The Big Problems With Overwatch

Hello again fellow forum dwellers

Today we gather here for my inevitable big post complaining about overwatch in general

Tiny bit of disclaimers:
Yes i will talk about the mercy rework
Yes i will talk about the lore around soldiers sexuality
Yes i will talk about D.vas nerfs
Yes i will talk about Brigitte

If you dont want to see those, you can use the section thing once again conveniently put in this post to skip through the topics you dont wish to read.

Here you can find the Sections








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So without further ado, lets get right into it!


Fundamentally, and on paper the gameplay of overwatch is still great, it shows great potential and still has a great chance of growing. If they fix the issues that lie within it.

The meta in the game changes all the time, no one can deny that, but the reason, and way it changes is highly dictated by Blizzard.

Goats now, is maybe the second most hated meta of all time, right after the stun meta and the reason why Goats came to be was, that they added in brig, and nerfed Dive, the old biggest meta right before Goats.

And there wouldnt be an issue with meta changes with new heroes, if it was just that, new heroes. But the reason the meta changes often, is because of buffs/nerfs to heroes that really dont need it.

The newest Armor nerfs show what blizzard is trying to do with it, theyre trying to get rid of Goats as fast as possible, because generally just like the Stun meta, people really seem to not like Goats, which i understand. Probably a good 40-50% of the games players are DPS mains, and goats pushes those people away because goats is more focused on healers and tanks, and doesnt really give DPS any attention, and to an extent, it works worse with any dps than it does with tanks and healers only.

Next to that, the gameplay is shortly growin stale, as heroes like Ana, Rein, Dva, and Zarya have spent their times in glory for so long, rein in particular has been in the spotlight since beyblade meta ended, while heroes like dva, who has been in the meta for quite long aswell, have started to receive a pounding from both the community and the devs now.

The devs seem to be quite out of touch with the community at this point, where they seem they have given up on us already, with every update seemingly being worse, ever since the mercy rework.

The metas grow more boring by the day, every meta somehow beating the other by being even more boring. People hated Dive, but even the people who did hate dive want dive back just to get rid of goats.

A lot of the poor decisions made by the dev team seem to be very harshly damage control.
“We nerfed mercy, have brigitte, a new healer you can play”
“Brigitte is too strong? We should nerf her into oblivion”
“Brigitte is too weak? We should buff other heroes to make her indirectly strong again”

Which is getting very tiring for people who have played for ages. From the times when overwatch was just a game that everyone loved, no one said it had useless updates, and no one said that it was that toxic.

But since the additions of brig, goats, armor nerfs, mercy rework, torb rework, symm rework’s. It really seems like theyre not listening to the communitys wishes at all to what we want. Which in a game where they praise the communications between devs and the community, is really bad.

Hence this post in the first place. Even if they wont read this, or pay any attention to this, i want to put it out there. That the game has some HUGE issues in it, and it needs to be fixed. Gameplay wise atleast.

The former glory of the game is something the devs can fix if they tried hard enough, but at the very moment, theyre not trying that hard. Theyre dishing out update after update with filler content and nothing that catches anyones eye.


One thing that made overwatch different from a lot of the other mindless online shooters was the huge amount of lore added in quite consistently. First the original animated shorts, the Dragons one, the Recall one, the Alive one, the Hero one, and The Last Bastion one.

They were amazing, as they were something that no other game really had, atleast on the online shooter scene, the next biggest contender would probably have to be League, with its lore, but again, its not a shooter.

But 3 years in and weve about had as many new shorts in the next 2 years, as we had the first year, when the game launched. To which some were somewhat underwhelming, such as the rising star one, which is a common theme with overwatches lore at the moment, that it seems rushed, and not fitting. Although reunion was an amazing short, it was slowly compensated to with the addition of the Short Story, which caused an uproar on the forums.

The short story, where it was shown that soldier was somehow in the LGBTQ+, not directly saying which part of it, also, like the updates recently seems like damage control, or attention seeking. It seems like theyre trying to get more confirmation from the press, and in general people by trying to make the game even more all inclusive than it already is.

