The Big Problems With Brigitte

And she is still a problem. That should tell you how ridiculously broken she was.

“Only consider about 4% of the entire game, the other 96% doesnt matter in the slightest”

yeah but i can’t play zen if my life depended on it xD

Quick question, what rank are you in?

i am in low master at the moment why?

ahh, theres still time for you to learn zen, i feel like hes gonna be even more powerful next patch xD

he probably is but i am usually playing tank and just did not invest in playing all roles so if i do have to fill its either lucio or ana but it seldom happens i switch to brig tbh. It is only when the team is not communicating/helping with the flankers so i do it more solo.

I’m a support main and I play all except Brigitte. Why you ask? Cause she is 0 fun. A lot of people hate her design and have no fun playing her.

ahhh tank main, thank you for not being a dps main xD

Nice strawman argument which makes your credibility seem even more questionable

Also that it is correct that about 95% of the playerbase is irrelevant in balance discussion as it only considers the realistic potential of a hero or in other words how good the hero is when played optimally. If low tiers would matter in balance discussion then old Torbjörn and Symmetra should’ve been flatline nerfed because they had the highest winrates and primary statistics out of all the heroes, but nobody is so naive that they would ask for such thing seriously because we all know it’s not about the realistic potential of a hero rather than players just being bad at that level of gameplay compared to autolocking turrets.

The only thing that matters in lower tiers is such abilities with autolocking or abilities that have passive value in them that has no mechanical or game sense pre-requisites like turrets, sentries, reinhardt’s shield and so on and they matter only when they become overpowered compared to other abilities and even then the heroes aren’t nerfed but the value of those abilities is just shifted into another part of their kits. Or they make an only console patch like they did with turret and sentries that were problematic to the low tier players on console.

She may not be OP now but she sure as heck was OP… she needs penance now to work off the stank she has from 6 months of unrestricted mugging of characters by being OP.


No, it should be all around, not just 4-5% of the playerbase who get to enjoy the game, i can happily claim to be in that 4-5%, but knowing how crappy it would really get with heroes only being balanced at a high level of play.

Low tiers do matter, but theyre not the only things that matter, the entire playerbase should be considered in the balance discussion since if all golds, all plats, all diamonds, all silvers, and all bronzes got snapped out of the game, the game would be dead, no one would watch, play, or even think about it anymore, except for those 5%.

You do know people up to gold already know how to destroy torb turrets, sym turrets, etc, even before the reworks. its just those videos glorifying bronze and silver as being the place where everyone has no awareness whatsoever and terrible all around skills, since no one is going to go there from high ranks theyre just gonna assume its true.

Console is a whole another discussion and should be brought up as said, in a whole another discussion, but even in lower ranks, heroes like Ana, and genji, and zen have good pickrates, and in silver all those plus zarya just means that its not “autolock” that drives them, its wanting to be better. And if a hero is balanced around high level of play only, its gonna isolate those 5% from the rest of the game, and will make climbing just that much harder.

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even thou brig has more then everyne she should have the best everything

you didnt even read half of the post


The main problem with Brigitte is not her APM, and it will never be her APM (things like healing + damage + elims), yet it’s rather how she interacts with the game as a whole and her 1v1 potential.

As a Brigitte, you are the hardest support to 1v1 out of all of the, due to your personal shield, your rocket flail (which goes through shields), and your CC (shield bash).

We also have to acknowledge the fact that Brigitte is able to hit multiple enemies, ignoring barriers, and has passive heals as long as she can hit an enemy with her rocket flail.

We must also acknowledge that her Rally armour (and added armour in general) interact with base shields weirdly, with HP -> Added Armour - Base shields, not only does this make Zenyatta, Zarya, and Sym more tanky, but also means that EMP is an unreliable ult to confirm a kill on someone alike Zen, since the added armour will only be removed once the opponent has been able to chip away all of your shields.

Rally also increases Brigitte’s base movement speed during the ultimate, allowing her to get picks easier and be more tanky due to the armour appliance.

