The Case For Universal Health Regeneration

This video goes over the reasons this could be a good change. It’s very in depth with analogies like the benefits of removing a tank to free the role from op synergies that existed between two tanks.


DPS/Tanks would benefit from not feeling held hostage by dps-supports like TikTok Moira or reddit Lucio.

These support heroes can live thier fantasy as more offensive dps/support without feeling as frustrating to play with.


I would be ok with this as long as the regen rate is worse than current shield health and shield health is buffed to compensate.

I don’t want another “overhealth” situation where heroes associated with shield health get straight up nerfed for no reason the way Sombra and Brig got nerfed with introduction of generic green overhealth.


I agree, passive out-of-combat regen with no over-health would be very positive for all of the roles. Even heal-bots and health packs would still have a place because the regen is only for out-of-combat.


This is a horrible idea in overwatch’s sandbox. Sure it sounds nice to not depend on healers or health packs exclusively for heals, but when u think how hp regen will effect characters like sombra, tracer, ball who with there mobility & kit will be far too hard to kill. Or even your mercy pocketed pharah getting regen on top of it. There is alot of mobility in overwatch and lots of shield and cover even “out of combat regen” would be far to easy to obtain to secure a kill. With regen fights and holds would drag out forever without depending more on deticated heals.


Love how supports getting social media names attached to them. Next Twitter Brig?


If you get shot or shoot something, your regen stops until you haven’t been shot or used an offensive ability for ten seconds. In this regard, the heroes you mention would get no added benefit other than being able to (optionally) ignore health packs between team-fights.


All those characters would be full hp via healthpack already because the regen would presumably be super slow and take a bit of not taking damage to activate.

This really only applies to non-mobile heroes with less sustain options. The heroes you picked that would benefit the most actually are already more self-sufficient.


I edited to cover out of combat regen. Still far too easy to get out of combat on many of the already more annoying characters, i.e. a well positioned widow, tracer, genji, ball, sombra, reaper port, pharah, doom, and list goes on. Damage would have to have a massive increase to compensate then ttk would drop and it just would not be good.

I kind if see your point, but at the same time, once they are damaged and need healing, they are essentially out of the fight for 10 seconds unless they get healed or find a health pack.


Why? TTK is only relevant in-combat. Out of combat regen isn’t like having a mini lúcio on you all the time.


Universal health regen is a terrible idea.

Some people have been complaining that OW2 is just deathmatch with no teamwork and universal regen would actually make that real.

No thanks. I’ll keep my team oriented game. If I want a deathmatch shooter with abilities I’ll play Apex or Valorant

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Obvious answer. Securing a kill will be much harder. So doing poke dmg to an annoying widow across map or dmging a tracer burning her cds puts them in a bad situation currently to reposition or get to help. But now they can just hid a bit then resume w/o the need of help. Would need more dmg to secure kills or else many fights & choke point will be much much harder


To be clear it would be a lower hps out of combat regen similar to what supports have. I think we all pretty much agree that the change has been great for the support role. Not feeling the need to constantly heal their other support has created more room for play making. If this was extended to dps with no self heal it would maybe have a similar effect.

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Say it with me…no more power creep…

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I don’t like to compare, because OW is it’s own game and doesn’t have to copy anyone but Paladins has a notoriously long TTK even without the passive regen and it works really well. The passive regen just allows players to stay closer to the frontline instead of waiting behind a building all day for the support to arrive when they respawn.

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If they are just hiding in a spot nearby waiting for regen to kick in, wouldn’t it actually be easier to secure that kill than if they reposition or run to the healer?

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WHOA there little buddy!!!

We can’t be buffing other roles to comparable levels of power as the support role.

That would be game breaking. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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this place is 99% biased 1-trick support players that suck at shooters & their own role .

they’re delusional as hell , but that’s what happens when you play the most broken easiest role in the game designed to be coddled and carried , while also being a dps 2.0 at the same time. you get in an inflated ego even though you play less than half the game :skull:

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:point_up_2: I bet this guy is a riot to play with, lol.


No. For example widow on the back wall 1st point junkertown defending team. Lets say u get her down one shot with a attacking soldier or mcree. Before, heals would have to leave the the tank or other closer defenders or widow would need to go to a healer or pack wich is futher away & loses that strong position and higher chance of death going TOO heals. OR killing other dps /tank while heals left to help the widow. With regen she can simply go around a corner for a bit then resume attacking. Some other characters hp would start regening simply in their normal retreats like ball or tracer without having to go to a pack wich could be taken or covered and healers would not need to leave a tank or slower front line to try to help the weakend moble or hard to reach team mates making time to kill longer for ALL players in the game