The betrayal of the PvE community in this game is astounding

Hey everyone, old man Tsunder here to rant about overwatch 2’s mishandling of PvE content again.

Overwatch 2 was a game that was advertised to both PvP and PvE players. PvE was the heavy focus during advertising of Overwatch 2. You can say it wasn’t all you want, but it absolutely was.

With this reasoning, there are many Overwatch players who continued/started playing strictly waiting for the PvE content of Overwatch 2 in any capacity.

Yet, as of April 2023, we have had ONE SINGULAR PvE event in the entire game. Otherwise, players who are no longer/are not interested in overwatch PvP have been given 0 reason to enjoy this game since release.

While i understand that some people probably don’t care(insert generic “overwatch is a PvP game people shouldn’t play it for PvE” comment), in my opinion this is absolutely unacceptable. It is completely unacceptable that after advertising that both PvP and PvE players would be able to play the game the way they want to play, PvE players are still left with absolutely nothing after 6 months.

Honest question; how hard would it be to put the PvE tab in the game early and just throw the archives missions in there to give PvE players something to enjoy, and a way for them to grind their battle pass and earn rewards without having to play a mode that they don’t like? Originally, i thought that the reason they weren’t doing this was because they were gonna milk them as a “seasonal event” one last time before the PvE mode actually releases.

But NO, its not even that; archives returning isn’t even in the roadmap for the season. So on top of taking absolutely forever to launch PvE, they don’t even bring back the little flicker of hope PvE players had. Absolutely shameful. And before anyone says it, yes; i am aware that we are getting “news” this month… lets hope its actually worth a damn.

So, to all the people who ask why im still here if all im gonna do is complain about the game, and why i still play even though it seems like i hate this game… i do. I hate the PvP in overwatch 2. I think its absolutely horrible and plays like crap. But, i was promised a mode that I’d actually enjoy… however, until i have the option to actually enjoy the game in those modes, i will continue to complain about this game, and it will not be good until then.

End rant.


Just wait until we find out their monetization scheme for PvE. I’m sure it’ll be reasonable and consumer friendly.


Oh definitely. I can’t wait for everything to be free and everything to be happily ever after.

That said if they try to monetize it too violently im pretty sure they lose almost all of the interest in it.


The situation is obviously far from ideal, but it’s not like they didn’t set expectations. They told us “2023” and that’s it. Could be December 31st for all we know so anybody expecting it any sooner is just setting themselves up for disappointment.

I feel called out


The game is still technically in the Early Access period and hasn’t been fully released yet. Didn’t know that for awhile but it explains a lot. There was news that PVE is coming very soon (and not the Blizzard Soon ™️), so there should be relief just around the bend.


My main gripe is that they could at least do something with minimal effort, as i explained with the archives mission statement. I originally figured the reason they weren’t opening them up as a permanent playlist was because they were gonna use it as a seasonal event, but now thay we have the full view of season 4, it’s clear that there is literally no reason why they aren’t, and that they just don’t feel like it.

It’s not necessarily that im expecting it, more like just criticizing them that nothing has been done yet. At this point, people who refused to play the game until PvE content comes have already missed 3.5 seasons worth of content, and i think that’s ridiculous, early access or not.


If the pve bombs this game is pretty much done.

The expectations for a change is the only thing that holds people in.


I only decided to get back into Overwatch with the release of Overwatch 2 because we were promised PvE.


I didn’t, but i quickly learned that i don’t like ow2 pvp, and at this point am just holding out.

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Supposedly we’re getting news on it this month but. We don’t even have half of the month left now so when is that news even coming?

It probably won’t even be news, it’ll be something like “hey guys we’re still working on it, nothing to show today” as it has been for over 2 years.


It definitely was, but it doesn’t irritate me.
Mostly because their reputation, personally to me, sunk as low as possible with the giant content drought during Double Shield being followed up by our extremely hard at work Blizzard employees racking up every conceivable allegation known to man, woman, and milk.