My own side to it would be that if they implemented the story into the game better, inside an animated short, or a comic, or anything else than the short story they did put out, it couldve been a good reveal, the same way the tracer reveal back in the reflections comic, which was well thought out, although it did receive backlash, as any type of reveal would, it was pure. Nothing bad continued from it, but this reveal just seems that it was pushed out, at a very bad timing plus it seems rushed out.

Next to having close to no lore in a while, and then having that added in at a seemingly random time, just feels a bit bad, it feels like damage control to try to help their bad stuff thats pouring into the forums at a rapid pace, and they remembered that the reflections comic had very good feedback, and probably thought that it was about the sexuality part of tracer, and not that it was generally a good comic.

So they seemed to try to do it with the short story aswell, but this time they didnt spend so much time with the actual story instead of that, they seemed to just push the sexuality thing out.

again, if it was well put out, i would understand why it was made, but at the very moment, it seems forced. Without much backstory to it, you can differ in opinion to me, but thats how ive seen it thus far.

Similar story, that goes along with the Bastet short story, was the talk of “reapers family” although it wasnt a big part of the forums and it didnt make any noise, but the same way soldiers stuff was put out , its just kind of filler information that we cant do much with, like they wanted the story to be longer but couldnt by any other way, but to talk about random stuff. Hence Reyes and Jack’s previous lives being talked about.

It just seems like a big big filler text, poorly written piece of story, which i wish was better.


The heroes in the game are great, the difference everyone has with eachother is great. But there are some heroes that just dont have that privilege of being a "hero" as theyre more of a filler than anything.

There are multiple of these “heroes” that seem to be fully ignored by blizzard, either lore wise, or gameplay wise. Hence why i added this section, so i can discuss heroes on both in this one point, instead of adding them in the older sections.

The most prominent heroes would probably be Lore wise: Zenyatta
and from gameplay wise:Bastion

Both have their ups and downs. Zen has good gameplay with a great kit that compliments itself. Not too strong or too weak.

Meanwhile bastion has a great animated short and in general the lore around him is intriguing

But neither have both, good lore and good gameplay.
people have been asking for bastion buffs/reworks for ages,
and people have been asking for Zenyatta lore for ages and ages. Since the beginning, since all we really have is knowing that he took genji under his wing, and taught him how to come to peace with his body. But that ties in more with genjis lore than Zen’s.

With bastion, the only thing thats happened was the ironclad update, the recoil buff, recon mode buff, and the transformation buff.

But the issues with those are, they dont fix bastion, he needs a rework, not a buff.
His kit is the reason hes a bad hero, not just because of a single point in his kit.
more info on bastions kit etc here

I dont want to make this post too long, but i want to be sure about that i had his issues here.

Another hero thats been relatively ignored for ages is Sombra, she has been in the game for ages, and is still a bad hero to play, with the worst winrate in the entire game, being only 47% at the moment of creating this post.
her kit is far too weak to be good, it has nearly no redeeming qualities to it, aside from hack, which her kit revolves around, but the duration of hack, and how to use it gets worse and worse the higher you go, since people are more aware of their surroundings, if they hear you start to hack, a lot of them will instantly turn around to hit you. Or if its a rein, their teammate would do that.

Other that those, there are heroes that are in the spotlight too often, such as mercy, rein, dva, etc. You can see them in the patch notes every other patch fixing something or the other, either negative=mercy nerfs
or positive=brig “buffs”

Which lead me to my next section.


There has been a total of 1 good rework in the game so far

And that was symmetras first “rework”, where they added in the shield gen, and removed the shield function from her kit and added the photon barrier.

But this was short lived as she was reworked again, but this time changing her core gameplay completely, meanwhile all other heroes core gameplays stayed the same, mercys healing, torbs gun, etc.

But symmetra had a change to every single ability she had. Teleporter, sentry turrets, both abilities on her gun. Which outraged quite a bit of people because all the old symmetra mains hero basically changed completely to another hero fully.

Meanwhile someone like torb, who probably got the best part of the rework game, only had small things about his gun changed, his ult and his turret.

