The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

Put me in the camp of those who thought it was fine right up to the point they gave her invulnerability to cast it. From there it went downhill.

It took her time to generate the charge to cast it. Good Mercy’s were able to get it sooner. The typical Rez was 2 or 3 heroes. Once in a blue moon a really lucky Mercy might pull off a full team Rez. Then like team wiping with a DVA bomb it felt good to pull off.

I think the stigma now associated with Rez is overhype resulting from the Buff fiasco the DEVs tried implementing for Mercy when all they wanted was an E ability to help her out.

Damage done. Hero villainized. Like Widowmaker of old she’ll never be the same — just a shadow of what was.

The way I see it the fault lies directly with the DEVs. They went all out on her instead of giving her only what she needed.


The Brutal Truth: Mass Rez was not OP.

In fact, it was so underpowered, that it needed to be buffed with invincibility, just for Mercy to remain viable. In most cases, it was heavily countered. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I see this a lot and I’m very perplexed by it

What were these pro mercy’s doing to get mass rez so super fast

It’s literally just look at someone injured and heal them

I think if it would require line-of-sight, it probably would be seen as less overpowered.

Just someone who thought that having to earn your rez by healing and damage boosting was a good mechanism. None of this free rez every 30 seconds nonsense.

Now she has a clunky ult that achieves nothing and rez as a E was a bad idea. They could have reworked her in a more sensible way, but they chose the most bizarre design for Mercy 2.0. Rez didn’t have to stay, just make the change sensible.

Many mercy players said it was a bad design that the community would hate before it went live, no one listened and we got a hate and nerf train for the next 9 months.

As it stands I want single rez removed from the game and a useful non clunky E put in its place. With valk swapped out for something impactful - which they can do after removing single rez


Have you looked at the compromise position offered here:


Looks good, reading that over :pregnant_woman:

Easy answer. Live.

Mercy had a survivability problem back then. She didn’t have the fluidity of movement she has now. Back then too getting a peel was something only higher bracket teams did. The times were different.

Because she had a survivability problem she wasn’t picked near as often. The difference in getting a charge for Rez sooner from not dying than wasting time traveling mattered.

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I’d argue even base GA was enough to give her the best survival out of all the supports and if you’re in a low-average rank where you’re not getting peeled I doubt your opponents are super skilled enough to track you GAing to someone

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I don’t have recorded proof but I was in GM/Masters at the time and it always happened. A lot of my friends also did it.

Actually she did get sniped a lot in mid flight. She moved slower. The Mercy you think existed isn’t the Mercy that was.

She had low pick rates before all hell broke loose and they started over buffing her to compensate.

Sounds fun

I used to hate the game back in the days when Mercy had that. You couldn’t stop it either and the team that got resurrected like that usually won. I was Platinum and Low Diamond in those old days. After if got removed, I climbed and climbed my way to Masters.

Oh look, the team mercy was in lost because she went for the hide and ress for sr exploits.

Must’ve been used a lot by the pros. Wait, she wasn’t.

What an OP character with such an OP maneuver that can win games. /s

I mean if they’re using a tactic to exploit SR gain and not so much win I doubt the pros really need to care about it

I’m not asking for recorded proof, but they were probably in GM/Masters because they were gaining about 100 SR on a win and 10 or so on a loss. The SR system was extremely broken because it favoured people that only revived 5 people, and punished the actual thing that won games (reviving 1 or 2 before a fight breaks out)

Unsurprisingly taking yourself out of fights for 30+ seconds every teamfights ended up losing more games, but SR calculation places the revive stat above healing/damage boosting/deaths (which are much better indications of a Mercy’s skill than revives)

That infamous clip of XQC flaming a 30% winrate Mercy main was because they were exploiting this exact strategy. Mercy didn’t need to be reworked to fix that.


Skill activists and people who say “This game is supposed to be competitive” are the main portions of the playerbase, and the fact that this game has these skilled competitive aspects are why people play overwatch.

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I really do NOT like Valkyrie because in competitive play we now have this mercy player randomly flying all over the place and they are no longer behind shields.

Yes she was. She was along the lines of current Ana and Lucio in terms of dominance. Mass rez was overpowered, but I would still like to see them bring it back with some restrictions (2 sec cast time, stationary while casting, have to have LOS).

I mean Valk doesn’t force you to fly up in the air

Bad Mercy players being bad yo

Hey look you can tell good mercy players from bad ones forum!

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