The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

factually the earth is flat then.

The power of massrez has been known and measured. you could easily see it with pickrates in high tiers.

Singlerez on cooldown was much stronger then massrez ever was,which is why we had the mercy meta for months

And the difference is also that massrez was at least an ult ,you had to earn it and you had to be more careful when to use it.

single rez is an ability,much easier to use (before the casting nerfs) and free.

Factually, the shape of the earth is roughly spherical

Pickrate is not solely determined by the relative strength of a given character’s ultimate

Players pick a character for a variety of reasons, not solely for the strength of their ultimate.

Pickrate is ergo not a measure of ultimate strength

how would people handle mass rez now after all this time?

Probably by complaining until it got removed tbh

We’re already there if you’re talking about Mercy. :smiley: Ana beats her pickrate after bronze. Bronze is the only area Mercy beats Ana. LOL so why not trade one terrible version for another? Doesn’t really make too much of a difference in the end, huh? (This comment is satirical.)

That would upset a few people. So yeah.

I’ve said this over and over again because sometimes people say mass rez was op sometimes they say bring back mass rez but with this limitation or that limitation
mass rez was not overpowered! it broke the lower part of ladder because people wouldn’t bother looking for mercy first and it was horrible at higher ranks and in pro games it was used the same way as single rez is used today to bring back a key teammate that’s needed for the next fight
she wasn’t overpowered she was a noob slayer just like the old bastion
also no one wants mass rez back sweetie get over it!

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I mean that’s actually false, plenty of people do, I don’t know why you keep bringing that up


Don’t mind me I’m just gonna lurk here and wait for doom to get buffed since hes trash but mercy is pretty bad right now too her she doesnt heal enough health but if you play ana you can have way more healing than mercy does

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There’s two people typing with the exact same profile icon and that’s meta as hell

because i read posts a lot of mercy mains don’t want mass rez back and the ones that do have this weird logic also im tired of people saying “yeah y’all just want mass rez back you darn communists!” whenever someone talks about a mercy rework

it’s because of newton’s 3rd: “law for every action in one direction there’s an equal reaction in the opposite direction!”

just because mass rez is gone doesn’t mean mercy is in a good spot just check the stats! she has a lower win rate compared to other heroes at any rank (except for masters) and she’s basically non-existent in higher ranks! (again check stats for more details)

Ascertaining whether or not a character is overpowered is to some extent a judgement call based off of personal perceptions. But only to a very limited extent.

Any reasonable definition of overpowered should have consequences in reality. Those consequences should result in statistics. If one team runs an overpowered hero and the other team runs their counterpart who is not overpowered, then the team with the OP hero should have a higher chance of winning.

The higher tendency to win invariably manifests itself in verifiable ways in the game. An OP character will have higher pick rates than their competitors. Especially in higher ranks and pro play where players are willing and able to exploit overpowered heroes. If the hero’s pick rates are not very high, then we should see high win rates.

Pre-rework Mercy did not have high pick rates, or win rates, nor did she see significant play in tournaments. It was not the case that teams with a Mercy in them tended to win more often than teams without a Mercy. If your definition of OP does not include a higher tendency to win games and does not manifest itself in the statistics of the game then you are not using the word in the way that most other people are using it. In this case, the discussion is meaningless, because there’s no agreement about what is being discussed and there’s no way to verify claims.

Yes, power level is somewhat of a subjective judgement call. But given a reasonable definition of power level, it’s not really much of a subjective call. It’s less of a “Is The haunting of hill house Shirley Jackson’s best novel?” question and more of a “Does consuming large quantities of alcohol improve people’s ability to play video games?” question.

(Full disclosure - I don’t want mass res back, and I think that “We have always lived in the castle” is Shirley Jackson’s best novel)

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haha well that’s not gonna stop me!

It is possible for there to be situations where balance is so very off kilter that it can be said to be obvious that character x is more powerful than character y. A good example would be the Yeti in the Yeti Hunt game. Far, far, far more powerful than any one single Mei

I dont think that in the normal 6v6 matches we have any such extreme examples, nor is a single measuring stick available to put next to a given character; and as such, I see the state of powered-ness to be completely subjective, determined entirely by personal valuation.

A power differential between two options tested in hundreds of thousands of games will manifest in statistical differences. It will also be exploited by the people who are best at the game, when large sums of money are on the line.

If it doesn’t, then either no such power differential exists or you are using an idiosyncratic definition that is much more subjective than the common usage of the word.

You may think that such a power differential is obvious, but sometimes people are wrong and sometimes intuitively obvious claims are false. The way the game works in reality should be the ultimate arbiter of such claims. If it does not show a power imbalance, then for all intents and purposes there is no power imbalance.

good point! they actually added the cast time + self stun to battle suicide rezzing but there are other ways to battle it mercy has excellent survivability because of her mobility the cast time + self stun hurt her mobility and her survivability as a result of that!

Factually Mercy was the bottom support before invulnerability was added to it so FACTUALLY you are still wrong

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I agree except that I think at 50 hps, she’s closer to zen and that’s fine. Like Lucio she can solo heal but it’s harder. For an easy hero that’s fine Imo. I think what she has needed and has always needed is a thing to increase her survivability since consistency is her value and her consistency comes from hee being alive. So I’ve always favored her getting fortify or a mini bubble for just her.
She didn’t have to be a primary healer. It’s fine if she isn’t.