I just wanted to say that the criticism of feedback doesn’t necessarily extend to everyone who’s unhappy with the change.
My main issue is the people who don’t even claim it’s a buff at all simply because it’s a net nerf if you count a precious iteration, which is frankly ridiculous. By the same logic, Mercy can never be buffed again by the simple fact that she’ll likely never hit that 100% must pick status again.
What’s even worse is some of these complaints come from people who literally said in the past that they would be fine with meeting halfway if it simply meant Mercy got stronger heals than what she has currently on live. Then for them to get a compensation buff, just like they said they wanted, only for them to turn around and complain that it’s just that, a compensation buff and shouldn’t be treated as a positive until it’s a full on removal of the previous nerf? Pretty two-faced if you ask me.
Say, for example, if they reverted to Mass Res, but you started complaining simply because it wasn’t your exact idea that you made in your big thread. The intent is still there, and overall you got what you wanted (which was a revert, or even more loosely, a simple abandomnent of 2.x), but you still choose to complain because it wasn’t your idea.
Those are the people who are coming off as self-entitled right now. For someone like yourself and a few others, who have made their stance clear from the beginning and are simply upset by the direction the devs are taking (or lack thereof, as you put it) then that’s understandable.
The two faced hypocrisy is what’s upsetting about the current fiasco. At least in my eyes.
it was necessary because she was solo healing three tanks. if mercy can do that, there is never any reason to play another support.
healing is STILL overpowered, and buffing 5 heroes instead of nerfing 1 is poor balancing. they dont nerf enough.
what do you mean pure healer?
as far as balance philosophy goes, mercy is the easiest and the lowest risk of the healers. therefore, she should have the lowest reward. if the lowest risk choice also has the highest reward, then the high risk choices will never be viable.
ana is the easiest to kill, the least mobile, has no sustain, needs sightlines and babysitting.
mercy is the most mobile, the hardest to kill, insane self sustain, can heal through walls, around corners, and shields. she needs no peel because she can fly across the map on a 1 second CD.
if the game is ever to be balanced, mercy MUST have a lower potential reward than Ana, or Mercy’s risk factor must be increased (say buff her healing, but nerf GA or passive).
if they don’t want to nerf her mobility/sustain, then she must remain a conservative option, that demands conservative play from the tanks as she dmg boosts range DPS.
May i remind you that she was a pure healer with the same mobility and mass rez as an ult and still a “trollpick”?
Valkyrie and the messed up rework is what causing all this fantasy about having to nerf everything on Mercy to let other healers shine. That is simply not true, she can heal 60HPS have mass rez and fly around as much as she did and still be a trollpick, if mass rez have drawbacks.
It had drawbacks, she died easily after pulling it off,then they gave her immunity after pressing Q and nerfed Ana around the same time,of course her pickrate increased.
Now that Ana is fine again,Mercy could have a Mass rez back as an ult but with casting time and line of sight and literally 95% of the complains would stop.
I’m being completely serious here and mean no maliciousness in what I am saying but…dont use her. Just drop her
Mercy is meant to be helpful and useful at her role. Players who aren’t mercy hate her. They don’t appreciate that someone picked a character nigh helpless but necessary to a teams surviving. They take her for granted insult the player and complain.
But when their team doesn’t have one they want to command someone to switch to her. Dont use her. Screw people learn a new character be selfish. Let all the sad people die and watch their respawn timer when they cant be revived or dont get heals.
you know they test changes internally, right? you know they don’t tell us everything they test, right?
For example, with sym 3.0 they mentioned tried to turn her into a proper healer with healing turrets, but that didn’t work at all.
Also, this is like the 10th topic “we’ll explain why we are mad, we are totally not entitled”
This was so perfectly worded. This is my EXACT discontent, and I HATE Valkyrie and would gladly remove Res if that meant Valkyrie would go as well. Valk is just awful.
