The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

The pros are paid to win. They have to play the most op characters if they want to or not, as we saw in the Mercy meta. So, if mass rez was op, why didn’t they pick her?


its a different game entirely when you’re talking about low ranks, mid ranks, high ranks, and above

at some levels mass rez could have been considered op

The game isn’t balanced for low ranks. It’s balanced for people who know how to play well, and people who know how to play well can counter mass rez quite easily.

I guess you could say mass rez was both overpowered and garbage

The definition of broken~

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factually you are wrong

mercy had massrez and was trash tier for the longest time.

Saying you SEE it as overpowered doesnt mean it is



Factually, mass rez wasn’t overpowered or garbage. Players could use it well or badly. Enemies could counter it or they could play badly.

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Megadodo was replying to the statement that ‘‘nobody belives this’’

People do believe it

So what Megadodo was saying is indeed fact

Incidentally its funny how peeved people are getting over Megadodo’s factually gimmick, they’re really just doing what many of these Mercy threads do where they claim that the majority don’t like this that and those

I’ve yet to see Megadodo use the word factually incorrectly


I think the point is Megododo can take things too literally sometimes. I agree with many things they say, but I have to be honest.

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I didnt say he was wrong to use factually

of course many like him believe what they do.

But the belief that it was overpowered is wrong. If Mercy was OP when she had Massrez , she would have been used much more in higher ranks,

This is something that the mercy rework has proven.



I can’t really think of something being overpowered in low-mid ranks being OP in high ranks and vice versa tbh

Of course everything including mass rez has counters and whatnot but can the majority of the playerbase reliably and consistently do those counters?

the main issue ,actual issue i saw was that Massrez was abused for SR gain.

Actually letting people die to get a massrez

this is something they should have solved FIRST before doing a rework
Tweaking or nerfing or change massrez is also something they should have done first

Its also a fact they had to buff mercy several times because she was so bad.

And only on the final buff did they go too far.

Mercy should never have gotten invincibility during rez
But she got that buff because she was like Phara,she DIED ALWAYS (or often) during rez.

I think if they had done damage reduction in stead,with maybe a small cast time (0.5 sec) a lot of headaches could have been spared.

But Blizz too often uses the sledgehammer in stead of the scalpel


that was one of the issues

another is that they just didn’t like the idea and tactic of people hiding and then swooping in to rez

Its weird how much people want their hero to be bad just for mass rez

Like I think Mercy is the only hero I’ve seen people legit want their hero to be completely unviable outside of bronze while other heroes like Bastion want to at least be good in Silver

Factually, what I stated was marked by the words used in the statement as an opinion.

I stand by my opinion

I wouldn’t call Mercy OP but Mass Rez was absolutely an unhealthy mechanic that needed to go away.


I do not agree that my belief that Mercy with massrez was overpowered was/is wrong

It is an opinion.

The power level of a given character is a judgement call - ie there is no single measuring stick we can hold up to each character to say this guy is x and this guy is y and x > y

A judgement is made.

In my judgement, Mercy with mass rez was overpowered

It comes as no surprise that others judge it differently, as human beings value things differently

I personally do not see that the Mercy rework proved any such thing

mercy may have been weaker then she is now but she was more rewarding to play

She felt more like a hero

take a way genji’s dragonblade and give him just enhanced abilites and see how many people will complain

6 shurikens , triple or quadruple jump ,maybe small speed increase.

This is what the mercy rework is now

You do the same things you were already doing,but slightly easier because of chain beams and flight.

And hide and rez is now MANDATORY. You can try a risky rez but usually its best to hide or wait.

There is also no choice between tempo rez and mass rez which was the true power of old mercy. Is knowing when to rez. This tool has been taken away.

Now you just rez when you can and get the counter going.

Factually, what I stated was marked by the words used in the statement as an opinion.

I stand by my opinion

factually your sentence was not wrong,but your opinion was.

I can have the opinion the earth is flat,does not make it so.

I wouldn’t call Mercy OP but Mass Rez was absolutely an unhealthy mechanic that needed to go away.

That’s debatable but i accept this viewpoint

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Probably not exactly what you said but that it was done with the tact of a ballerina hippopotamus. You likely irked everyone. That and the forum ban is typically automated and subsequently has no subjective sense to tell the difference.

I thorughly cannot comprehend why people keep making posts about how vanilla Mercy was OP when…

Mercy was considered UP first few seasons vs Lucio especially.
Mercy was considered VERY UP when Ana was introduced

Mercy was considered “throwing” when group rez still existed prior to OWL. Was told to switch off to Ana because Mercy is trash.

BUT THEN… all of a sudden… Mercy is OP? Because of OWL? Because “pros” spoke about Rez??? Uh…

Only time Mercy was definitely OP was when Valkyrie came into existence for awhile.


Factually, it is not mandatory.

I have successfully rezzed in mid-teamfight many times. One can choose to make it mandatory for themselves, as an arbitrary rule applied only to one’s self, but it is not a game-imposed rule

My opinion is based on my valuation of mass rez in the game. My valuation is personal to me, and as such, it is (factually) not wrong. That said, neither is yours, albeit it should be stated as an opinion, not as a fact


But in this example, this is something that can be measured (shape) and as such, this example doesnt apply to what is being discussed

Well, the one you’re replying to DOES refer to this entire board as “a circle jerk of support and tank mains” multiple times, so…