The Big Problems With Overwatch

First of all, the game is great as it is right now, even if it’s not what you want it to be at the moment. Which is fine, just don’t assume the game is failing because it doesn’t met your ideal criteria. Remember, we who are on this forum are the minority. An important minority nevertheless, but still a minority in comparison to the total number of players playing this game. So please take everything you read with a grain of salt. Overwatch is not dying, at all. The state Overwatch is in right now, is completely normal for a three year old fps game. In fact, when taking into account the majority of other fps multiplayer games, Overwatch is still a huge success. Most developers can only dream about still having this many active players in a three year old game.

Also, if you look back at the systems Blizzard have added into the game, it’s pretty clear that they’re trying very hard to please us! Sure they don’t quite succeed with everything they do, but saying they’re not trying is ignorant. We don’t know everything that’s happening being closed doors, and what restrictions they’re working under. Saying “they should just do this, and everything would be fine” is a dream scenario. If it was that easy, they would do it.

As for your second line, it’s clearly the case of ‘the grass always being greener on the other side’. You’re looking back on how the game was, without considering the negative aspects. Literally, all meta’s that have been in Overwatch, have had a large amount of criticism attached to them, on this forum. If you were to only base Overwatch on the forum topics, the game should have be dead a long time ago, because there has never once been a meta that was universally loved. People hated dive, but now that we’re in a tank and support meta, everyone wants dive back. And then one or two months in, people will hate the dive meta again.

Overwatch is never going to be perfect, or become exactly what you want it to be. But if you take it for what it is, a casual mutiplayer fps, it’s a great game!

i didnt say its failing, i said that its not as good as it used to be.

Never said it isnt.

Theyre trying to please us yes, but theyre not doing it from stuff we suggest that often, but with stuff they think is good.

But none has had as many as Goats and Stun meta. As those are globally the two most hated metas. Im not talking from my own perspective, but in general.

i never said that, i absolutely love the game.

But this post specifically was to highlight the negative things, i could make a post twice as big highlighting the good things.

I understand, for a Plat/Gold pov on EU, I’ve played GOATS twice in comp. (1 was amazing, the other was awfull) Then there was no real comp at all, everyone played what they liked

I don’t agree, when I played GOATs with good communication, it was really fun, and I really liked dive too. But I understand

I think they do, they try to balance the game for everyone and that’s why it’s so weird. I think they should only check with GM and above (these players really know the games).
I like the updates of 2018, I liked the colorblind update, the Nano challenge and the “Overwatcher” for the World Cup.
Any other updates in mind?

I don’t think that’s connected to Mercy. I think Rein’s short was a teasing for Brig (and the comics as well), many people wanted her IG so the devs made her.
Rein did have some bug corrections, but buff?
As I said, it’s just my taste, I like her state but I hope she would get a rework. She’s not dead below Diams

Yeah, as toxic. LoL is the most known but CSGo, Call of, BF, Fortnite, they all have their toxic players.
Source for “most toxic online game”?


Rein is by far my favorite one in the last shorts and McCree showed Echo and make the community hyped again for a hero.
I didn’t really like’s one because I don’t like the character.
What are the last 2?

So it was a clue about Soldier’s past.
For me, it was natural, old friends talking about before, maybe the pictures part was kinda weird but I think it was really cute.


I’m not sure about that. Same for when Mercy mains were mad when Jeff said “this Hanzo main is good with Hanzo because he’s not a Mercy main”, if he said “Winston main”, no one would notice

I don’t agree. When I saw Reaper stalking this family in the old comics, I was hyped because I wondered who they were, Reaper’s ex girlfriend? Reaper’s kid? I think it’s nice they give a little information about it.

Depends if you’re on defense or not

And it’s a good thing. If they were not changed, many would have never been meta (Doomfist, Sombra, Hog etc)
Letting the game as day one would be a terrible idea. Just play old battle games and see how some heroes are just broken.

I think they must be. It would be a perfect way to balance them, e.g. with main healers:

  • Ana for open areas for long range healing (e.g.: Junkertown)
  • Moira for corridors for close range healing (e.g.: Kings row)
  • Mercy for pocketing and verticality (e.g.: Gibraltar)

This way, every hero would have a spot to shine

Dive = Winston? More than a year, remember?

