A support patch is coming OMG

Hmm let me see

let me see

A incredibly restrictive utility on a 30 sec cooldown (that is very powerful)

a kit that solely relies on their teammates to function.

The fact that their are now heroes better fitted for dives then mercy is.

And outside of that she is best played on open points that allow your team to spread out, so she can reposition to various high grounds with ease. So she can safely escape and rez without much interference.

your pick on which aspect is keeping her from being meta especially when you consider that all the main healers had their overall healing brought closer to mercy’s output.

Like balancing isn’t tide solely to that number as much as people think it is.

Not from my observations. Sure there are times they pocket but very often they are bouncing from heal target to target as well.

It is all dependent on situation. Which makes your statement of “only pocket” wrong.

I hope no. Blizzard doesn’t really like to give back what they did. I hope for the ability to perform several tasks at the same time (and not be a suction cup for one) and possibly add some kind of bonus (for example + speed for pocketed people)

We had this same argument a while back and we still ended up with the same conclusion. In all high elo and pro games, Mercy is almost always used to pocket one or two heroes; usually an Ashe or Pharah. This is not a team comp nor is it a synergy. This just proves that she’s a pocket bot.


^^^^ exactly mercy needs 60hps if she’s ever going to be a viable main healing alternative to Ana / moira cus with 50hps she’s basically a pocket bot for a pharra or ashe in high level play.


Flashback to one of Ryan’s threads:

Coincidence? Lmao.


I think it would be 5 x 65 or 325 HPS. Moira isn’t healing herself with M1 :wink:

new balance changes on Brig (when Blizzard really thinks about buffing her as a support) :

  • stunning herself when she use her shield bash, …twice as long as her target (even if she miss),
  • Now she must recover her mass by handpulling on the chain during 3 sec after each whipshot
  • Enemies can grab her armor kits and take advantage of them if they are in the way
  • she receives a cape with “kick me” written on it
  • when she uses her ultimate, the size of her hitbox head is multiplied by 4, and a big red arrow flashes in the air above her head
  • her armor kit receives 1% more healing, in return her cooldown goes to 4min59 and she only has one charge instead of 3
  • Supply of an empty 2-liter bottle with the words “support tears: drinking this potion increases the sense of humor of Brig players by 500%”.

I hope they rework Moira and everyone that hates her gets excited but then it turns into Moth Meta Redux and everyone loses their minds. I want it SO bad.


What? Nano 1.0 was dumb AF OP. It deserved that nerf. Ana was also buffed with a larger clip size. She wasn’t wrecked, just received minor adjustments.

Yeah ok not arguing this point.

British accent
Please sir, can I have some more?

They didn’t nerf nano alone, they nerfed her damage and grenade also. Combine that with the Mercy rework and the introductions of Brig/Moira and Ana was statistically one of the worst supports for a very long portion of time.

Things finally started changing when they gave her not one but like three different buffs. The buff to her ammo size, the buff that allowed shots to go through allies and a buff for nano to heal.

This isn’t even taking into account how much Mercy and Brig had to be nerfed to even make Ana attractive again. She was literally wrecked and bad for a long period of time.


she does though lmao?

Talk about cherry-picking…

Work on your reading comprehension.

“Ward off” does not equal “free meal”. Moira should have an advantage if a flanker initiates without proper preparation or assistance because it is her job to protect her team’s backline from flankers.

That means engaging her team’s backline either after softening her up enough you can blow her up with a dash combo, or going in with a d.va or monkey to tank for you.

Your average flanker-rager who posts with indignance about Moira on here are complaining that they can’t 1v1 her.

The bad news for them is that this is a team game. Genji and Tracer should NOT always (important distinction there) be able to go in and destroy the other team’s supports by themselves whenever they feel like it. Everyone else in the game has decisions to make first, and risks to assess before they do things and the flankers are no different.

The problem is that when the game was released all flanker mains got used to NOT having to make decisions and assess risk before going in to munch on your supports because there was no hero in the game who could effectively protect supports from them without effectively throwing the game when they babysat the healers (monkey and d.va should be on the front line. Not sitting in the back)

They got used to that natural advantage and they want “the good old days” back where they could just spawn, flank, and go in the moment they saw a support and expect to get value.

You can’t do that anymore.

You should not be able to do that. Going in should have elements of risk that you have to weigh against your resources and skill. You should have to use shuriken to harass the supports for a bit before you commit. You should have to coordinate a dive with your team so that your monkey or d.va goes in with you to target their supports.

You should have to play as a part of a team.

That is why moira is important to the game as designed.

That’s why she needs to have the advantage when a bad flanker-main with delusions of soloing both enemy supports with zero resistance to his 1337-naruto-skillz goes in while she has her orb off CD and full health.

That flanker should fail unless Moira makes a mistake because the idea of a dive with that little prep and planning being successful does not belong in Overwatch.


Mercy should remain a throw pick till they bring back mass Rez.

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Moira does not “ward off” Genji is a free meal to her, whether she engages on him or he engages on her, she flat out hard counters him. Now that she may not counter him just by virtue of existing people are losing their minds.

Kinda like how Moira removes all positioning and decision making with her forgiving mechanics? Hmmm…

Lol, again exactly why people shudder at the thought of Moira not having a truck sized hitbox. No free meals, for anyone. The devs should have changed her a long time ago.

I can’t believe it’s been nearly two years of this mess. I actually became a Mercy main after 1.27 because I was so sick of being destroyed on Pharah, thinking it was our healers being the problem. Turns out it was the deathball/rush comp just as you state (not necessarily lack of effective Mercy pocketing)

No thank you. I liked mass rez, but reworked Mercy is much healthier for the game. The only benefit of mass rez was to discourage ult stacking which is so dominant in 2cp.

Current Mercy reduces the power of one shots with a Rez every 30 seconds, and Valkyrie is a much more balanced ultimate that brings a lot more consistent value than mass rez.

All Mercy needs is 60hps, a slight % nerf to damage boost and she’ll be perfectly balanced.


Some people might be, and they can be safely ignored.

When I play Moira and a genji comes around, he’s only a free meal if, like I said, he commits to an assassination without proper preperation.

No shuriken harassment to force out healing orbs or M2 healing (moving me closer to the front line). No accompanying dive-tank. No teamwork. Just genji, without a blade, expecting to kill me on his own when Moira was built to prevent exactly what he’s trying to do.

Only dumb genji’s are a free meal and you refuse to accept that there is a distinction for some reason.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter what I think. Moira is getting nerfed. I just hope they don’t dumpster her to appease people like you who seemingly want genji to not have any counters anywhere at any time.


I’m not a Genji player and I don’t have an inordinate amount of trouble killing him without a truck sized hitbox. If I’m on Zarya and Genji comes in range he’s going to die just by virtue of me having a beam weapon that he can’t deflect.

If Moira had a Zarya sized hitbox it would be the same situation, it would not be the same situation for people who can’t track and want a crutch. Those are the people who are crying and handwringing about this change. And I would be willing to bet they’re not even going to make it as small as Zarya/Sym, it will still be forgiving.

Genji has never been this omega level threat you people make him out to be. Only to bad players so I’m not surprised when those same players are acting like he’ll be some unstoppable force if they can’t hard counter him.

They’re gonna nerf Brig into the ground and give Ana a completely inconsequential slap on the wrist. Mercy and Baptiste will be completely untouched. Zen will get cosmetic bug fix.

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