I personally thought they were going to go bankrupt, sell the IP, or just recycle it and let the dust sit. Yet, they still showed up.
Now, mind you, I had NO hope for the game. I enjoyed entirely what the meta state of OW 1 near it’s final few months and even enjoyed it before. My expectations were just apathetic because I thought they were done for. You know, considering the net loss of billions in lawsuits.

So when OW 2 came out half-baked, lack luster, and the 5v5 format I still will argue is not better than 6v6, I did not care. Because I can still play the game: the game no other game is like while satiating that same feeling. Yet I am tired of having others tell me I should feel content as they mistake that feeling with improvement. I play once in a blue moon and don’t care for seasons. I don’t care about the events. The Junkerstein Event was fun once and felt worse than OW 1 Junkerstein event after repeated plays.

I’ve talked it over with many people about my feelings of current PvP. Regardless, and I reasonably can compare from playing a lot of OW 1 until the beta and then OW 2, it doesn’t feel the same and doesn’t really give me reasons to play. Other than just being a foundation for my friends to get together to play anything, which, is a bare minimum expectation.

I hope the PVE is good when it comes out and not majorly disappointing to my already low expectations because I don’t see the point of having any hope for Overwatch if so and I can tell a lot of the really popular, long term users here feel similar.


Actually, Overwatch 2 was clearly all about PVE and PVP was simply the continuity of Overwatch 1 with finally new heroes again (after they stopped releasing any in 2020 so they could focus on PVE).

I guess plans changed when Jeff Kaplan left ^^'…

As far as I’m concerned, Overwatch 2 is still not released (no matter if it has the label). What we’re currently playing is a F2P inferior version of OW1 :man_shrugging:.

I’m still waiting for OW2 to be released and I’m getting sick of the delays…

I agree with the rest of your post.

Edit : And to anyone stating current Overwatch is an Early Access, please learn what “Early Access” mean. There’s no Early Access when a game is F2P and on it’s 4th Season, especially when you didn’t pay for it and don’t get access to the content that is in the works (which is PVE).

If current OW2 was Early Access, we would get the some of the PVE missions, in a buggy state until the official release date.


bro we’re gonna get ads mid cutscene istg

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As I’ve said somewhere else, I’m starting to think the whole “PvE thing” was irrelevant.

I’m sure they planned it at some point. But it definitely wasn’t what they were going for with OW 2. No no, this “game” had nothing but greed and monetization in mind, and was released exactly how they wanted it to be.

They should have released an actual PvE expansion, leaving OW 1 as it was. Sure beats the hell out of the alternative, which is a long period of stagnation that lead to a watered down version of the same IP which is still missing the PvE.


so are we talking about strictly micro transactions? or p2w elements with micro transactions on top of a base price of 40$?

oh the possibilities :mrs_claus:


They’ve already found it, in my opinion.

It’s probably going to be something close to Diablo Immortal business model with daily challenges and a pricy in-game shop to progress faster (and waste time farming repetitive missions less).

They must be putting the final touches to PVE and having a lot of meeting to see how they’re going to introduce it without losing the playerbase and getting a lot of backlash.

There’s no way PVE is going to be P2P like 2016-2022 Overwatch. It just doesn’t align with current PVP business model.


i think they are very close to the final touches but they’re actually worried that its going to flop hard because… i mean the gameplay we’ve seen currently is kinda underwhelming ngl… there’s nowhere near enough different pve enemies and i fear its gonna end up like save the world on fortnite, that things a ghost town now

My guess is entirely F2P with many microtransactions to boosting your heroes stats once you’ve reached max level. Probably XP boosters to purchase as well so levelling up other heroes feels less repetitive.

All missions should be accessible to everyone (around 10-12 missions if they’re generous) then it’s going to be one new mission every [insert amount here] month.

I see it very close to Diablo Immortal’s business model.


We haven’t seen much to be honest. We don’t even know what’s gonna make it to the final version. All we’ve seen so far is alpha footage, no real details about the game’s system. It’s hard to believe it might be release this year if there’s no beta this summer.

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I think you missed what happened, they were not going to have PvP out now either, which is why PvP was brought forward.

It is also from YEARS ago. Blizzard does polish VERY well.