The argument for nerfing sym

I recently switched to pc from console and as expected, its a whole lot easier than console (aside from the occasional button mash) but i was honestly suprised when sym went from powerful on console to literally unstoppable on pc.
I was hoping id get matches with some of the people on here that claim to have zero problems with sym but unfortunately no such luck. That hero is literally one of the reasons this game is dying a slow death. I personally would love to see her locked from the game and reworked into something tolerable but i know that is probably asking too much. So i come here, begging any possible blizard employee that might have the power to do so, please solve the sym problem plaguing this great game.

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That wasn’t an argument…just saying…


So what exactly is she excelling at that’s ruining your games?


I actually experienced the opposite.
I play on PC, my sister in law got the game on PS4, I sometimes play there as well.

Sym is no problem here, but on console she seems a bit…harsh. guess we can’t generalize.

The average Sym is only a nightmare for tanks. Then again most DPS are a nightmare for tanks.

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Where is Sym so strong, were you playing on her favored maps ore just maining her across different maps.

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Sym is the opposite of unstoppable, she’s one of the only DPS with very low effective range and zero self-sustain/escapes. She’s shut down extremely easily in high ranks, even mid-ranks. Maybe she’s a monster in bronze/silver but that’s not where the game is balanced around.


The argument:

Error 404


She is not a monster in those ranks either. I never felt sym was oppressive.


Lol what? She can teleport and her secondary has literally infinite range.

Hmm, top tip: move side to side and don’t stand still.

Her orbs are difficult to land at range, and are only really effective at shooting through chokes or medium to close range.

She’s one of the lowest tier DPS heroes in the game currently.

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If they nerf Sym one more time I will quit this game. My trust that they can balance anything will simply be dust like thanos.

There is no world where Sym is unstoppable lol It just doesn’t exist.


Sym’s turrets do 30% more damage on PC so it seems like she should be stronger there. They made her that way back when her primary was a lock-on beam. I wish they’d undo that and just have her be the same on both platforms.

“the argument for nerfing sym” there isn’t one.


Lol what? If anything sym needs buffs not nerfs :rofl:


Let’s R E W O R K her

The problem with Sym isn’t that she is oppressively overtuned, per se. The issue is she coordinates a team willing to play around her and requires way too much teamwork to address. That is the real reason her winrate is lit. Teamwork wins games. She is underrated for sure, though. I think people usually say she is stronger on console since the playerbase is more casual and will not prioritize telegraphed buildables like her turrets or teleport. Obviously there are plenty of people who ignore those on PC too.

As much as I love reading a post that isn’t talking about how Sym is trash, she is in no way as unstoppable as you’re acting like she is. She’s got low health, slow mobility if she doesn’t permit let have a teleporter out, which even then you know where she’s gonna go if it’s already out. I don’t see how you think Symmetra is causing the game a slow death? Thanks for elaborating on that it really drives your whole post home /s

This post is all over the place, you think she’s unstoppable, then that she’s single handedly murdering OW, then that she should be removed from the game just for a rework? Absolutely wild and depending on your replies it may just be pathetic trolling


Sun can seem to be easy to play but she really isn’t. There’s a fine line sperates a good sym from a big brain s