The Bastion Buff Changes Nothing

So whats the problem with not fixing bastion as fast as possible? If they have infinite time to fix him.

But he can’t make use of it. Also, keep in mind, yes he does high damage, but it isn’t burst damage. You have to be tracking your enemy, unlike someone like soldier who can missile you from across the map and hide.

I would like to point out, this guy is the exception in this instance, and not the rule… most all of the Bastion mains that have been asking for buffs for the past ~2 years are very pleased with the buffs.


The problem is that they aren’t. They are saying he’s fixed so they can ignore him for another couple months

With this update he can.

How, what changed, he has a further effective range. His range was already good, he just can’t use it because he can’t get between potential vantage points without having to duel, and/or walk completely out of his way at normal walk speed.

His previous range was not good enough for him to deal damage then run. Now he can.

What vantage point is behind enemy lines??

Half the great spots for widow, since she can hook behind and back all the time. Tank jumps are arguably even better since they’re almost as mobile and would be way more available if they weren’t his ult. Also just because somewhere isn’t “behind enemy lines” doesn’t mean you can’t be sniped or flanked.

And only bastion can be sniped or flanked?

No, but he’s so slow and his hitbox is so big, he’s like roadhog minus the health pool, and again CC. CC beats flankers, health beats snipers, yes he has armor and healing but that doesn’t help when widow one-shots him.

Widow can only one shot him from behind.
If she tries to shoot him from the front he now has the range to deal with her.

As for cc, you don’t need it when you have reliable damage.

He isn’t meant to be an anti flanker. He is an anti tank, that has an easy time dealing with flankers and supports.
(brig can’t kill him, genji can’t, doomfist can’t, etc)
And now he has a counter for long range attackers.


Those three heroes give Bastion’s a really hard time.
And you only really stand a chance in a pure 1v1, and how often does that happen.

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You just have to ask what rank he is in. I only can tell he is not playing the best part of bastion buy trying to make him way easy to use by giving him all. Bastion is situational hero. If he wants to one trick him, then he has to play very smart.

Are u asking A complete rework? Because you can not buff bastion without taking something away. His damage is already insane. People with good aim will benefit a lot from the buff.


Yes, but

Blizzard has slowly been removing all skill from the game except aim. Overwatch was the shooter that didn’t require aim, now it does.

If you are in sentry, widow can just peek slightly around a corner and take a fully charged shot with minimal damage from sentry bastion, do that a couple times and he’s either dead or a flanker is already behind him. Stand up and the widow headshots you.

How? Brig can’t kill him, at all.
Doomfist is never with a team, so he will go solo, and none of his abilities work against bastion.
Genji can only kill a bastion If the bastion tries to shoot the genji, he can even survive the genji ult by running away from it.

Bastion’s design is busted in its core. Because he is a super high DPS character his state will always be binary. Either he’s too oppressive or he’s too easy to counter.

Not really… a lot of people seem to assume this, but I’m not sure where they get it from… His high DPS is balanced by the fact that he has a set-up time for it, and he’s stationary when using it. Bastion’s design is fine, it’s just his implementation that was bad before these changes.

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That’s what makes him useless. He’s super easy to deal with.

If you make him not easy to deal with he becomes op.

cough cough mercy

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