The announced Reaper rework

Is it of the table?
It’s been months since we last time heared about it.
What happend to it?


Content Creators don’t like Reaper because he’s “a gimmick hero,” therefore he must remain as he is. He’s also not allowed to be buffed because “bronze players wouldn’t be able to deal with him” (which is never applied to any other OW hero known to man).

Honestly thinking about giving up on this game if another rework comes out before any news on Reaper’s rework is announced. Not worth playing a game with devs that don’t respect the hero you enjoy playing.


Blizzard: “We don’t kn- wait… When did we mention a Reaper rework? Ha! He’s the most basic and one of the best performing DPS in the game, he doesn’t need a rework!”

Players: “… You mentioned a rework for him around the time you mentioned one for Pharah, Cassidy, and Ball… Around like March this year or last year… And we still have yet to hear anything after their reworks, Sombra’s 6th rework or so, and like 3 or 4 new characters…”

Blizzard: “Oh ****, we did say that… Well, he’s still a top performer, so he doesn’t really need one.”

Players: “Debatable considering you almost never touch him. His effectiveness is more dependent on who else is a good pick than anything. And if by the off chance you do change him, it’s either bug fix or you adjusting his spread. He’s only good now because of other characters being nerfed or introduced, not because he’s actually good.”

Blizzard: “We have the data, we know what we’re talking about better than anyone who plays a game we ourselves never play. Now shut up and upgrade/ buy 80 levels on the season pass so you can snipe people in style on Widow before we figure out how to nerf her into oblivion so we don’t have to hear any more complaints about snipers sniping.”


Uhmmm you mean like Moira??? A character who doesn’t get deserved buffs despite being one of the lowest picked supports in high elo just because bronze players can’t deal with her?

She got a quite significant buff in the last midseason patch…


IMO DPS should not get life steal or any sustain, I mean they are so good and carry all my games, they can go without it right?

Close range hereos need sustain because of how challenging it is for them to bridge distance. There has to be an advantage in a Reaper vs. Ashe duel if the reaper closes the gap, except sadly most the time Ashe can still win lol

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Since season 1, there have been 2 DPS heroes: Reaper and Pharah, who can get anyone out of bronze with minimum effort.

You really might just suck.

I’m gonna b real, if reaper is the character u enjoy the most in this game … Ye I’d move on to another game

Cod with corner peacking?
You should stay there…

Make sense they use “that data” for rigged matchmaking. Stomp or get stomped in comp.

Do not touch my reaper lifesteal. It’s the only thing keeping my cold dead heart pumping

Better hope they abandoned the idea of a rework : you never know what trade you will get.

Reworks are always controversial and they divide the community even more so I’m not sure the OW community needs this. There will always be players that are going to miss the former version of a hero.

I think we often focus on what was more damaging to Overwatch between 5v5 VS 6v6, Role Queue vs Open Queue, what game modes are good or bad, etc… but we clearly underestimate how damaging hero reworks have been (which is also why a lot of players stopped playing or started playing way less).

Doesn’t need it anymore he’s probably performing well enough and he’s actually a good dps now after all his microbuffs

Mercy. Sucks really, really bad at high ranks but is decent-good in low ranks because of consistency and an easy weapon (literally reaper💀) so she never gets buffs, or gets tiny buffs to appease the playerbase that effectively do jack(reaper spread buffs).


Bronze to gold is not a sign of being a good character. You’re simply just better than the below average player, which is not something that is difficult to achieve, even with a blindfold on.

Because the devs wont buff him or because of some non-reason?

If it’s because the devs refuse to fix him, I agree.

I agree, but I don’t believe the devs have explicitly stated that she can’t receive buffs because she is an issue in lower ranks.

Then again, maybe I just haven’t been tuned in enough around the mercy discussions with devs, since it’s not really a character I’m interested in playing.

Why on earth would Reaper need a rework?

Beats me. I find him to be one of the more fun heroes in the game, both as a teammate and as an opponent.

If I recall correctly, it is something that’s been said about her, that her healing and mobility are too challenging for low ranked players which is why her healing hasn’t changed since ow1 release and her mobility got dumpstered. Makes sense of course you wouldn’t know that if you don’t follow conversations about her, I just wanted to share since it makes it clear the devs DO have a vendetta against certain heroes and will never buff them due to fears of them overperforming in metal ranks, even when they clearly struggle to find a place in higher ranks.