Depends of the maps, depends of the comp, Wrecking Ball is a pretty good main tank too

People need to adapt, she will need more skilled know.

That’s definitely a nerf.

But now Sym and Torb are far from trollpicks and you can trust them in attack without feeling mad.
Mercy is far stronger than before.
Hanzo requires more skill to do his job, but he’s now a better Junk

Not if you think a little about your positioning and your timing.
Not if you play with your tanks and DPS and use communication

Yes, hundreds of 40 millions players.
It is pretty small.

Sorry I was not clear, I was talking about the #Rework #Revert movements, they will not change Mercy.
Balancing her capacities is not the big change people are asking for

Yup, opinions.
I really think Mercy is balance and Moira need a buff

Never said you were supposed to kill people but her ult is pretty useless except if you engage with it. You can’t help your team to survive a grav+DPS ult, or just a DPS ult, and also, Moira does not heal herself if she does not have an enemy in her ult.
Mercy can pocket every ally with Valk, has the best mobility, can rez and move freely during her ult and can push or defends with it.

Some examples are still the basis for many players. And she was a throw pick, people at that time, prefered a Zen+Lucio than Mercy+anyone else

No one used it, FB+MS1 was far more used than FB+MS2

So we’re not playing at the same game, he’s pretty bad on mine, he can just only survive.
When he gets at close range, he gets debuff/stun/boop and killed

I agree

Yes he was, because in lower ranks you can easily go behind a team or at a close range and else:

  • make them freaked out and they are ez kills
  • killing them from behind because they never see you

I spent 4 seasons in silver, it was always like this, especially with Reapers, Pharahs and Junkrats

His arrows have the hitbox of a projectile but yeah, I hate Hanzo and hope he’ll just be a sniper… Sniping from far away

I think her whole kit is bad. For me, all her nerfs were deserved, everything was too strong about her. Even if I didn’t play her that much, here my idea of “how to rework Brig as a good off heal”:

  • Shield bash: now boop, 25dmg
  • Whip shot: now stun, 60dmg
  • MS1: hitbox reduce, 5meter range, require aim to do stuff with it, 40 dmg
  • Inspire: allies healing buff, self healing nerf (so she’s not unkillable
  • Ultimate: give instant 200 shield for 10 sec

Not really use to her, but she feels like a strange baby Lucio and Ana could have together

2 sec is not that much.

Don’t agree, DM is far better to counter ults than deflect. Need more skills to do it with deflect.

Maybe because Zarya is better than in this meta?
I’m not really shock by that, even before the nerf Zarya was a better pick

Wrecking Ball? You must be kidding me?
He has the most original concept and abilities IG, his playstyle his unique and really hard to master. Brig kit is original too, but too strong.
I only agree for Moira because she lacks utility as a support

Lunar new year skins are awesome but I really liked summer 2018 and winter 2018 skins.
I don’t really like the firsts skins from 2016 and my fav were the Blizzard worlds skins.

One dev said on the forum that, for the next year, they have 3 ‘surprises’ incoming. I’m not talking about the event.
The guild is the only thing I think overwatch is missing so I would be glad.

Don’t forget map are reskined for events, and I love that personnally

I could say the same. You think you talk for everyone but no, when we do a thread on the forum we talk for ourselves only, then people come and agree or not.

Yup but there’s only criticisms on your thread, they might need suggestions too.

“Big part”… No, as I said before, the forum is not the majority of the playerbase. I’m pretty sure Reddit’s players or just non-forum/Reddit’s players have different opinions

Honestly, when we see the forum, I understand why they don’t listen to it anymore.
An example: Brig.
Everyone was like “nerf Brig”, “get rid of her”, “she’s annoying” and now… We have “what did you do to Brig???”

