The brigitte overreaction

There’s a difference between countering dive and countering everything/being a must pick.

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I been trying to find weak spot with Sombra but when ever i try to hack LOL :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: (DEAD) in 2 seconds unless i get recall . But in the mix its near im possible lol. Oh the joys.

That’s weird I didn’t know Reinhardt was a flanker.


I play mercy and even i hate Brigitte. She’s not OP, but she makes every game shes in so awful and unfun for me. Stop blaming everything on flanker mains. Put your bias aside and don’t assume things.

Why are Mercy/Moira mains always defending the OP support?

I actually find this weird because as Brigitte I love stopping Moira’s ult and interrupting rez. That’s the main reason I like Brigitte.

Genji/Tracer probably too comfortable all these time without real counter. When Blizz introduce one, they think the game is unplayable.

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She also punishes good team play (dive)

Of course! Genji and Tracer mains are so used to killing Mercy, Zen, Lucio at free random in the back line. Now there’s finally a support that can protect herself. I guess that isn’t allowed?

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Just looking at the winrates in all divisions tells enough about her strength.
I haven’t had the displeasure of playing tank against her, as I almost excursively play normal competitive and I have no touched Season 10 placements. Until she is nerfed into the ground or taken out of competitive I’m not touching Season 10.

I play main tank and hate her, but sure, screw tracer am i right

Just going to say what I’ve said to every person who has praised the addition of Brigette. There is not a single hero that has the survivability of Brigette, and now that support players have the most raw power in the entire game, they are begging blizzard to keep something that is the epitome of a busted character all because they want to stop being outplayed with teamwork and 1v6 as a support.

She counters almost every character in the game. She can’t be 1v1. If you get stunned by her and do live through her combo you can’t run away. If you get too close to her you can’t run away unless you are one of the dive characters. She makes playing tanks not fun. At all. Why spend hours playing rein and learning to out play your opponent when bridgette can just right click through your shield then you get insta killed by the rest of her team. Or you get shattered or dva bombed and there was nothing at all the rein could do about it. She also requires no mechanical skill to play but she is one of the best characters in the game. Her ult makes everyone into tanks. Playing against a 300 hp tracer with damage resistance is not fun.

just shoot her shield 4head

I agree, I think reinhardt should have CC immunity or something like that.

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Well you are playing a character with high mobility

no bud, it’s because stuff that’s really hard to play correctly and effectively is countered by some dumbsh1t hero that require little to no effort to play. you have a stunlock one shot combo on an hero that you could play with a controller on pc

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Cuz she sucks.

(6 characters)

has happened to every new hero

Well Mercy/Dva/Moira mains are basically 90% of players who defend Brigette, so… :D.

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