The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

Mercy was the most played hero by a large margin for a long, long time.
And that’s just her alone.

Have you looked at any data lately? Supports are the most played role right now.

You got Moira and Ana fighting for 2nd place depending on what tier you look at, Mercy is top 5 as well and in lower tiers you have all 3 in the top 5.
Higher up Lucio comes into a very solid pickrate as well.

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it was more like 30 SR / win and 15 SR / loss but i getcha!

truth != opinion

Not agreeing with mass flagging, but I just need to straighten that out.

I hard agree. On all counts. Cooldown rez hurt her in her role and design imo

Yeah, and DPS are the least played for some reason. Must have something to do with metas, the weather or maybe, just maybe, the support pool is very small and there’s not much choice for a mandatory role.

I think with rez that’s unfair. She can be a main healer but she should drop Rez for it.

I disagree . The game had no main or secondary healing. Nor was it needed (Lucio zen meta). It just gives you choices of play with regards to healing and niche. Consistent healing is not inherently main or secondary healing. Just how much of it in main play. I already use pistol equal to healing. It’s fine Imo. Just not her design.
At 50hps, I think mass Rez and a fortify ability is fine.
At 60hps, I think she needs an additional utility ability that doesn’t interrupt her heal beam.

I am ok with both of these scenarios. The thing is they insist on keeping this iteration of Mercy which is why I am focusing on just the 60hps.
My request for 60hp is for just the current version that they insist on keeping. I took all the nerfs without uttering a word but I can’t keep the heals up without Ana or a Moira helping me anymore and that’s just wrong for a character whose primary is a heal beam. If they do as you suggested, I wont mind at all though

What scenario are you constantly in where everyone keeps dying due to 50 hps

but 60 hps is suddenly going to save everyone

A very common scenario in a 222 comp. It takes 10 seconds to restore a Rein whose health went into critical. If you have just a zen or a brig as backup getting both tanks and both dps is like a full time job, you basically never get to damage boost and pistol is a desperate last resort. I did not have this problem when her healing was 60 hps.

I think you’re thinking of this the wrong way. You’re looking at this as a mathematical problem where you find an objective demonstration, where you should be looking at it as a scientific problem where you’re looking for evidence regarding an hypothesis.

Whatever your definition of a hero’s power is (and these can vary), there is one very clear way that it should appear in the real world - the probability of winning a game given that you have that hero in your group should be significantly higher than the probability of winning when you don’t. If Mercy is overpowered, then running her should give you a heads up over not running her.

Unfortunately, we don’t have this statistic for the game at large (though Blizzard does). So we need to search through the rest of the evidence. In that regard, we are very lucky. We can do the following:

  1. We can calculate the probability I described above in tournaments. This was done once, though I don’t actually remember where.

  2. We can find win rates at all ranks, including tournament play. If a hero’s pick rate is not too high or too low, then comparing their win rate to the average win rate in the tier reflects how powerful they are with respect to their competition. If two heroes in the same role have similar pick rates, and one wins 57% of the time while the other wins 53% of the time, there’s a power differential.

  3. We can look at high rank and tournament pick rates under the assumption that when stakes are high, people who can play all heroes will chose the best comps.

The thing is that Mercy’s pre-rework pick rates were not high (though she was picked enough to be statistically significant), and her win rates were also not high. Not in tournaments, not in high ranks, not in any rank, and not when you calculated the conditional probability of winning based off of having her.

If you have a definition of overpowered that you want to check against the game, none of the evidence points to pre-rework Mercy being overpowered. She wasn’t picked that much at higher levels, she wasn’t winning that much, and she wasn’t overpowering her competitors. This sort of definition would seem very odd to me. What’s it based off of other that feelings? What’s it good for?

She has a 1% pick rate in GM… for 1 of 3 main healers (Moira is no exception to this either), she’s not exactly back. Moira is really strong at low levels and near useless at high levels. Mercy is viable at all ranks and is just not the go-to entry support she is meant to be, fact being that Ana has a higher pick rate than her in silver+.

It is op, stop trying, it was unhealthy for the game and removed for a reason.

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OP in low ranks, UP in high ranks. Sounds like Mercy was working as intended. Just a bit too well in low ranks.

oh im sorry… i mean to say bad!

She not bad. Just not good either. We will see if they decide to buff her in the future!

I think the main counter argument to this was that mass rez as an ability was fine, it just needed to be adjusted. Yeah non-LoS rez was broken, and tbh, thats where they could’ve started tweaking her before going balls deep into a rework that no one asked for.

OP? no, definitely not
Bad hero design? definitely yes

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It’s about management. Dmg boost or heal because Mercy cannot do both. And it’s pretty significant considering healing is over time. Otherwise why give her higher healing than zen? How is 50 that much better than 30 when your healer can’t even help kill what’s killing you?

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We’ve never had it be this close between the main healers even when there was only two.

There’s now three and they all have absurd pickrates. Moira averaging third, Ana second across all tiers.
Mercy trailing not far behind

Like I do see your point, but collectively the 3 heroes are nearing 25% pickrate between them meaning you’re more likely running two main healers than one. (Only just though)
Leaving out all other supps too, when Lucio is currently 5th.

Although upon rereading I’m unsure if you meant to reply to me?

The Brutal Truth: This game caters to damage players because they are the majority and anything they don’t like they cry till the team nerfs it.