The Big Problems With Brigitte

But shes not really used outside of goats, since when outside of goats, the enemy team would be running goats, either that or theyre gonna go double sniper, or pharah. Which would all wreck the brigitte.

But moiras heal spray divides the healing, or atleast heals more than 1 person if spreaded into a group of people, plus her healing orbs that do 200 healing are amazing to heal snipers, and since her healing output is so good, she can sustain more of a team than a brig can, as brig needs an enemy nearby to heal to her full potential.

But if you fade back into your team, from somewhere else, youll be safe, with brig youll need to walk all the way, which takes longer

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I do think that Brigitte needs an overhaul about her fundamental design, but as it stands, she is the best healer for 1v1’s, and has the power to plummet through an enemy team with just a little bit of help (1 or 2 teammates).

Of course Brigitte has counters, yet so does everyone else, and that does mean that you’d have to swap due to enemy picks, and that goes for all heroes.

When I’m talking about Brigitte’s healing malleability, I’m not referring to her as a solo healer, because that’s NOT HER JOB, Brigitte’s job is to apply pressure to flankers + tanks with her reliable rocket flail and keep up some form of passive heals in a team fight.

i understand your notion.
but i want to give some food for thoughts:
when i started playing, overwatch was pretty much my first ever FPS game. i understood nothing, my mouse was way too fast, i was a complete pleb.
but did i have fun? hell yes.
i didnt understand all the details, so they didnt even matter. and my hypothesis is that this is true for most low level players. theyre usually new to the game or shooters in general, and i assume they will just play for fun.
then we have those that arent good, but want to improve. they might not find it as fun, but they are determined to get better, so they will learn and eventually adapt and overcome the struggles.
im talking about below-gold players.
so the balancing being bad for their rank is not a problem, since they will climb out with increasing experience.

then we have average players gold-diamond range. they are a big chunk, probably 50% of the playerbase. theyre people who know some stuff, arent bad but have things to improve on, mainly teamwork.
if a hero is balanced in a “good teamwork environment” but gets problematic once the teamwork is weak, the players in that range will find it horrendous. the question is simply:
how important should teamwork be for the balancing of a single hero?

While i do agree almost fully, i think zen would be better for a 1v1. as a brig couldnt exactly 1v1 a good zen. Since even if she stuns, a zen can discord and triple headshot her before she does enough damage to kill him.

but for a lot of heroes they still can do something about their counters, a widow can kill winstons, genjis, tracers etc
a genji can easily kill a winston, a symm, a torb, and brig
and a pharah can kill widows, ashes hanzos, mccrees, and soldiers pretty easily. But in brigs case, she cant do anything against a widow, but look at her with a shield

but for a lot of those, a lucio would be better. He does better healing, his gun does more damage if used well, and overall his kit is better tuned to be an off healer.

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Zen is not the best 1v1 healer simply because he has no passive healing when he fights a flanker, and if he gets dived, he can’t stun nor knockback nor shield them.

A Brigitte does definitely struggle against her counters, but she is able to harass a Widow/Hanzo with a whipshot, she can also whipshot Pharah’s + shield direct hits, but will need to position more carefully against her.

Brigitte’s design is best suited as an off-healer rather than main, but definitely should be reworked into either a Damage or Tank class, or just overhaul how she heals altogether.

tbh I main Brigitte and she was pretty powerful before the nerfs. Nerfs were needed imo, but I still enjoy playing her even after the nerfs.
It’s that her kit is literally based around her melee swings.

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For a good zen, you would be able to kill flankers, if someone comes up behind you, and you hear it, turn around and discord and aim, if not. if a genji lands all 3 shurikens as bodyshots, you can still discord and 2 tap him. With tracer the same thing.

but in most cases she wont be able to do even that, as a widow is often so far that you cant reach her with a whipshot, same with pharah

I do agree, her kit doesnt feel like playing an actual hero, but just… a thing

Yeah, that was my point, although it didn’t come across clearly.

She isn’t OP now, but she was before all of her nerfs. Now she’s teetering between meta and unviable. That alone tells you how bad her design actually is.


The only thing really keeping her up there is that she can be very good in GOATS

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I feel like you don’t understand how aggressively Brigitte is able to be played, she can be played like an off-tank to a degree, and head on fight tanks without much worry, whilst a Zen will be absolutely annihlated if he ever tried to face a Roadhog or D.Va in close range, whilst a Brigitte will be able to.

