The Big Problems With Brigitte

You clearly don’t know how goats comp works. You see 3 tanks and 3 supports and are just thinking 3 healers healing 3 tanks.

This is completely wrong.

Despite goats comp having 3 supports it does not mean mass healing at all. They are supports, not healers. Lucio is used for speed boost. Zen is used for discord. Mercy for damage boost. Ana for anti heals and sleep dart. Brig is used as a tank / dps. Stunning players that get close, countering flankers. Pushing people out of position.

Moria doesn’t her used as she has no utility like the other supports. She only heals.

Pros don’t use supports and healers cause that would mean they are taking a lot of damage. And pros can team wipe in seconds. Which a helaer could never keep up with. So why bother? So instead, they pick supports that make the fight quicker. Not to actually heal them.

Also you’re using overall player base stats, so on average plat stats, and using those to try and justify hero’s in the pro league? Why not, look at the people actually playing the meta? Like Moria wasn’t even picked once. But of course she is plat where she’s good. It’s just silly to compare the two there.

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I have, mostly because i just stroll around the forums all day…

i do see 1 or 2 threads every day about it, which is a bit annoying knowing how she is now.

Im going to update this thread as much as needed to make it as accurate as possible, this so far has just been a fast version i made, while in a rush. when i do get back home, which im leaving to right now, ill be sure to read up more on her and how she works, more stats, and relevant stats.

this is basically what i did disprove, since thats only only argument people really make nowadays, since the SB dmg was nerfed

This is what i refrence the pickrate, of being the lowest in the entire healercast

Yeah but in practice things don’t really work that way.

Take Symmetra: she has the highest win rate in the entire game, but one of the lowest pick rates. No one in their right mind would nerf her at this point, but with the logic of “win rates must be 50%”, she’s definitely “OP”.


You talked about her not fitting in goats comp because she doesn’t put out much healing…

A hero with a garbage design deserves exactly that the garbage bin. The game was better without her so I don’t miss her presence at all.

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I think you skimmed too much, read it again

“you can have your 56% win rate when your pick rate goes down to well below 1%”

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i think she is alright now.
the armor and rally nerfs might be problematic for her,
but right now on live shes doing alright.

i would like to see her get optimised for 222 instead of 3-3, but i think if goats leaves meta, it will actually be good for brig. because she is meant to counter dive, not goats, so of course she doesnt flourish against goats, nor WITH goats anymore.
i think once flankers like genji and tracer come back, brig will get a rise in pickrate and a little dive in winrate. just my personal prediction.

if i were to make fundamental changes to her kit, i would say take 1 thing away and strengthen another thing. she has a huge kit, but everything is so “meh”.
for example (might be a bad idea) you could take away shieldbash entirely, but then strengthen her shield HP and damage a little. or take inspire away but reduce armor pack cooldown. etc etc etc

You’re fotgeting that she has armour on her Ult.

Armour which can effectively halve the damage of the following heroes

Doomfist’s M1

And also reduces the damage of heroes who deal their damage in ticks by a large amount.


That’s 12 out of the 29 Characters which is about 40%

Additionally her 1 second stun with a modest Cooldown completely invalidates any attemps to fight up close which further denies shotgun heroes any value.

Meanwhile her 500 hp shield can buy at least 3 seconds which can be forever especially in a fast paced game such as Overwatch.

check the stats. you took 3 main healers(mercy, moira, ana) and 3 off healers(brig, zen, lucio) and if you look at the other two off healers, she has good healing. you cant compare the healing of a main healer to an off healer.


THAT IS A GOOD PICKRATE! if you want bad pickrate, Im gonna point your attention towards Sombra, Throwfist, Wrecking ball etc.

Notice how he CONVIENIENTLY leaves out her winrate. Highest of all supports. Supposedly underpowered. Classic confirmation bias.

Unless you want to prove a hero is “factually” OP. Then all you need to do is list their pick rate and win rate. List those two things and a swarm of like-think will continue to nod their heads in approval.

Refrence to my post, i gave out reasons as in to why it doesnt work that well in goats, atleast anymore. hence the low pickrates

But in the PTR, when it goes live the armor only lasts 30seconds, so if she pops it about when the engagement happens, the armor will most likely be gone when the next engagement happens

But in the same way, as she cant stun through shields anymore, if someone just stays behind a shield, she cant do squat about them anymore.

But that 3 seconds is slower walking for her than normal, so its almost better to walk backwards without holding your shield, if your plan is just to escape

Read the post, i said i took the 6 most popular healers, but in this case them being all of them. Comparing them. As lucio is an off healer but still compares close to Ana. Lucio by far is closer to ana, than he is to Brig.

The pickrate is significantly worse than others.
“if you want a good pickrate i can point your attention towards Rein, Ana, Moira, Zarya, Lucio, Dva, Mercy, Genji, Zen, Mccree and Ashe”

I didnt, i said she has a good winrate, at the end of the post.

read up on the post before you make an argument my man

pickrate is no measure of power. It is a measure of how much something is being played and on lower ranks mercy is more dominant than brig is this was also the case when brig was not nerfed. So this paints a half picture.

in most ranks mercy is more played, all the way up to masters, where brig is for the first time more picked than mercy, and even there with a pickrate of 2%

And brig was one of the most played heroes before the nerfs, with a pickrate up to 5-8% right after Reinhardt

Below diamond everybody plays what they like aka their comfort pick stats from those ranks don’t mean a whole lot tbh because its all over the place. Brig is not a mandatory pick but still very good but just not always which is fine.

But brig is only really good in goats, since if youre doing any other comp, like 2-2-2 youre not gonna do enough healing

I still pick her if i have a really annoying genji/tracer/sombra if i play off support.

id prefer to pick either moira or Zen to deal with them, but each to their own

The solemn reason why this post is a fail is because players below masters/GM aren’t excluded from the statistics which makes them have variance to a point where they’re irrelevant in balance discussion that only considers the realistic potential of the heroes which is only relevant in master/GM gameplay where players play close to the realistic potential of a hero where as in diamond and below players play heroes very sub-optimally.

Just edit the statistics to only consider master/GM and then you can make a point about balance from them.