The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

I’ve lost count about how many times I have been suspended for disagreeing with mercy and brig mains. I was once suspended for just asking when a brig nerf on ptr was hitting live.

who are you saying is going to be mass flagged?

The OP, or anyone that disagrees with them. Hope I didn’t accidentally reply to you by mistake :stuck_out_tongue:

Who? Only Aria Rose is looking for mass Rez to return.

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As a Mercy main, mass Rez was balanced during the first 3 seasons, Jeff added invulnerability and cast time, and THAT was the end of mass Rez. I think there might be another reason…Jeff reworked Mercy because of Overwatch league, the league will not have much intere$t if people watch someone coming from a wall to mass Rez.

The thing is that every regular Mercy player I know of was asking for rez to be given an LOS check similar to the one that DVA’s ult had. Blizzard never granted that request.


mercy was reworked well before OWL

That’s what I said, well before OWL started, Jeff reworked her.

but they didn’t rework her because of OWL. OWL had a name but no one knew anything about it. Why rework Mercy for a league that is still in VEERRRRRRRRYYYYYYY early development

I’d be happy to see it back, just not with invulnerability.

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You claim it to be a fact, but this forum is a small fraction of the community. Too assume a percentage based on here or even reddit is by default incorrect. Unless you found everyone that plays the game and asked their opinion on the matter.


Back then, Only blizzard knew about the OWL, and the potential mess this unbalanced ult would have a negative impact on OWL. So I still believe the rework was for OWL.

it was for everyone who thought mass resurrect was a toxic ability

sadly, there are many others who want it to return as well, including but not limited to the two who were named in a crocodile-tear-filled tweet as the given metuber’s successors as far as matters of Revertmercy/Reworkmercy

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If Mass rez was op, why did the pros never use Mercy?


Yes, I have stated that many feel this way.

I know that many feel this way for the reasons I stated.

I said nothing about percentages

I don’t think mass res will ever return, and on a personal level I don’t actually want it back. However, if you want to claim that old Mercy was OP, you need to present some sort of metric for that which compares her to other healers.

If she was overpowered then it didn’t manifest in pick rates, or win rates, or pro level play, or any other metric that people normally use. She was considered a mediocre character (at best).


I think the opposite. I would only be happy to see it back if it had invulnerability. It was too weak without it. It would be especially weak if it had a line of sight restriction and a cast time.

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It was fine. She just needed the cleanse on E that so many people asked for and she’d have been fine.

And she’d help with all the CC being thrown about.

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Why would you base your strategy around dying

The pros don’t use main healers because why worry about focusing people getting healed if you can just kill the enemy before any serious damage

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