The Casters: "It would be hilarious if Mercy got banned"

As the hero usage was shown right now as they find out who is banned this week, the OWL casters snickered at the fact that Mercy was even a possibility, joking about “her impact” and saying “It would be hilarious if Mercy got banned” because they’re fully aware that she’s the least picked and least impactful support in OWL…

and she just got banned.

Great system guys! Ana with her near 100% pickrate remains in the pool yet again!

Just for reference, these are the support stats from OWL so far:

Overall OWL hero pickrate (8.2.2020 - 19.4.2020)


Lucio: 62.5 %
Ana: 41.4 %
Moira: 28.7 %
Baptiste: 21.9 %
Brigitte: 19.4 %
Zenyatta: 19.0 %
Mercy: 7.1 %


Pharah: 5.8 %
Ashe: 1.4 %
1.4 + 5.8 = 7.2 %…interesting

But yeah, Mercy was really dominating and shaping the meta !!

OWL pro making fun of the fact that Hog and Mercy were eligible for bans from pickrates in “high ranked competitive play” LUL


I laughed when it was revealed but really on the inside I was crying

Don’t worry though - ana and lucio will come next I’m sure of it


It’s almost as if hero bans are an utterly stupid and pointless feature that only appease an extremely small minority of the playerbase.


Nah next week Bap or Zen will be banned :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I agree with hero bans in OWL only, as they make it better to watch as teams can’t just dominate on the one true comp of the time.

They should not be in ranked.

And therefore the OWL only hero bans should only be using OWL stats to select them.


Agreed, or just make them apply in GM only on ladder and still be based only on OWL pickrates, though, so pros can practice on ladder in GM.

No reason for them to be in masters and below. And no reason to base them off of ladder pickrates where people often pick for fun>meta and teams lack coordination to make meta work a lot of the time, even in GM it can be iffy


Even in gm is there even a reason to ban a hero being used outside of severe balance issues? Honestly this has gotten so ridiculous what’s even the point?


I mean Bap is technically meta with Zen in bunker whenever Rein is banned. But yeah Ana and Lucio and Brig are the only real meta impacting supports rn.

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Bap should have situations when he’s a better pick over Ana. That’s healthy.

It shouldn’t take banning heroes being played to exist though. Why even bother at that point?


Wait, but according to you, Lucio has an even higher pickrate than Ana. Why isn’t anyone complaining about this?

Could it be because pickrate doesn’t matter and the forums only complain about heroes they don’t like?



The pickrates they do bans off of are also based on GM pickrates, of which Ana is the most picked hero in the game for both this week and the entire month.

this week:

this month:

…I do like Ana? She’s my second main? I have almost 200 hours on her and have an Ana only account where I literally only play her in comp?



Can we stop using overbuff for our arguments please!?

It’s misleading and inaccurate.

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What would you prefer we use?


Pros complained that they can’t practice OWL hero pools on ladder because they were different.

Yet another example of the pros getting what they want.


I was going off of the pickrates you showed. In which Lucio is above Ana.

I understand how they do the bans, but I was talking about how in general whenever a hero has a high pickrate, everyone clamors for a nerf or something dumb.

Again, according to you

Isn’t Lucio at a higher pickrate than Ana here? If so, and I’m not reading this incorrectly, there should be tons of threads talking about how lucio is suddenly OP.


I would prefer people use information that was accurate. Or not at all.

Overbuff is about as misleading as it gets.

Yes, he is, and like I said the bans are about the last 2 weeks of OWL and GM, of which Ana is overall the most picked support in the game between the 2 by far.

And yet she hasn’t been banned by this pickrate-based system yet (neither has Lucio l o l)

It seems like the system isn’t working as intended


Like I’m a big fan of Ana, but this is getting out of hand. It’s like they WANT people to complain enough about Ana to get her unjustly nerfed, so that the target can move to Moira again or something



Honestly, I would be super upset if they nerf Ana instead of buffing other supports a bit.

Ana is fun and impactful and the baseline of how a support should feel and play. If they gut her nade or healing instead of buffing Mercy/Bap I’ll be so sad for Ana players everywhere

Making all supports mediocre and umimpactful is not how you make people want to play the role/heroes.


Lucio will never be cried about because you never notice him there

Despite being meta the longest in the game
Despite being one of-if not the BEST heroes in the game
Hell, Despite having above average winrates in EVERY SINGLE RANK

Lucio is fine

The fact that Lucio is the ONLY meta hero in the entire history of the game to actually be BUFFED WHILE meta and no-one really cared kind of shows the bias people have.

Everything Lucio does is passive; He doesn’t have big flashy moments like Ana or Baptiste where you can actually SEE what they do. They land a Grenade or the perfect Immortality Field, you instantly see the result. Your team died because Lucio used Speed Boost making them faster and harder to hit? Too passive to notice

I mean the fact people are asking for Zen buffs, despite being in almost the same position as Lucio other than pickrates currently, kind of shows where people pay the most attention