The brigitte overreaction

you heard it from this guy, tanks counter brigette aside from winston

even though all pros and top 500 says she is a better off tank than off tank themselves sure you know better than everyone else including tank experts

when moira was released she didn’t create a meta nor was she op or felt unfair to play againts but brigette made it instant across all ranks how broken she is

you are basically saying “just click on heads lul”

Nope…just went 1v1 against her w/ Roadhog…shredded me…sorry but that’s BS…way OP…shield too strong and way too much damage in such a short amount of time…it’s basically a Rein hammer but much much quicker.

That’s an easy way to dismiss any critisism.

No? Freeze her and then let ur team finish her

10 minutes on genji, got potg… genji is really easy too dude… so…

honestly not just tanks she is cancer against anyone who can’t get away from her. even after playing her the shield bash range looks ridiculous from 3rd person. she can get in your face and screw you over way too easy doesn’t matter if tank, flanker or support unless you’re Phara she will get you.

Anyone that stopped playing the game cause of the mercy rework were an OTP that couldn’t play any other heroes beside mercy, and were counting on her broken state to climb the ladder.

Yeah my rein/orisa/zen flanking heroes dont work anymore /s

No. She f*cks over heroes that haven’t quite been meta for awhile as well such as Reinhardt and Hog…

So you’re strategy here is to intentionally fail in drawing the distinction between soft and hard counters, intentionally fail to employ the dynamics by which the game’s designed, and basically just ignore everything outside of your bias in hopes that would somehow win your argument for you? Because a small handful of players who happen to be extraordinarily good at aiming, who are suddenly being forced to rely on every skillset outside of strictly aiming, say she’s OP? Before they’ve ever even attempted to figure out how to beat her outside of “myahhhh shooting doesn’t work!”?

Yeah, ok.

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So now tank pros are At their level because of their aim?

they aren’t there because of their aim they are there because of their gamesense you’re the only one thinking you know better than them

They all agree she is too good get over yourself

I know the difference between hard counter and soft, she soft counters road, rein, dva while hard countering Winston. Zarya and Orisa are neutral

Like dive was any healthier lol

I’m only back because of Brigitte, I uninstalled in November.

My sympathy for people complaining about something being unfun is at an all-time low after endless “just learn to play another hero” or “you just want a broken hero for free SR” or “these changes have to happen deal with it” or “she’s still viable stop complaining” when pointing out Mercy was unfun.

not even close
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