The turret was essentially the same, except it had no level 1 or 3 anymore, and deployed faster than before, his gun was buffed quite a bit and does a lot more damage, next to that he has overload now which gives him even more survivability, both on the damage from and the amount of armor he gets, his ult is the only really different thing from him, aside from sym who had her kit fully changed.

And probably the most infamous rework, the mercy rework.
ill try not to touch too much on this topic because its been addressed so many times on the forums, but ill briefly say that it has been the worst rework thus far, and the most well known one.

Mercy’s kit wasnt changed that much, but what was changed was the biggest impact she had in the game, and that was made into an ability that at first had great impact in the game, but over time, it was made into an “eh, okay” ability instead. As in “oh someone died right when the game started, eh, okay”

But more knowingly, the forums were in rage about it. And still are, the forums are still in rage about the rework, to which blizzard doesnt really give a straight answer to, which upsets people, as most people want some form of explanation to why mercy had such a poor treatment cycle.

Although blizzard has indirectly said why she got it, and why they wont revert it, from streams, etc, they havent given a direct answer, or as it seems at least.
Which is why things like the raid happened, blizzard not really listening.

Although mercy is technically “balanced” right now, i agree with most of the old mercy mains, in saying that she isnt nearly as fun to play, and she doesnt feel nearly as impactful. As her ult looks and seems like just using a normal ability, not an ultimate. And her ult is at the very moment the worst of the support ults.

And a big part of the frustrations behind mercys rework are that theres not much context behind it, they said “hide n rez was unhealthy” and “the mass rez is a bad thing” without giving real examples as in to why its so, or at least thats how ive read it from the forums thus far, not saying its my opinion, or my right to even speak about her, in the position i am in right now, not being a mercy main. So ill leave the actual talk to them, visit Titaniums post about the Hide N Rez thing, if you want a well written post about that general concept.


Buffs in overwatch are no stranger to people

But a lot of people dont understand how often they come around, as a buff can be put out every day on the PTR or even live servers, as they change things internally constantly.

But this part is more so to talk about the buffs theyve put out recently, that we know of.

And those two being ,the mccree fan the hammer buff, and the reaper lifesteal buff, which makes it seem like blizzard are even more disconnected from the game than we thought before, as these specific buffs arent something anyone has asked for, or needed in general.

lets start with FTH.
The ability in itself, is good, it didnt need a buff in any way, it did its job as a way to oneshot , or 6shot depending on how precise you are with your terms, an enemy when flashbanged. but still leaving it that players who go for headshots get better damage. In doing 280 for 2 headshots in a row, killing any squishy, or even a lot of the higher health dps or healer heroes. Such as Mei, or Reaper.

But now that the fan the hammer Buff is online, no one uses normal shots anymore, and a lot of people only use fan the hammer, and dont even bother to try to aim in general.

As in, they fan the hammer no matter the situation, and still get kills. Which really isnt fun to die to, a random mccree running around fan the hammering everyone, the whole buff in its entirety was a bad idea, mccrees left click, flashbang, or roll shouldve been buffed, or even his poor ultimate. But not fan the hammer, its nothing we needed.

Then next up, the Reaper Buff.
We have been asking for a real Reaper buff for ages now, probably years, and somehow even though weve said exactly what weve wanted ,they managed to mess it up by putting up a buff that just doesnt work that well.

And i dont mean doesnt work that well as in hes still in a bad state no, hes in a good state now, but the bad thing is, hes OP in lower ranks. I could even say up until diamond.

The buffs weve asked for are better wraith form, and far far far better shadow step, the one thing that prevents reaper from being a flanker/proper killing machine, but no, they gave us more lifesteal.

The reaper buff wasnt as bad as the mccree one, but still quite impactful to the community, enough so that it got tons and tons of posts about it. Such as “Welcome To Reaperwatch” etc. Blizzard shouldve either given him more ammo, buffed his wraith, shadow step, or even ult. his ult is quite underwhelming aswell.

Another big buff from the past would be the infamous hanzo storm arrow buff.

Everyone seems to hate it, from hanzo mains to mercy mains.