So… Never happy I guess

Just saw it on another thread:
“You can never please everyone, and often the unhappy are more vocal than the happy, even if there are more happy people”
I totally agree with this.

ill reply better to this when i have more time, dont think im ignoring you

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no worries, just waiting :slight_smile:

Latest ill do it is tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:

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Please stop using Goats. It’s slang name for a type of hero combination. Let’s start defining team comps not by who plays them. You can’t say the meta is dictated by Blizzard when you refer to a group hero combination created by a team that plays the game, in which has no connection to blizzard. The idea then trickles down to the masses because it works. Hence the Trickle Down Meta term.

Goats. Aka the team comp. Its easier to say lets use “goats” than lets just “3 tank and 3 support lineup”

Also, blizzard does dictate the metas quite a lot. without them dive would still be a thing, they nerfed and buffed heroes so we would get to this point

Ooo im waiting for that long reply

i suppose its not as easy to do in lower ranks, where there isnt as much coordination

they really dont though, they balance it out for the PRO players, and just OWL, which is like… 0.01% of the playerbase

Those are a small minority of the updates that have happened.

they are technically buffs, as they make his kit stronger.

But shes going to be, as soon as tank comps die.

personal experience from all of those games, overwatch is the most toxic.

look around , more people say they dont like the rework than people who say they like it.

But they already confirmed echo wasnt going to be Hero 30.

Infiltration and Rise And Shine

i didnt say it wasnt, the way it was implemented in was made poorly

What i meant by it was that it has a generally poor writing style, of jumping from point to point without leads.

i wouldve, i had this conversation with someone else before. But yes i wouldve, the whole story is to criticize in my opinion, because i think it was poorly written.

addition of something=/=well written.

Good information can be written poorly, such as what happened with the story, it was made poorly.

Not really, most fights with bastion happen from further away regardless if youre on defense or offense most fights happen close range if theres no hanzo or widow. And if there are, usually they can pick on bastion.

Sombra has never really been meta
Hog was meta, but was changed to be off meta, and has been off meta for over a year now
Doomfist wasnt changed for him to be in the meta, but was nerfed to the ground so hes no longer in the meta.

i think every hero should be viable in every situation, and the way to win is to counter them.

But dive was countered by anti dive comps, which included rein, winston hasnt been meta since.

not really, its still the same, just with bigger cooldowns.

not really, its a nerf and a buff. You dont die as fast as before now because of it.

Thats not what i said, i said theyre so far from their original states, that theyre not really the same heroes anymore.


Not my point in my post at all.

Ashe=headshot plus bodyshot
so many heroes can kill her easily.

Hundreds are probably the majority of the people who use the forums on the regular.

oh yeah those, well the movements were just dumb to be fair.

Well, people are asking to make her more fun again.

I mean, statistics also push my point further, she has better stats on her ult. Both offensive and defensive And moira has both a better pickrate and a better winrate.

Neither can mercys ult

yes she does, passive self heal.

But it does all that but not that well. Other heroes can do better. Boost? orisa ult. Heal? trans/moiras ult.

but she wasnt reworked before people said she was op

Knowing i used it, and i know people who play in masters and GM used it, it wasnt useless. a lot of people used it.

again, you need to know how to be good with him.
You need to know how to aim.

even silvers know how to aim enough to know when a reaper should be killed. And theyre not deaf

Could be good

2 sec is enough for them to die.

But deflect is better in the sense that you also get the abilities theyre using if you hit the deflect.

But people like Emongg played dva before the nerfs, even though zarya was more powerful.

i didnt say theyre not original. but theyre not refined.

but the guild thing isnt only for overwatch, so it hardly would affect overwatch that much

The only reskinned map this year was busan, the other ones were from past years. For lunar atleast.

i dont, i talk for myself and the people i know think the same way.

yes that is the point of this post, to criticize the game.

Im not talking just forums, but from different outlets, discord, other forums, in game. etc.

Because they went too far. We wanted her not to be OP but we didnt want her to be beaten to be crippled.

I think so

I don’t know, some buffs seems to be for the lower ranks (like Bastion’s spread, Sym’s last rework and Mei falloff buff)

What were the big updates then?

I dunno, some bugs were being shattered while you were not in it so I guess it might be nerfs too.
For me it’s just correction, like Doomfist had.

