The announced Reaper rework

Symmetra is typing LMAO

Honestly I’d like to see Reaper have Moira’s fade, it can be used to jump people and escape, ultimates become way less telegraphed, but escapes are also slightly more risky (if you lose your momentum, mess up and hit a wall, don’t close far enough distance, etc)

Sombra main here. My character got utterly destroyed because of low level players not being able to group up and shut her down easily.

Symmetra, Torb, Sombra, Hog, Junkrat

are all worse than your hero

why is he not respected? he is good

Mercy is a hero that should NEVER be highly rated up on the rankings unless she losses some of the low execution risk she has on most of her kit. There is very few times Mercy can fail some action on account of either an aim component or resource management.

Every character has to manage position, and aim, and manage a resource. Which makes the more suited for being more highly sought after in the upper leagues. She is top 500 ladder viable and players do it every season, but she shouldn’t be a S2 OW2 level of popularity.

I am aware. I’m not saying she WOULDN’T become an issue at low to mid ranks if she was buffed, but that that fact is why her (and reaper) never receive buffs. Because they are easy. And because the devs are too afraid or too lazy (not sure which) to rework them, they are doomed to be bad above diamond forever.

No word on it. Presumed cancelled but who knows.

Considering they just nerfed him I think that’s a sign they think he was too good anyways, but he needs a rework.

Rework? Fill that empty alt-fire first

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I think they indefinitely delayed it because Reaper has actually been performing rather well for the past few seasons. Wouldn’t mind one anyway because he’s still boring

Whether or not he still needs one is debatable, but it was announced around the same time as Pharah, Cassidy, Ball, and I think Hog at that time too, maybe Sombra. I can’t remember. The thing about Reaper is that while he’s probably as basic and easy to pick up as they come, he is almost never touched by the devs. Every time his pick/ win rates are affected is because of new characters and changes to existing ones. That could be a sign he’s among the most balanced, but it’s also a sign he is HEAVILY dependent on the meta whereas several others are consistently and mostly unmoved.

The most they usually do to him is either cooldowns or his spread. But compared to how he was in overwatch 1 before he got life leech, all the other 20 characters had 2-3 answers to his very existence. Even the life leech only did so much due to either pre-existing issues or the increasing CC. And compared to now:

  • 18 characters, just short of half the roster directly counter his passive just by shooting him. Idc what anyone says, idc if it’s only 2 characters at a time, that is bs, especially if they want to nerf his passive in exchange for 50hp when he’s basically guaranteed to be losing 15% from his previous 35% healing in every fight. That left him with just short of 30% against a DPS, and after this nerf, leaves him just over 25%. So in exchange for 50hp, they effectively nerfed his passive from 35%-25%. But funny enough, they buffed the damage/ healing of several characters because of the HP changes.
  • He’s a tank buster who generally can’t solo a tank for better or worse any more, has the kit of a flanker, but is loud as hell. Has no reliable way to close the gap if he doesn’t kill the target in 2-3 shots either unlike literally every other flanker or at least a ranged option.
  • The buffs to tanks both from S9 and the constant armor changes leave him less capable of busting tanks every time.

And of course, there’s the fact they nerfed him and probably others due to the original dps passive that used to increase movement speed after a kill/ assist for like 2 seconds. It’s no longer a factor, so there’s no logical reason it’s still in effect. The only reasons he’s performing well right now are because of the bullet size changes and other characters, not because he himself is actually good.

In way reaper is lucky. I wish they would have forgotten about sombras rework long ago…i mean the virus one

I don’t see them buffing her with this latest rework SO there will probably be another one :roll_eyes:

This is a good point. The players who main the reworked hero most often hate the rework. I think ball might be the only one that was well enough received.

Reaper mains are more likely to not enjoy the rework. Unless they give him the ball treatment where they don’t take anything away.

It’s not like they’d need to do much, I’d say that Junkenstein’s lab and the last 4/1 patch actually came VERY close to what I thought was needed where applicable. As for what I would do to Reaper? I wouldn’t do all of these of course. One is already a significant change, I’m sure 2 is pushing it, 3 is broken:

  • Wraith gets significantly reduced gravity or does a small amount of damage to enemies in melee range, healing for the full amount. Like 10-15 damage per second tops on an ability that lasts what, 3 or 4 seconds?
  • An alt fire slug with 15 meter range for maybe 50-75 damage on a short CD, or a short ranged pulse/ mini death blossom for the same damage on a longer CD.
  • Lastly, and I’m iffy on it, holding the fire button during his ult focuses the damage into a cone in front of him for increased range and damage.

The safest would probably just be the slug or the reduced gravity. The DOT on Wraith would just present an option to stay in the fight as well as provide another use than just reload/ cleanse. The pulse/ mini death blossom would probably just be either an opener for his ult or a burst heal similar to Doom’s slam and how that’s more for overhealth generation and movement than offense. As for the change to DB, that is about as likely to break him as it is to just encourage solo ult’s or worse positioning under any other circumstance.

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Mei’s entire gimmick is sustain. What do you do with her?

Torb, Hog, and Junkrat are objectively not. Hog was just ruined by DLC characters with anti abilities. I don’t even see how you could put Junk and Torb on this list.

Sombra is a character with a game breaking ability and deserves to say unplayable until it is removed.

Symmetra, I agree is on par with Reaper in terms of useless design.

He is not good. The only reason he’s even being played is because of pocket heroes like Juno being meta, certain characters were knocked out of meta (like Pharah and Echo), and dive tanks being meta (which is pretty much already over, seeing as Widow took over the meta when Season 13 launched, making it even worse to play him).

The reason they don’t respect Reaper players is because he has barely changed in the 8 years of this games existence. He’s been in a constant state of decline since 2019 after they giga-buffed every tank with armor and nerfed his damage and lifesteal into the ground. It was back to back nerfs up until a few months ago when he got his first buff in ages.

Even you don’t consider how poorly they treat him, they’ve put the Reaper players on hold for a whole year when it comes to the Reaper Rework. 5 months since we last heard anything about it, and even what we did hear didn’t actually address the issues with his kit.

This. This is my issue with it. Word for word.

Heroes with a really low skill floor that get a disproportionate amount of value while requiring relatively little skill in ranks covering about 80% of the playerbase. It is what it is. If they want to buff these heroes they need to bump up the skillfloor.

Those are all interesting changes.

My thoughts are he should wraith throw his guns on reload, guns become fast projectiles dealing 60 damage per reload (each gun equiv of 1 melee). Just for the overthetop ridiculousness of it :rofl:

Thats too quirky for this game though and would be a supermassive buff :rofl:

Wrecking Ball got a rework I haven’t heard of… ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Most likely. I’m still confused about Wrecking Ball getting a rework… When did that happen exactly ?

he can give adaptive shields to his teammates and he can also hold space bar to pull himself closer to where the grapple attached

it isn’t really a huge rework, just adds onto abilities that already exist

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Yeah, that’s what I thought.

It’s clearly not a rework, yet some QoL changes / small buffs :smile:

Those are always welcome, no matter the hero.