Her whipshot is a 4 second cooldown boop with a 20m range, that brings down any basic hero to 130 HP when contact is met. Not only does this allow you to disrupt dive heroes more due to your lower cooldown than their abilities (except tracer blink), but it deals a chunk of damage.

Her E/Armour pack is an autolock insta heal (with a very brief travel time) for 150HP, and applies armour to full HP (or if full HP is possible through that burst heal). Since it’s 6 seconds, you can actually nearly always reactively use this as a defensive ability to anyone being dove, and everytime they dive (excerpt for probably one time) you will have your burst heal back.

Let’s bring up her personal shield, not only does it give personal protection on command on a vital target, but it also has a very small window of activation before it’s up and protecting you.

Oh, let’s not forget her Shield Bash. When you are upholding your personal shield, Brigitte has a HARD CC that lasts 1 second on the opponent. It also launches you forward, allowing you to close distance between enemies or create distance.

She may not have the best damage output, best healing, or even best elims, but she sure as hell does her job well, and with minimal effort at that.

Brigitte is, without a doubt, the BEST 1V1 hero in the entire game, and, for some reason, has the right to heal both herself and her whole team in a 20m radius when dueling.

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IM just going to briefly reply to this, since i dont really have the motivation to reply fully at the very moment, i might edit this later to be better.

What im more so saying in the post is not that shes un-usable, but below other healers in power, she doesnt get as much out of her kit as other healers do, atleast in most scenarios

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She’s not below other healers in power. You don’t have to heal the team when the enemy is dead, do you?

Her raw healing power is NOT the struggle of Brigitte, she’s an off-healer, that should NOT be the focus of discussion for her.

Yet, Brigitte does get great value in most scenarios, since how team fights work. You and the enemy make an engagement that focuses around an objective, assuming you both aim to be near it, Brigitte thrives due to her close quarters combat and her close range healing. She may struggle in long range healing, but so does Mercy, and Lucio.

Her kit/design is most definitely, undeniably, powerful, and has the power to wreck havoc amongst the enemy.

Because there is more to her kit than the other supports. She’s the only healer that has any tanking ability at all, the only one with overheal, etc.

When there is that much in one hero’s kit, they cannot be as effective at those things individually than heroes that can do less. That is the pitfall in creating a hybrid. When you violate this principle, you get Oldhog. Brig will never be a fully-fledged numerical healer because she is also part tank.

The issue that i talk in full detail here, isnt to do with if she has potential to be powerful. But that she doesnt fit in most comps, or in a general goats comp that well anymore, because if goats comp is the one comp shes perfect in, other heroes in the comp can do whatever she can, aside from a stun, unless youre running a roadhog, then they can do that aswell.
Lucio has similar healing, but even more powerful, reinhardt the same kind of attack that goes through shields and hits multiple people (aside from that any hero with a melee can technically hit more than 1 person) and if youre running a winston he can also do that. A rein has a shield that can block the enemy out, you dont need a brig shield next to that, and you get boop power from lucio. Extra healing from zen or moira.

The only real thing that Brig has over them, is the overheal, which doesnt last long, every other support ultimate does more in favour of the team, moira can heal far more, zen does heal more, sound barrier gives enough health to survive most attacks, nanoboost is casually just one of the most powerful abilities in the game.

Only ult id say is in a way worse is mercy’s but that still has the potential to do more healing, plus the addition of a mini orisa ult if she damage boosts.

So yes, most of the healers can do inside a comp, either better, or more than brig can, hence the post

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We can’t ignore the fact that she’s able to 1v1 nearly every hero reliably, and that she does have the malleability of working outside of GOATS. If anything, Moira is more restrictive in GOATS, since she needs to focus on healing with her heal spray, and her teammates need to be close to her to be effective (closer than 20m).

If you use your fade as a means to travel to your teammates to heal them, you’ve risked having your best escape ability for a simple heal.