I’m not sure about that, 3 healers is pretty strong below Plat because it’s rare to see a good target prioritisation so it’s easy to keep everyone alive with 3 healers.
But if you choose her as a second healer she’s useless, yeah.
I think you’re right, she’ll be a trashpick ^^’

Personal experience, LoL was far more toxic.
I’ve encountered real toxicity 2 or 3 times in OW (in 2 years and a half), in LoL, it was everygame so I just quit.
But I understand your PoV from your own experience, which server are you on? I’m on EU and people are not really vocal

When you like it, you don’t feel the urge to scream it on the roofs. When you don’t like it, you want to let the world know about it.
Don’t you think?

That’s not a problem, we are just hyped to imagine what she would be as a hero, she doesn’t have to be the next one to generate hype

Infiltration: made me want to play Widow and Sombra more, got hyped over the russian female leader and wanted to know more about Talon, I really liked that one
Rise and Shine: full of cuteness, after this one I played Mei for a few hours and I really love the skin they made after the short.

Well aside of’s (and maybe the first in the museum), I think I love all the shorts

I understand your feeling, but I still like how they did it and think it was a smart way to do it

I remember a few weeks with Sombra/Tracer meta, it was another Dive comp
I think Hog was pretty strong after his Take a Breather buff (when he was able to walk while using it) but yeah, he was not meta in the pro plays
Doom was everywhere after his buff, except in pro plays, he was punching face from top to bottom, I hated that period

Well, we can’t agree on this point

Anti dive comps didn’t work that well (before Brigs) against good coordinated dive except on close maps like King’s Row

You still need to adapt to the new cooldowns and yeah, you need more skills to use DM now, you don’t just need to spam right click

Shieldbash through shields was mainly use against main tanks, especially Rein. Shield bashing another was not that effective. I still consider it as a nerf

I don’t think that’s the case for Torb
For Sym, I think it’s a good think, old Sym was far too easy to use in low ranks and far too useless in high ranks even in defense. I think her new kit allows more teamplay . I don’t understand why changing them from their original states is a bad thing, Sym’s core is still the same: building stuff with light

That’s why I said timing, positioning, playing with your teammates.
Good timing: don’t rez when you feel the enemy DPS will ult on your face
Good positioning: use walls and objects to avoid enemies line of sight
Good teamplay: if the ally dies in the middle of nowhere, ask your tank for protection

You can get killed for a rez, but you can think before using the capacity too.

Yes, and the forum is not the majority of the community.
So I’m still thinking: forum=minority.
The devs can also get feedbacks from: streamers, youtubers, reddit etc
And you will have a lot of differents PoV

I agree!

Fun is subjective, on any Mercy threads were the OP use the “not fun” argument, you’ll see other Mercy players say “well, she’s fun to me”
I don’t know if I said it here but, for me, she’s the funniest hero in the game and I’m glad they reworked her because, for me again, she was really boring in her previous state.

I’m not really into stats but it’s a good point.
I still think Moira is useless aside of Ana as a main healer (tank heal and burst), so she needs a buff
Mercy is a pocket healer for me, so I guess that’s why I’m not really able to compare her with Moira

I did it several times with Mercy, but that’s just my personal experience I guess

Interesting, I’ll try that in practice, I was pretty sure she didn’t self heal without touching an enemy

But she does everything by herself, let’s say her ult is “just” Orisa’s ult + Trans + possibility to still use Mercy’s capacities
Kinda huge no? You have the choice between 2 ultimates while being able to use your regular capacities while having the best mobility IG

People said she was else useless, else unfair (talking when she was invincible while ulting)

Not the feedback I saw about it on twitch/youtube or else
Many pro plays was done without it and I even saw tips when people said “don’t use FtH, MS1 is far more useful”.

You also need to know how to come at close range without dying and it seems that at 2k8 people are not able to do that.
So I’m still saying: he’s pretty bad.
And if you know how to aim right now, you’ll be much better with McCree, Widow, Ashe or Tracer

Oh yes they are, I was in there for 4 seasons my friend. How many times a Junk/Reaper or even Hog got behind the team and everyone notices after 3 deaths?.. Too many times
Also, no one really aim well before mid plat

I would love a shield boop and make stun from afar!