We also have to take into account that Zen, by design, will have to be better than the opponent to beat out flankers, therefore meaning, that a 1v1 of Tracer and Zen of equal skill, the 1v1 will prefer Tracer, due to her design being focused on destroying non-mobile healers.

Then there’s Brig, and a Brig doesn’t need the higher skill to beat our or survive a Tracer if anything, the Tracer must need the higher amount of skill to beat out a Brig, meaning that if of equal skill, the Brig will either kill her or survive.

Well, a brig should never ever ever be able to 1v1 either, a roadhog or a dva, as their damage output surpass hers by a lot, same goes for zen, but zen could have some form of chance against a dva, if he just hits all headshots.

but in a 1v1 against brig, it would still favour tracer, after brigs nerfs. A tracer would be stunned, recall, and come back with full HP and leave brig with no abilities to save her.

Not really, since the nerfs i see tons of tracers killing brigs because a brig puts out so much less damage

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The goal of a Brig from my examples is to not kill the opponent, it’s to survive the opponent. When I say she’s the best for 1v1’s, I imply that she is able to survive from nearly all heroes.

Yes, a Brig does struggle a bit to kill a Tracer now, but I have yet to die to a Tracer whenever I go Brig, since I know how to play around my shield, positioning, and her blink cooldowns.

Even against a D.Va and Road, if you can survive them, you’re still doing your job as an off-healer or even in a 1v1 scenario, surviving and healing.

but for that, shes not that very good.
As “just surviving” isnt exactly a good thing in the long run, if you dont kill the enemy youre not going to really win

Its still quite normal to die to a tracer, as brig. From my own experiences as a tracer its quite simple killing a brig now, go in, be flailed and stunned, recall, go in , and 2 clip them by just blinking next to them and shooting

More so against dva, but a roadhog can destroy your shield really fast, and then just hook and kill you

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yet people used numbers to justify her nerfs. so it’s only ok for what YOU want? don’t be hypocritical when that’s why she’s here now. people just stink at playing and countering thats why every meta is a mirror instead of counter.


We still must acknowledge that if you’re dueling someone in a team fight, you’re keeping up your passive heals which will be spread to your whole team and yourself, that’s why it can be “just good enough” to survive as Brig.

Also, if you’re dying to a Tracer as Brig, you’re typically not playing Brig well, since you shouldn’t focus on killing her, but annoying her. If a Tracer can’t kill anyone, she’s not doing much.

Ive never once hid as Mercy when Mass Rez was around and sure told no one to die on point. So it’s different based on everyones perspective.

As for Brigitte, Right now, she’s going to be a tough character to find a spot for. Cause at it stands, she doesn’t challenge the flankers anymore, and her team support is less than stellar.

It really depends where you were playing.

Mercy was basically only meta during the very early seasons (which few have played) or on specific points, and metas are only followed for the top very few % of the competitive community, and then it’s probably primarily pc.

Point is, the argument that it didn’t happen is ludicrous, because it did happen and it was an issue. Reality can’t be disproved with numbers. I can appreciate that not everybody had to deal with it, but that’s not really a reason why it wasn’t a problem. It still needed fixing, just not everyone had the full perspective of why.

Numbers are evidence, and they are significant, you just can’t prove much with them alone.

Obviously OP heroes tend to have good stats and UP tend to have bad stats, but it’s not proof of anything. Often there’s more going on. If there isn’t more going on, then they might just be UP/OP.

You should tell the professional coaches about your theories on how bad the pros are at countering things, though. You clearly have information they don’t and they have a lot to learn from you.

Looking at stats and claiming something that isn’t true doesn’t work. You could also say that about the Goats comp itself or any meta. Goats isn’t picking the required heroes then just pressing W. There are specific win conditions and objectives you have to do to win. Because I’m sure dive wasn’t that high of a pick rate, even if it was almost no one was actually playing dive in ranked even at the point of it dominance.

Pulling out stats will help you balance the game just as good as it will let you rank up. It is definitely an important part of the process but claiming something based off of pure stats will get you nowhere fast.

You know why people hated on her?

Shield Bash. That’s literally it. It all stemmed from there, and turned into a “give an inch, take a mile” scenario.

That’s why it never stopped even after SB got butchered. It probably won’t stop for some either, as much i hate to say it, but hey, other heroes deal with that too.