And we can agree quite fully that they made storm arrows a bit too powerful, you can kill 3 full HP squishies with storm arrows, which shoot quite fast, people seem to hate him more now than when he had his scatter arrow.

since they complained he could 1shot tanks. Well he still can, just with using 1 ability instead of 1 shot.

But hanzos storm arrows is the least of the buffs on this thread, its not that big of a deal atleast anymore.


Nerfs are probably the most hated thing in overwatch in general

and for a good reason, but they werent until the onslaught of mercy nerfs that happened right after her rework happened. Which spawned in the phrase “Mercy Treatment” Which essentially means getting nerfed tons of times so far into the ground that you have to wonder if theyre playable anymore, im not going in detail what the nerfs were, since the post will be long enough without them.

But knowing well that the nerfs werent needed, atleast the later ones. When valk was put out initially along with the res ability on E with instant res and the ability to double res in the middle of a fight. Was quite overpowered. But now since they nerfed it so many times, mercy was at a point, barely viable, before her long due buffs.

but thats not the end, other heroes such as Brigitte received the “Mercy Treatment” quite right after her addition, since she was considered widely over powered, so patch after patch after patch she got nerfs, until now the only thing keeping her alive is Goats. Nothing else, if goats dies, brig goes down with it.

Which isnt really fair for her, and for her players.
since blizzard didnt take these steps the way they shouldve

  1. Put her into PTR
  2. Let people test her for long enough of a time to get some evidence if shes too powerful or not
  3. Put her to the live servers after the initial nerfs have been put up
  4. Put her to comp when youre sure shes fine.
But instead it went more like this
  1. Put her into ptr
  2. Let people see how strong she is
  3. put her into live servers with barely any changes
  4. Put her into comp with barely any changes
Which is widely the reason why people grew to dislike brig so much, is because she wasnt refined to be good for the game. So she got nerfed, a bunch. Until shes in the position shes in now.

Then theres the nerfs.
While i do agree shouldve been nerfed, i think this was a wrong nerf on her.
her DM is the only defence ability she has, so making that less accessible for her, makes it far far easier for people like reaper or mccree to kill her.

Something like a nerf to her armor, or health wouldve been good, or maybe making her do a tiny bit less damage, with her guns and micro missiles.

But the DM nerf was just a bad call.
Even though, the forums make it seem far worse than what it actually is. its not the end of the world, or the end of, but its a bad nerf, and not very well thought out one at that.

New Content

Overwatch was well known for putting out new content all the time before, the first few years of its lifetime.

But nowadays its running thin.

Events are being recycled for a 3rd year in a row, skins are getting less and less detailed, new gamemodes havent been put out for a good year. And new heroes are getting less and less well made.

Although Ashe is a good hero, heroes like Moira and Brig just seem very lazy, especially for brig, shes just a combination of other heroes abilities.

The lack of content is alarming for a game like overwatch which used to pull insane amount of numbers when events go up, now its about the same as normally. As theres nothing special with the events anymore.

Same with new heroes, all new heroes used to be hyped up like crazy by both the community and by blizzard, with Doomfist’s arc, and sombras arc, and Ana’s arc.

We got some of the best heroes then, and blizzard kind of gave up with the Arc things, they dont hint heroes that much anymore, they straight up say the heroes, what theyre going to be, and when theyre coming out now(figuratively, and literally now that the bastet short story is out yikes)

The overwatch community has been dying for new content for a long long time, and its no lie that the overwatch devs know this, and i really do wish that they start to put out more overwatch related content out very soon, or the community will start to scram even more than they already have. We need more Lore, we need more Events, and we need more heroes. But most importantly of those, the events.

Weve kept coming for them for years, and now theyre just ehh, theyre more of a nuisance in some cases knowing that you have to see a potentially very annoying map for a whole month before you can get back to normal overwatch.

The old events dont have that much going for them anymore. Which is upsetting.


its not all bad for Overwatch, it still has a lot of faith in it, and knowing blizzard they CAN make it good again

if they just tried hard enough, but at the very moment, theyre not trying, at all.

I want personally overwatch to be amazing again, like it was in 2016-2017, and i want the Dev team to listen up to the community more, since we are what keeps the game alive.