For me, you can compare DM to 2 capacities:

  • Zarya’s bubble: duration 2sec, cooldown 8 to 10 sec, 2 bubbles
  • Genji’s deflect: duration 2sec, cooldown 8sec
  • Dva’s DM: duration 4 sec, cooldown 2sec

Yup, still fair to me

But you have to at least aim to get back the hit, no need with DM

I don’t really know honestly, my problem with was she was in every meta since the beginning of the game. I think she needed little nerfs like this to be balance… But I also think we really lacks Off tanks (and main tanks) right now and we need a good alternative to Zarya and
I’m kinda confuse, Tanks’ state seems so complicated to me.

So what do you mean by “not refined”?
From my PoV, Wrecking Ball was the best new hero since the beginning of the game. And, for me, Doomfist and Brig was the worst

Even if it’s not just for OW it’s still a wonderful addition.
I know many friends who will be able to had their WoW guild on the Bnet guild and maybe, be able to have the said guild in their OW game.
I hope it will make easier to play with friends and know they’re there and ready to play

Even if they’re from the past, they’re still cool. I love playing on a map with different skins

I understand, but I just didn’t feel that way when I first read your first post

that’s why I’m saying, just it would have been great to had suggestions aside of your criticisms. Just to give some clues of what you expect IG.

I don’t agree, even with a thousand nerf, Brig will still feel unfair for low ranks players. I think that’s Blizzard struggled to balance her.
Also, I think they should just nerf AoE healing and focus on single target healing if they want to get rid of GOATS

but i have seen it there.

atleast the bastion buff was in general, as he has the worst pickrate in the entire game thus far.

i explained them in the post, nerfs, buffs, reworks.

to me everything that directly affects someones viability is a buff

And as goats in higher elos die, metas like Dive will come back, which encourages 2 healers, instead of 3. which would also be in lower elos as its easier to pull off

I usually play on NA when LoL, and on EU when OW

not really, there wasnt an outrage of Torb mains screaming like there was of mercy, and her pickrates etc dropped quite significantly.

thats true i suppose

Theyre all, except for dvas, atleast nice, but the ones afterwards arent as good as the original ones.

sombra/tracer wasnt really meta, but sombra was sometimes picked to open space, while genji usually was picked instead of her for Dive
And hog was only meta for a few pro players, all throughout history. Probably the most known one being Taimou

Doom was in the meta, but is no longer, is what i meant.

I just think everyone to an extent should be viable atleast, so there arent heroes like bastion who have a pickrate of 0.15%

but winston was meta during that time

i suppose this is right

Shield bash was used for reins often, yes. But also against other brigs, to get them to be picked off easier, now you cant be stunned either.

i suppose, for torb it wasnt as much. But for sym they kinda ruined her in lower ranks.

Thats why rez on E is quite bad because you cant rez that often

The forums still represent a big part of the community, so it shouldnt be completely shunned.

Moira is a good secondary healer, but not a main one, but atm Moira is a better healer than mercy is

thats only for her passive self heal outside of ult,

but you cant choose to have both, so if you have Orisa ult, you have that, or trans, you have that. But you can also just have an orisa or zen

i suppose.

Well, twitch/youtube often glorifies everything thats happening, to make it seem worse than it is. such as this post

atm, he has the best winrate in both masters, and grandmasters, and diamond

3rd best in plat, and i believe 4th best overall.

he has a 58% winrate in Gm and masters, and 57% in diamond.

people do aim in low gold too, its mostly positioning

it sure is an interesting concept atleast

but genji and zarya both gain something from being shot at while theyre using that ability, dva does not.

Since it is technically triple tank meta again, the tanks viability is very confusing atm

Yeah wrecking ball is the best one, but what i mean by not refined is like, theyre lacking in the exact abilities they have, either from animation stand point, usage standpoint, or overall use of them.

where as in for sombra or ana everything is refined and looks neat, someone like brig has her animations all wonky, and looking cheap.

thats true, but its not an overwatch update then, but a bnet update.

thats true, but it doesnt make it any better to see only the old maps, and only 1 new one.

i cant make posts just based on my own view points, as it would be egotistical in a way, to think people have to agree to what i say no matter what i say

but thats not the point of a criticizing post, if i were to give examples of how to fix the game, the post would be 3 times longer, and no one would have time to read it.

