The brigitte overreaction

I think shes fine my dudes.

Or because sheā€™s OP. But yeah, its totally those whiny genji tracer mains, nerf genji tracer amirite guys?

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Tanks have ALWAYS had a hard time with every damage dealer, and the small number of tanks in the game doesnā€™t make it any easier. What we need is another tank thatā€™s able to deal with high-mobility characters, but also doesnā€™t oppress the rest of the cast because of it.

Its because its another skilless meta defining hero.

I agree with op. 20c

worst part about this topic is that tcā€™s post is getting praised when itā€™s typical hysteria thatā€™s all over this forum

as a zenyatta/rein player, i absolutely despise brigitte and think a zenyatta with 350 hp is absolutely stupid

you have 8 minutes in rankedā€¦ ranked is where you can tell if a hero is op or not. When people have a somewhat coordinated team, it is different.

dva doesnt counter brigitte nor does roadhog its the opposite

dvaā€™s damage is way less effective againts armor, matrix useless, blocks her rockets and ult. she probably stuns her from entering mech as well but im not sure

his hook is hard countered by her e button, basically zarya bubble v2, canā€™t hook her either. she can stop him from self healing and bop him away when he ults. yeah sounds like he counters her

orisa and zarya is neutral because of halt stopping a lot of her kit and zarya bubble is the same

winston is hard countered for obvious reasons

youā€™re spreading false info

we can keep making up random scenarios, but the truth is, the hero is oppressive to the game and it is poor design that was created to stop dive. There is nothing wrong with trying to stop dive, but is it worth taking fun and skill out of our game.

She hard counters winston and rein while also being borderline op with her ult giving so much armor.

Reinhardt needed punished this much?

So much of my interest in the community forum is from a sociological view. In this case, it was fascinating to watch the anti-Brigitte arguments evolve over the past 36 hours. Social media, celebrity rants and groupthink have resulted in an echo chamber in which views have distorted to reflect the most extreme view ā€“ something akin to the process of Flandersization in fiction. For this particular hero it went:

A. Brigitte is really strong
B. Brigitte is too strong
C. Brigitte has no weaknesses
D. Brigitte counters every hero
E. Brigitte is unkillable

Watching the mean discussion progress from reasonable to unreasonable in less than 48 hours was both exciting and disturbing. You can see how normally sensible people get caught up in events that they wouldnā€™t usually even consider. Makes you think.

I never assumed any such thing, in fact I specifically mentioned D.Vaā€™s DM being used in defense of her teammates who are being effected by Brigitteā€™s stun, against Brigitteā€™s allies. Why would I even mention DM at all if I assumed Brigitte would be alone? She isnā€™t effected by DM.

This is such a non-answer. And this next part is going to blow your mind, but there are people who actually play seriously in QP too.

I said D.Va and Roadhog can work as soft-counters, not hard-counters. Thereā€™s a very obvious distinction between the two: Hard-counters are made to defeat heroes, whereas soft-counters simply reduce their utility. What youā€™re describing is a 1v1 situation that ignores the gameā€™s wildly dynamic nature, and that is not what Iā€™m talking about.

Brigitteā€™s strengths against tanks comes from her ability to create openings for her team to take advantage of. This opening can be mitigated fairly easily by team play: DM eats incoming fire. Itā€™s that simple. If Brigitte is approaching your teammates, D.Vaā€™s primary fire and micro-missiles do a very good job at breaking the shield. This is how she soft-counters Brigitte: By reducing her overall utility.

Hog is able to break her shield fairly quickly as well. He also has the ability to displace her with his hook if he attacks her from the sides, and is able able to use ā€œTake a Breatherā€ to sustain himself while body-blocking incoming damage, if it comes to it. He can therefore soft-counter Brigitte as well. Also, her ā€œEā€ button doesnā€™t do anything to effect his hook: It just heals, or provides armor. I donā€™t know where you could have possible gotten the idea that itā€™s similar to Zaryaā€™s bubble. True, Brigitte can stop Hogā€™s ultimate and self-heal, but thatā€™s Hogā€™s responsibility to use his abilities intelligently, and shunting that off to Brigitte is the same as saying you shouldnā€™t be punished for making bad decisions. Because honestly thatā€™s the only reason why anybody thinks Brigitteā€™s OP: She makes peopleā€™s bad decisions a little too obvious.

Zarya negates CC entirely with her bubbles, and Brigitteā€™s stun ability is fairly obviously telegraphed simply by having her barrier up while approaching an enemy. If youā€™re having trouble with this, thatā€™s on you.

Orisa puts up a barrier. This alone should tell you that her team is present, likely in conflict with the other team. If Orisaā€™s not gunning down Brigitteā€™s barrier, then sheā€™s failing. If sheā€™s not using ā€œHalt!ā€ to stall or prevent Brigitteā€™s approach, sheā€™s failing. If sheā€™s not using Fortify to nullify CC, sheā€™s failing. If her team isnā€™t doing anything about her approach, they are collectively failing.

Iā€™m not spreading false information at all, I just figured out how to work with and against her, and anybody whoā€™s been playing QP for the last month has likely figured it out too. The fact of the matter is that Brigitte, though very strong in 1v1 situations, is actually weak in team fights, as her utility is reliant upon her teammates making use of it, and the enemy team collectively failing to do anything about it. Something she excels at in team fights is calling attention to peopleā€™s mistakes when they make them, such as making bad judgement calls or failing to maintain proper situational awareness. Sheā€™s really good at punishing people for it as well. It can easily be misconstrued as being ā€œoverpoweredā€ when ego gets in the way: Mistakes that didnā€™t exist before, exist now, and itā€™s easier to say the design is flawed than it is to admit oneā€™s inability to cope with the change.


So because they did it to Mercy they can do it to Reinhardt? Sorry but unlike Reinhardt Mercy was at top of the meta for a long time and since season 4 she has been one of the best healers which isnā€™t something you could say for Reinhardt at all.

the only problem i have is cc, but right now i just wan everyone to shut up about it

What have you been smoking? Also flex that plays mostly tank and sup here and Iā€™ve got a little secret for you. Come on , get close (I think briggett needs a nerf or a change away from hard cc) SHOCKER I KNOW!

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Because Ana requires skill

Wow, crazy how its a Mercy main defending Brigitte when shes clearly broken.