And i want one thing from the community aswell. I want the community to be a bit more critical about Overwatch, rather than fullout toxic to it. Since criticism can help the devs, if they read the posts, but saying how bad it is, and how the devs are bad, and not giving examples on why, and what are bad in detail. You wont achieve anything.


A Casual Player For Equality<3


This is an amazing post jesus christ


Holy $%^@…

Thats not a forum post, thats a god damn thesis.


You like it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well im at work at the moment , and reading this is more work than what i do for a living… Later tonight, i’ll go home, make some popcorn, and dig in. Will have finished by the end of the week i reckon.


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Holy! A Titanium level post? (I mean it in a good way, no offense)… wow.


I felt it was terrible. It reminded me of The Last Jedi in its implementation and just in general.

I made a thread about it, but it got deleted due to a bunch of clowns going on about anti-gay garbage and bigotry. Anyways, it is what it is, it could have been so much better but hey that is the thing today, play to the super minority crowd with your most popular characters and put out some contrived stories that doesn’t fit with the characters to generate buzz. They got the buzz at least, but they also got alot of hate about the story.

Can’t wait until Rein turns out to be gay and then he and Soldier can rekindle their love they found after Vincent decided he wanted a family.


Trust me, this took me a good 2 hours to write perfecting my language and trying to refine it to be at a good standard like Titaniums posts are :wink:

Try to enjoy it, i spent a lot of time writing it :wink:

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People sure love this post :wink:

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shhh i expected maybe 1 but not 3… jesus

TL;DR but
1, Blizz please put mercy back to pre-nerf stage
2, Blizz please put brig back to pre-nerf stage
3, Blizz please don’t boost rapper
4, Blizz please focus on creating new maps instead of screwing around with hero balances which were good before


  1. no
  2. no
  3. ???
  4. no

its like you didnt even read it


Did you even read it? Seems like not

He is not demanding any of these things, he is simply bringing out why these changes had a negative effect in the long run


some people cant bother read what others write, just want to jump into conclusions

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Too long, didn’t read.
Just about your disclaimers: Mercy is fine, Soldier is cute with Vincent, is more balanced with her nerfs, only Brig might need a rework.

For me, 2018 was the best year of OW

If you did read the post, youd see how i explained the points, and more so would understand the disclaimers.

Those are just for people who are too triggered to even have a conversation about the topics

Well, I’ll make the effort I guess… You took time to do it, I can take time to read it.

Thank you :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, is there really that much GOATS below Master?
I don’t think everyone can play it

I think they just gave up on the forum, Jeff asked for more feedbacks about the PTR. On my side, I think 2018 was the best year of balancing in OW

I don’t understand that. Sure, GOATS is boring to watch (in OWL/Cont etc) but it’s really fun to play. Maybe too repetitive?

I don’t think they gave us Brig to satisfied Mercy’s player. Brig’s design had seduced more main tanks than main healers.
Also, I don’t see which buffs were inderects buff to Brig.
Alsox2, I really like Brig’s state right now, I think she’s interesting to play now (but the best for her would be a rework)

Community of AAA games always end up with toxicity

Depends who you’re refering to.
Some players are really pleased with the reworks, espescially Torb&Sym.

And some are awesome like Rein’s short or McCree’s short
We didn’t have as many shorts but we had comics for example, which is pretty great to develop lore.

Except that you can already see him with his picture of Vincent in the comics of December 2016. Also I think it was well done how they did it, it felt natural

The actual story was pretty interesting. It gives backstory to Ana and now I really want to learn more about what happened there. Also I hope we’ll see the face of the badguy she was chasing.

I don’t like to do it… But what if instead of Vincent, it was just Jessica, Soldier’s ex-girlfriend? I’m pretty sure no one would notice

Re read the Tracer’s coming out comics, you can see Reaper’s stalking a family

Agree for Zen lore, but I don’t think Lore is that important in the game.
Not agreeing for Bastion, heroes should be situational like he is.

His last spread buff is huge. But cheese heroes should never been meta, it would be hell.