But brig is only viable in lower ranks, outside of goats. Which will probably become false soon, since shes going even more down by the day

Yeah you’re right, I’ve seen a dev interview and they said: no more rework was planned but, if they have to do one, they’ll do Bastion.
I really like that character so, when I have 1 in my team, I play around him and it works well… Except if he doesn’t know how to aim.

Oh I understand, I distinguish game updates (colorblind, LFG) to heroes updates (nerfs, buffs, reworks)

Depends if the bug corrected made the hero stronger.
e.g.: Moira’s healing throught shields

Depends of the next new hero but I think Dive will not be good comp with the amount of CCs we have right now. I think we’ll just have another meta with Rein/Zarya, some players talked about a “3 snipers meta”, I think about a McCree meta

Don’t know why are you talking about Torb and Mercy mains. Just people who are happy with the game tends to shut their mouth.
E.g.: you went to a restaurant, it was pretty good, you will not rate them on Google. You went to another and the food was awfull and the waitress insulted you, you will rate them on Google because you’re mad.

It’s common knowledge, the vocal minority are, in majority, people who are not happy with the stuff they talk about.

Also, people are never happy on OW, it’s kinda sad.
Just follow how the forum works:

  • let’s start with threads from a few months: “nerf Brig, nerf Doom!”
  • then we have: “well done Blizz, you killed Brig/Doom”
  • then: “no new content, I’m mad”
  • then: “new map is 2CP, wtf”

Tastes I guess, for me the worst short is, then it’s the first one (museum), also I think the one with Reaper’s raid in Gibraltar is not that good.
But I agree that Bastion’s one and Dragons are probably the bests, with Rein’s

I feel like (didn’t check the stats) that Sombra is still in a better state than she was before her small rework.
I think right now Widow is a best pick for dive, even Hanzo. I can’t wait to see next meta because it might be more open than before :slight_smile:
For Hog, I was mainly talking about his state outside for proplays, but yeah, Taimou is pretty great with him.

Well, you’re right

I agree, for me, everyone should be viable but only with some conditions. So no one would be a must pick but every hero has his own strenght (e.g.: Bastion on payloads attack, Mei in corridors)
We need more maps where Widow/Ana can’t have a line of sight, more maps where we have strong verticality…

(Sorry I don’t answer to everything because I consider some of our arguments came to an end :slight_smile: )

True, Sym was really strong in lower ranks.
I remember in silver where we were just unable to destroy her shield gen or her turrets and got destroyed by her.
I’m not there anymore, but when I encounter a strong sym in Gold or Plat, I’m always impressed (same for good Torb, Doom or Bastion)

I don’t think that makes it a bad capacity.
It’s a capacity that requires gamesense and teamwork, I think it’s more healthy to the game than it was before (mass rez and instant rez).
Also I think it’s rewarding.
But maybe I’m not objective because I love Mercy and have fun with her kit right now

I think devs still read the forum, they just avoid the obvious stuff they’ll not change like:

  • every statement based on “I don’t like it so it’s bad”
  • every X hero is OP/Not really good because I hate/love him
  • every X patch is way too much (while the patch was released 10 minutes ago and you didn’t even tried it)

I think the objective feedbacks (so not the one about “why you should revert Mercy”) are read and they try to balance the game with it.
I think I’ve read somewhere they balance the game with 3 factors:

  • 1/3 players’ feedback
  • 1/3 pro’s feedback
  • 1/3 dev’s feedback

So I guess that’s why we’ve got some buffs on heroes like Mei, Doom, Bastion, a rework on Sym, Torb or some capacities changed (like Scatter arrow)

Moira is a main healer, she has the MS1 healing rn
Main healers: Ana/Moira
Off healers: Lucio/Zen/Brig
Utility healers: Mercy

Main healers (and utility healers I guess) build their ultimate on healing while Off healers build their ultimate on dealing dmg

I forgot to try it, I need to remember to do it!

