The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

I mean, the damage beam idea is just stupid (sorry) and why should that second one even be a skillshot projectile, when Zen’s much better and does pretty much something similar

Why…? Anymore stupid than a self-stun for 1.75 seconds?

Then make it instant target, I don’t particularly care whether you have to aim it or not.


That “self-stun,” as you wish to call it, holds much more power than some damage beam and is much more valuable to your team. Sure, call it self stun if you’re willing to use it in the front line without your teammates covering you.

Statistics up to the point she was given the invulnerability buff say you are wrong, and that she was actually incredibly weak.

I don’t know what more to add, you’re simply pressing an opinion that is factually incorrect according to all available data; which at the time you couldn’t even argue “but mah hidden profile”.



mercy is now balanced but gets very boring and old very fast, that’s why most people are letting her die and switching to moira or ana (which even i’m doing)

there’s really nothing blizzard can do bc the raid just hurt mercy and gave mercy mains a bad name and even if they did add something fun and balanced, tired dps mains will pick everything apart from it and make it seem IMPOSSIBLE to counter (even though her old ult was very easy to counter)

yawn can we just stop talking about mercy? it’s getting way too repetitive and quite frankly annoying.


Mass Resurrect was an incredibly powerful ultimate (possibly overpowered) on a hero who was wildly under powered to a truly ridiculous degree without it.

One thing I have learned is that the speed of the gameplay goes up as you go up the ranks. In low ranks where Mercy could reliably charge up her ultimate for every team fight, she was incredibly powerful. In pro play where she definitely couldn’t, she was a super niche pick… basically only taken to enable Pharah.


Lol what? No it doesn’t. Rez is a good way to stop staggered spawns. That’s pretty much it. Most common thing is going in for a Rez then 2 teammates drop because Mercy disengages herself for 1.75 seconds and stops healing in order to Resurrect someone.

Damage boost can be quickly switched between healing and vice versa very quickly. Amplifying Damage and the amount of ultimate charge the hero you are pocketing gets.

My god people underestimate the power of damage boost so much.


Yes, she was.
But it was also pretty imbalanced, not OP, just imbalanced…

She was bad because there were very few heroes that could benefit from her other utility, damage boost. Mass rez was a bad ultimate in higher ranks, because ult economy actually exists there. She was good only in lower ranks.

You could use mass rez with 0 worries about it being directly countered or even without exposing your self. That’s why it was stupid and nobody except Mercy mains who are used to free value liked it.

I’ve seen a lot of “tweak mass rez” threads. And honestly, you’re saying that she was trash without invulnerability. Well, how much of a trash can would she actually be with no invulnerability, cast time and LoS?

Lots of opinions and anecdotes here. Which is fine. Hate something all you like, but don’t go using empirical terms like “overpowered” without data backing it up.


Lol, I’ll keep it real with you. I honestly feel like Mercy should be kinda forgotten too, like how Blizz did: Symmetra, Sombra, Moira, etc. Just kind forgot they exist. And that’s no low-blow or jab to Mercy mains, because as a person who used to play Pharah? I loved me a competent Mercy. Pharah and Mercy go together like Kool-Aid and sugar. Hash browns and ketchup. And so on. It’s just that back then…? Mercy was ugh… And when I came across the clip, I just had to upload it here.

You mentioned nothing about power, you said “stupid.” Sure, a damage beam probably isn’t as strong as reviving someone, but I was not trying to make her that much more powerful, but rather improve self defense.

Regardless of whether I use it behind a wall, in front of a rocket barraging Pharah, next to a self destructing D.Va or in spawn, I am still essentially forced to stop playing the game for 1.75 seconds.

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What i despised the most about mass ress was the fact that, as a mercy main, you would get bashed by the team if you wouldn’t be able to pull it off. You die mid-air, trying to ress the team? Bashed and attacked by almost the whole team. The team relied on mercy to ress them after almost every teamfight (if lost) and now, “solo res me” isn’t a thing anymore. The ult wasn’t really that bad but the negative outcome of failing was.

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Seems like you prioritize rezzing over sustaining your team. That might be a problem.

I was talking about their “damage dealing beam” idea. But sure, go on.

My god people can’t read.

I really like current mercy <3 Fun to play and not that frustrating to play against, unless you pairing with a pharah, that crap annoying.


Not really, I don’t recall a single complaint about Mass Res on its own prior to the invulnerability buff. Aside from those by Mercy players saying ‘it’s hard to execute’; which is precisely why she was landed with that buff. Even then a lot of Mercy players themselves said “it’s fine, give us an E ability”.


Merky has always been great and has only become better over time. Best character in the game!

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A Mercy player here,
It wasn’t.


Like a widow who can land headshots, or a Rein who can’t press W. This games toxic, but this behavior is hardly unique to Mercy. I guess this means we need to dumb down everyone’s kit so it’s idiot prof?

The internet is an archive. You should have no trouble finding old Mercy’s Competitive pickrates.
What you might have trouble with is finding footage of a pro game where old Mercy was played without a Pharah on the team.

I think your “brutal truth” is lacking in the truth department.


There was literally a post by Jeff or Geoff who specifically said that they liked that gameplay and that was why they refused to give her an E ability; and they wanted to make that easier instead.

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