Her kit is one of the best for teamplay. If you follow the hacks you win, a good Sombra is amazing but, if you make Sombra too strong, the game will be annoying as hell. Being hacked is one of the worst state IG

The problem is those heroes are not situational, they work on any map with any hero. They have a lot of synergy.

Mercy: problem solved, she’s not mandatory anymore and she’s situational
Rein: he was mandatory during GOATS but not before, Winston is a good main tank too. Orisa need a twick to be a good pick she’s good now with her last nerf.

Well, when did Brig got buff?

I love Mercy’s rework and pretty happy with Sombra, Sym, Torb and Hanzo

I also think Sym is better now than in all of her previous states. She just need +50Hp to be a good pick

Still on of the best support ability

Not “the forum” → “some old Mercy main”

Blizzard said several times “no change on mercy”

The rework was a mess but the result is pretty satisfying. Nice capacities, strong single target healing, fun ult

For me, she’s the funniest hero in the roster and I feel strong when I play her, stronger than with Moira. She has so much versitality and so many capacities.
Also I think old Mercy was boring as hell.

Did you try Moira?
Ult get cancelled by anything and you can do nearly nothing with your big Kamehameha

Mercy was a throw pick at that time. People playing Mercy got insulted and you can find a ton of Hide and Rez POTG… So not really fun

FTH needed a change because it was useless before. But now it’s mandatory, I think it’s too powerfull and need to be stronger than before-buff buck weaker than now.

Wrong, I play in Gold and Plat and everytime there’s a Reaper, he’s still useless. He gets countered by everyone who have a little range.
Also it’s pretty easy to deny him with Ana, Zen, Lucio and even Moira

Wraith form got a nice buff (ability to cancel it) and they say that shadow step is design like this on purpose, seems like they’re not gonna change it.

About this I think their titles should be “Welcome to Reaperwatch (but in Silver and below, like before, where Sym, Torb, Bastion, Pharah and Reap always been “OP”)”

I agree with the first part, because it is strong BUT you need to be at least good at aiming to do something with it. When Scatter was more a lucky shot than anything else
Now a tank can at least protect himself from Storm arrow instead of getting OS

She deserved it. She was reaaaaally too strong in any level.
How many people when from Silver to GM just by playing Brig (by rolling their head on the keyboard)? Many many manyyyy
I think she’s good now, but still as a 3rd healer.
If they want her to be a good off healer, they need to rework her

I don’t agree.
DM was literally spam by any, good or bad ones. It was really easy to deny stuff with her. Also, it’s the only ability able to deny some ultimates.
I think this nerf is great, now good D.vas will outshine bad ones (and we’ll be able to punish bad D.vas)

I think Moira is really nice and Brig’s a good idea (on paper at least), I also love Ashe and Wrecking Ball. YOU think heroes are less well made as well as YOU think skins are less detailed.

Personally I like being able to play my favorite gameplay one time a year. I don’t really care for events, I’m looking forward for their surprises and social features.
So I guess, “Tastes”?

Some people just enjoy the game as it is and consider events as a bonus, not something that needs to be rework every year

As I said, 2018 was the best year for me… Tastes?

You want them to develop a depression?

Edit: woops, published before ending it ._. my bad

“I want the community to be a bit more critical about Overwatch, rather than fullout toxic to it.”
You did a nice thread, with good arguments but agree with very few of them.
This is not how I see the game.

I love this game, I consider every new stuff as a bonus (Bastet challenge, Nano challenge, skins, shorts, comics etc) so, for me, the OW team is awesome.

Also, except for Brig, I think the year of 2018 had a good balancing and the new heroes were awesome!

Well, maybe it’s too much positivity but I really love the state of the game and my only problem is the community.
Always more toxic, always more whiny, never happy… As Jeff said “what do you want?”

Thats mostly based on the forums, on the hatred based on it.

Again, forum stuff, people complain about it being boring, both to watch and to play, its just the same old same old goats vs goats.

But the praise themselves for listening to the community so much, but they really dont.
and 2018 maybe for balancing. Doesnt mean the updates are good.

