [char1] has been overly nerfed, and that [suggestion] would be more fun.”

I feel that Bastion has been overly nerfed, and I think that making his damage more precise but lower (to make him more anti-mobility, less anti-tank) and/adding additional abilities to his arsenal so he provides more value to his team and is more versatile would be more fun.

I feel that Roadhog had been overly nerfed with his damage decrease, and requires more compensatory buffs. His kit is a blast to play with, but he just doesn’t provide enough value to his team to be worth picking, especially because he feeds even more than ever. I think that giving him a passive that reduces how much ultimate charge enemies get from him would be more fun, especially for teammates because they usually can’t E their way through ultimates like he can, so they’re the ones who get punished for my feeding.

I feel that Junkrat has been overly nerfed with the grenade projectile size decrease, if it had the intended effect of making Junkrat plays require better prediction skills than it has clearly failed to do so because his effectiveness has plummeted in the ranks with skilled players who theoretically would be unaffected, but he’s still as strong as ever in the lowest ranks. I think that making the grenades shrink from 0.3 to 0.2 after/when they bounce, or reverting the nerf entirely would be more fun. I also think that there is a second solution: making the grenades and splash damage more generous, but nerfing the damage so the grenades are more reliable and less punishing for enemies, but I’m repeating myself at this point.

“I really like [char1]! They feel powerful, however sometimes I feel too powerful because of [ability].”

I really like Junkrat (as you’ve probably guessed by now). He feels powerful when bugs aren’t getting in the way, but sometimes I feel too powerful because of all the free kills I can get by spamming (I’m a bronze player so I fall into the “spam is king” zone). I think that Junkrat’s spam should require more effort to achieve it’s full potential, instead of getting worse as the Junkrat player get’s better (and as a result faces off against more skilled players).

TDLR: The code of conduct is fair, the examples for productive feedback have been helpful and I wish there was more, and Junkrat should be a cleave damage ranged tank.