Both would be broken and boring, it’s the stuff you need to manage during Valk: what to do when?
Yeah you can have Zen and Orisa but that means you need to use 2 ults when with Mercy you only use one.

Yep, I’m not talking about those vids (they’re not interesting, just clickbait), talking about just highlights (like Blizzard Guides, Jayne or Rapida do every week)

Well, not shocked about GM and masters, neither diams (I’ve heard that it was the most “strange” rank) but I guess I’m lucky, I struggle more with McCrees than Reapers.
Just need Ana or Hog or any CC/long range to deny him in Plat

Also what is his pickrate?
I think when we talk about winrate we need to compare to its pickrate, else we can point out that Torb has an average winrate of 55% and it’s broken.

Also, I have a question: is winrate/pickrate of overbuff still relevant with private profiles?

It’s aim or positioning, they’re still missing something :confused:

I really hope they’ll do that.
But I’m not objective with Brig, I never liked her and really think her kit is boring to play. I want more challenge to feel the rewards to get kills or protect teammates.
Rn, I love her E because I love the fact to need to time it to save a teammate and I really like shield bashing in front of a mate to save him… But that’s all. Everything else in her kit feels underwhelming.

True, between my previous answer and now I’ve seen a dev’s interview of December (Geoff I think) where he said that DM was really hard to balance.
They tried several stuff (limited the amount of dmg absorbs for example) but it all seems too close to a shield.
I think the cooldown buff is a good thing so, if you manage your DM well, you’re still able to deny ultimates (Beyblade / Justiceeee for example). DM is still the only capacity able to deny all the dmg of an ultimate.
Maybe deflect is the only capacity to be as strong as DM but Genji has to be the first target of the ult to be able to kill the enemy before he wipes the team

I agree, tanks need a rebalance to feel good to play.
Honestly, I tried Rein with a friend whose a main. We had a really great time but ONLY because we used comms together and had Ana and Moira has healers (even with this, the heals felt really low).
I think playing tanks in SoloQ might be underwhelming right now except for Roadhog and Zarya mains.
We really need a new main tank and a rebalance of the category (as they did for healers)

I don’t think if it’s a good idea, but I feel like yellow armor is kinda useless, so I was wondering if tanks like Orisa or Rein would be better with blue shields (so they would not need a healer on their butts when their teams run 4 DPS 1 healer)
But if yellow armor is switched to blue armor, it would be a huge buff to EMP

I still don’t agree for the refined argument but I can agree on something: except for Ana and Brig, every new hero was underwhelming because they have else no utility/too much counters.
I remember when Brig MS1 had a horrible animation on PTR but they fixed it before she went live


The best would be to have every map with a reskin for each events.
I also really hope to have a event for February (even a small one) for the 14th with the release of Paris on the live server.

Yeah, and I’m guilty too, I’m always talking my PoV like it was the best, because I like the idea.
But I really love when people change my mind.
Right now, after talking to you, I feel like Bastion need a change after all

Yes, true, didn’t thought about that, sorry.
Also we can have your idea in the comments so it’s good!

Yes, just like Bastion, Doom, old Sym or old Torb.
A “very” situational hero that we will not be happy to see in our team.
I really hope they’ll rework her in a single target off healer

once again, ill be replying a tad bit later :stuck_out_tongue:

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Didnt reply tho :(((((

I completely forgot, i might do so later

Or not xD take yer time

on the contrary, ill give Blizzard some points for Adding baptiste in, a good hero.

I have a big problem with how I’m matched with in Arcade especially.
The games never feel fair, I’m around +3k SR and often I’m matched with mid plat team against masters and even grand masters.
I end up with 3 golds and a loss, what am I supposed to do. Carry harder?
Even if we disregard the medals and SR difference, something has to be wrong when I can go 10 games in a row and lose every single one.
To grind for my loots I need to push 1v1 if it’s one of the options that week.
“Play Nice, Play Fair” indeed, why don’t you blizzard?

I’m not reading that.