The argument for nerfing sym

I don’t see how, really.

Here’s the thing. Her sustain damage takes time to build and needs constant accuracy, so it’s perfectly accurate to say her preferred matchups are against tanks (in that they have the hitbox size to make it easy for her to land constant hits, and enough health for her to build up beam charge). But at max damage output, she only puts out about…6% more damage than S76 does, at much less range. And she doesn’t have McCree’s stun, Hanzo’s insane burst or primary, Reaper’s higher damage output or self-sustain. (and If she doesn’t have her primary fully charged, she does less damage than Moira).

I mean, Sym’s only real advantages are:
1: Any pre-placed turrets (which are only good for paperweights). Although yes, they will be an annoyance until destroyed assuming they’re all in position before the engagement begins. But they’ll still do less damage than S76’s helix burst.
2: Clip size. She has a decently long firing time between reloads. It’s nice to have and all, but it also comes with the downside of spending half the clip actually getting the primary weapon to full damage output.

So how is she a nightmare for tanks? I do occasionally play tank and I’ve rarely had encounters with Sym, but those circumstances she was nothing special. Certainly made Orisa’s cooldown shield a liability since it couldn’t be retracted, though. I think Reaper, 'Cree, and Hanzo are all legit nightmares for tanks, not Sym so much. Sym’s just average against tanks, which is a shame because that’s her strongest matchups.

High sustained damage pressures tanks from taking space, basically. Teleporting an entire team you pushed invalidates tanking. You get stuck at choke if your team doesn’t deal with turrets. Blah blah blah. Lethality isn’t necessarily makes tanking hard or Widow would be the best hero to play into tanks. And she ain’t it, not even close.

Level 3 beam, it can shred apart tanks. Even more so inside a turret nest. Also she generates ammo when attacking barriers. So she is a nightmare for barrier tanks. Rule of thumb is to never let a Sym get a level 3 beam.

Also I speak as a Sym main, not a tank main. I often get hateful comments from tank players I’ve killed. They seem to really hate Sym.

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Well a soldier on his own with just a few headshots will do a lot more than a level 3 beam

I am not too sure about that. The max damage soldier can deal with a single shot is 19 which becomes 38 on headshots. Thus it would need about 4-5 shots to be as much damage as Sym’s level 3 beam.

Though for the comparison I am not factoring in beam decay or the the temporary damage restriction when selecting a new target. Which can happen in the heat of a battle.

However Soldier can be a great tank killer. Yet I would not say he deals more damage than Sym at level 3 beam. Still, I do not think Sym is outright better than him.


ah yes a teleport with 2s windup, of which is long enough for a lot of heroes to kill her in, is sooooo instant compared to various other mobility abilities in the game that literally don’t have any windup.

saying sym’s orbs as being “infinite range” simply because they don’t have hitscan falloff is like saying junkrat or most other projectile hero has “infinite range” for the same reason. but are you going to be positioning where widows are with junkrat, sym, genji, etc. trying to to snipe like a widow?
the answer is an obvious no, because travel time is a thing for projectiles which greatly reduces their effective range.

The orbs are so terribly numbered that they’re barely even midranged. like look at her orbs numbers in context:
what kind of weapon fire has a legit sniper-tier low firerate, which encourages more precision with shots (because less shots you can make in an engagement), but yet its projectiles are so slow that aim matters much less in shots landing compared to the target’s capability in moving out of the way for various ranges despite the orb size (see mathematical proof below).

and the above’s simply talking about splash + projectile radius rather than what’s truly equivalent to hitscan effective range shots, direct hits (only projectile radius). direct is 120 damage, receiving only splash is 60 tops and is lower the further away the target is from impact point, i.e. only taking splash damage is the equivalent of hitscan falloff.

And before you go “but it’s meant to be spammed not aimed”, then why does it have a sniper-tier firerate causing orbs to have 120 damage / (1s charge time + 0.25s wind down) = 96dps which is even lower than a body shotting mercy pistol (100dps; of which is more consistent to land from higher firerate + having much faster projectiles).

Most PC-players on this forum suggest that Symmetra is underpowered and in need of buffs to her damage output and range.

Overall consensus is that Symmetra is not a particularly strong hero, or a popular one. But one that has a very niche defensive role and typically only excels on certain maps. Which Blizzard seems to be fine with.

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What rank are you? Because this makes me think silver, MAYBE low gold, where everything is an issue because of bad positioning and bad pathing.

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Just go monkey lol. Sym is trash and played so infrequently I don’t know how anyone could ever see her as a problem.

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She was once a lot worse. The only problem I have with her is that just 1 of her turrets can bring me to a dead stop faster than anything in the game including mei and even zarya grav. Just 1. That has to be changed. I’m a ball main. I can only imagine how it feels to be a 200 or less HP dps trying to deal with that broken mess

Symmetra and “Unstoppable” has never happened in all of this games lifetime. What game are you even playing?

She’s used on attack at all ranks on console. And defense at times but normally I’m seeing the sym player switch to phara on defense. Idk why. Its weird.

She’s useless, honestly. Very niche and unless she’s in a organized 6 stack… The only thing she is good for is her turrets which are easily countered by a monkey.

The sad part is, ppl pick her because they are too lazy to practice their aim. Truth hurts. Sym/torb = training wheels

Her turrets are not even that good tbh, her beam however is powerful if you know how
to play her, idk about you but a symm that only rely on her turret is a bad symm player same goes for torb that only hide behind his turret.

People only look at her and see her as a turret hero and nothing else, its their loss for this kind of narrow mentality, she is more than just a turret and TP hero.

I’m in PS4. It might be different on PC but on console, she’s played by ppl who can’t aim.

Oh i see!

But i heard her turret only does 30 dps each, to me that sounds super weak and easy to shut down but then again i never played on console so i really dont have any idea how she plays there.

Its not the dmg that’s broken. Its that they slow ppl down to a grinding halt in 1 second.

Seriously?wow that sounds broken indeed.

On PC there was a patch that made three turret not stack slow effect and they even nerf the slow that doomfist,genji and mobile heroes are not affected at all by the slow. Like its literally nonexistent to these heroes, thats why on pc her turret are just a mild annoyance tickle dmg

As ball, in fireball, one sym turret can slow me to a complete stop in approximately 2 seconds. Three turrets is like me hitting a wall. Its disgusting.

Might be a bug or need nerfing in my opinion. If thats the case then its broken and need fixing.
I posted a video on my previous reply and you can see that doomfist just fly away like nothin is slowing him while three turret are hitting him thats how useless her turrets are on PC.

I thought soldiers raw dps was almost the same as syms level 3 beam. That’s why I was saying with just a few headshots he takes the lead.