The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

what’s that John Legend song? who’s gonna heal you when i’m gone?

not really Symmetra has got 2 reworks and she’s in a much better spot she counters grav, has better turrets and she’s finally got an ultimate that really helps the team
what made you forget sombra? she’s just got better as time has passed i don’t think she has ever got a direct nerf if you initially liked her idky you’d hate her now
i know that moira is doing terrible stat-wise but she’s really fun to play

that’s true… rest in peace pharah!

And yet she is a primary healer. That is why she fires a healing beam and not damage orbs like the off healers. She needs that 60hps back and she can survive just fine with her mobility. Giving her anything like fortify or a mini bubble just lowers her skill ceiling further. A mercy that has mastered her movement has 0 reasons to not be the last person on her team to be alive. If you die before the other 5 do, you are just not good enough and probably deserve it unless something completely unexpected happened. If your team gets wiped because your beam doesn’t heal enough and there is nothing you can do or practice to increase your healing output than that is on Blizzards balancing team.


oh yay i love paramore

a more impactful ultimate would be nice! (i can go into more detail if you’re interested)

Was about to type the same thing, personally I never had a problem with mass rez. Sure, it brought hide and rez but I always noticed it and told my team to save ult for when she did use ult to clean up. They should of went with damage reduction over invincibility cause she did need something to help her.

they mean the movement speed reduction by resurrect

Then good ridence lol

hide and rez was a losing strategy! it was only used for gaining SR that’s it! but true it wasn’t fun to play against and now it’s gone!

The way I see it, she has the kit of a main healer and the healing impact of an off healer. The devs need to pick one.

If she’s to be a main healer, increase her healing and give her an ability that can help her in the mid- fight keep her team alive and make her ult more offensive (and more interesting than valk).

If she’s to be an off healer give her more utility, and a kit that is more than just healing and an ult that can save the team (like mass rez).

Before she was a main healer with an ult that was closer to off healers in power (but was balanced due to no mid-fight abilities) and now she’s functioning as an off healer with a main healers ult with none of the bells and whistles of either subclass because of her super powerful e.


it seems like you have a problem with mercy mains in general is that true?

assuming for sake of argument that this is the case - what statistic(s?) do you believe shows you objectively whether a character is over powered or not?

May I ask how you made the determination that Mercy was the"bottom support"?

Blizzard has not given a label for off or main supports. I think as a support, she is an off support with her 50 hps.

But she would not with mass rez. Thus why they kept buffing and buffing her till invulnerability.

More than invulnerability? It’s about letting her not having to break healing to survive. Put it on the same cooldown as sleep dart. Or I guess, give her sleep dart.
It’s about giving her the ability to choose how to live versus making it a catch 22

I disagree. You could have chosen a higher output healer. That’s a matter of niche . Pros and cons. You can have higher healing on ana but risk mechanic limitations (yours or the enemy Winston , your team being flankers etc) you can lower that risk with Lucio but have lower single target healing, or mercy and have a mid way.

Lucio is not inferior to ana flat. They both have pros and cons. Mercy should not be an exception

well… currently she’s back at every rank!

well, of those I referred to above, several of those have decided to spend considerable time airing their grievances here on the forums, for well over a year now…so we arent rid of them

Lmao the ratings are disabled

Mercy was never OP until she got her rez with invincibility. Thats the only brutal truth right there.

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it was a losing strategy hun! it only and only worked because the SR system gauged mercy’s performance based on how many rezzes she had you could stay at your rank with a 40% win rate that wasn’t possible with a lot of other heroes at the time! it was used by a lot of people because rezzing your whole team was very exciting! (on top of the SR reason)
and it made people angry because hiding wasn’t skillful
getting more rezzes didn’t mean you were gonna win more games it meant that the SR system would treat you more nicely

And the current iteration of Resurrect does?

Yes and I want her to be a main healer again like she was with 60 hps or they need to introduce a mechanic that raises her skill ceiling by giving her temporary boosts in healing. Either way, she was always a main healer from the very launch of the game till the very last nerf she got and she doesn’t fit the bill. All off healers have primary that damages, extremely strong utility and defensive ults. Mercys utility is damage boost which is far worse than discord, she has no damage primary and no defensive ult. If you want to remake her as an off healer, fine by me, let that beam attach to a single target of her choosing so she can start firing her pistol and give her a defensive ult. Otherwise she will remain an obsolete main healer.

want an even more brutal truth

overwatch is not that great.

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