THey added her at the peak of the mercy post thing. I believe itd be partly because of that
Reins buffs, the animation stuff etc.
Brig is terrible rn. Without goats she would be dead.

Not as toxic as Overwatch
Overwatch is now known as the most toxic online game out there
even beating League

The majority.

But both Reins and Mccrees are lacking.

Plus theyre far and few, 2/5 new shorts are great, doesnt mean theyre all good.

the original ones are by far the best ones.

You could see him yes, but there was nothing indicating they were in any way together in any form.

Plus it wasnt really natural. The short story was poorly written in general, and just having them “casually talk about it” just seems like a bad decision for a story.

The story was interesting, but the story was written poorly.

I wouldve put it in regardless, because its poorly written, no matter how its in there.

same with this, poorly written.

Situational hero who has under 1% pickrate. under 0.2% in GM, hes in a terrible spot and the only situation hes good in is in payload maps.

not really, often the fights with bastion happen close range, so the spread wont affect it anyways.

She has the worst winrate of overwatch history, with 47% She is in a terrible spot.

THats not the point, the point is that theyre constantly being changed.

not all heroes should be “situational”

Yet he has always been in the meta, somehow.

Winston is good, until reaper buffs. Orisa is terrible.

The nerf did practically nothing else except mess with some peoples mechanical muscle memory.

“cant shield bash through shields” meaning Brig 1v1s you can just hold up your shield and you wont be stunned. Technically a buff as you dont die as fast now.

I dont like any of then, aside from symms first rework for main reasons: They changed far too much, a rework should change an ability or two, not the entire kit.

hanzos wasnt that much of a rework as the others, as it only changed 1 ability and put a new ability in.

not really, you get killed so easily now.

Mercy talk has been the biggest thing on the forums for ages, from hundreds of people.

Yet they after every statement, changed mercy.

The ult is horribly boring and feels like its doing nothing, and the rest of the kit is basically the same. except for the healing nerf.

But moira is a better pick, she does more healing, more damage, and her ult makes her stronger than mercys ult does. And again, opinions

Moiras ult has better self heal and better heal on teammates. Moira heals 140HPS per teammate and mercy heals 60HPS. Moiras self heal is 50HPS and mercys is 20.

Youre not supposed to kill people.

Dont punish everyone from some examples. Thats not how the game was played most of the time. Those spots just got glorified because they got POTG.

It wasnt useless. It was still powerful and could kill almost all squishies. And did a lot of damage to tanks.

Ive played in all gold, plat, and dia, and hes strong in every single rank, in almost all games.

You need to be good still with him to be good you know. You cant be bad and expect to do good.

Doesnt mean its well designed, the reaper shadowstep ability is terrible.

Reaper was never before OP in lower ranks, just now. I know, i talk to people from lower ranks and ive played there myself.

His arrows are the size of logs, you dont need to aim that much to do anything.

and not really, he shoots them so fast for anyone below diamond to be able to change their direction.

But they already made her terrible with the shield bash nerf, they didnt have to do more and more on her to make her even worse. Goats is keeping her alive, and when goats dies. so does brig, she has no use outside of it as everything in her kit can be achieved with other heroes.

It had a relatively small on time, if you wasted it you couldnt use it for a while.

Along with genjis. As deflect works like DM but even better.

Even people like Emongg. the Dva god himself, stopped playing dva because of it, and is now playing zarya.

Theyre not as well thought out, or put out, or designed as previously. People like sombra, ana, and doomfist have very refined kits, unlike wrecking ball, moira, and brig.

Quote above.

Because they are. They havent peaked since 2017 Halloween. the best skins after that have been the 2017 lunar new year, and 2018 lunar new year.

They werent surprises. They were planned out beforehand, and they were refreshing. Now theyre just eyesores with nothing new attached to them except for some cheap skins. And the surprise is still just the guild feature which is Bnet wide, so not overwatch exclusive.

you have weird tastes my friend

Posts such as the one i made shouldnt evoke depression, but rather open their eyes a bit.

But this is how a big part of the community does, especially in the mid level, of plat and diamond.

The challenges are good, hence why i didnt adress them in this post.

We’ve given them anwsers, they never listened to us.