And the devs are listening to feedback about Mercy from everybody except the people who actually play Mercy. Because if they actually read our feedback, they would understand that we’re not upset with NUMBERS. We’re upset with HOW SHE PLAYS. The minute Blizzard makes a SINGLE comment about Mercy that involves how fun she feels is the day I will finally acknowledge that the dev team is reading actual Mercy feedback. They don’t even have to make changes and they can disagree and say “we think Mercy is fun and we’re not changing her.” Idc. Because that means they actually KNOW what is wrong with her at that point and disagrees with it. For now, they’re just stabbing at whatever they can to see if Mercy players will be happy because they have no idea what we actually want. Proof of this is both Jeff and Geoff’s ONLY comments EVER about Mercy (since the rework) are statistics. Nothing else. Just statistics. And that is not what any Mercy feedback in existence has focused on, showing that they’re completely disconnected from the Mercy community and their actual concerns.
Well clearly we haven’t been reading the same posts. Saying “I’m so insulted” And a few other comments (which I won’t repeat as they violate forum rules) is pretty rude, yes.
As I said, I’ve seen many posts that politely disagree. Those are fine. But when you call out Blizzard for “not caring” or that the buffs are somehow an insult, you’re being rude and quite frankly immature. We don’t create arguments by insulting people. We create arguments with well thought out discussion.
Mggh, skimming past the shameless plug:
-I would avoid “we” and “us” posting, but whatever this is moot
Lmao. It’s not. There is nothing inherent about Mercy’s PTR buff that is an implied middle finger just because it’s not what you want. While offense is given and taken, there is no malicious intent coming from Blizzard oh at all
They have done the opposite of apathy. They have tried making the ultimate that many complain is unimpactful and not powerful enough more powerful. They are not obligated to acknowledge rework or revert ideas, but they have; they’ve just said that they won’t respond if they disagree even if they are reading them. They have consistently been iterating on this hero. They are not required to reply to a topic just because of the number of likes it receives or its number of replies (if this was the case, I’d have more info on the next gay hero by now :^)). At the end of the day, whether you mean it to or not, this whole thing comes off as utterly petulant and is not going to get the devs to want to engage with the community. People are acting like they don’t care about how good Mercy is but there were countless threads about how bad she is and how she’s useless and needs to be better.
If you (this is the general you) want to have dialogue with the devs, do better. Respect is a two-way street.
Dude, first of all. Its called “tutorial”, you mispelled it at least 3 times in the same way. And second, you have no idea what you are talking about. Soldier literally use an aimbot,and a lot of ult is press Q to win. Not every ult and character have to be Tracer difficulty to be viable. Your opinion is just wrong, not exclusively on Mercy but on all hero basicly.
Dude I dont know what to tell you anymore. Like really. Most people bring it up because we know it worked. You can claim the devs dont want it forever but people will still bring it up because there wasnt anything else we could just jump to again. Yes sure there are probably other solutions out there but they need a lot of thought, effort and work to put into them.
Mass-rez would be a pretty safe solution if you like that or not. Even if the devs like it or not. When your playerbase is split like this you need to act and not remain silent on their concerns.
Anyway I dont think discussing and writing more stuff for you will help so bye.
I am about to have fun picking apart this response.
Solo healing three tanks as Mercy before the nerfed to her healing is pretty uncommon, as yes she is abled to do so, but it not effective at all. Please provide a video to proof otherwise. As far as your other comment, there is reasons to play other support.
Ex. If I was against let’s say that solo healing Mercy with 3 tanks, I would easily go play the support, who can shut that team comp down. Ana for the simple fact of Anti-Biotic Grenade also known as one of her utility.
Her healing is no where near overpowered. This is where you lost the argument because you are being subjective and letting your own opinion/ judgement get in the way in this debate.
No one said to buff all the support, when literally all Moria got was a small buff to heal more, Ana got a buff that made her more viable, and Lucio got his aura buffed to cover more AoE healing.
Zenyatta wasn't changed nor buffed.
Brigitte got nerfed.
Mercy on the other hand got nerfed to her healing, but again it goes against the same reason why they buffed it in the beginning of the game because of the main particular reason. Now we are back to that main particular reason... She simply can not keep up.
The only healer in the game as of right now who can only do one job at a time… which is just heal. She can not simply heal and deal damage like the other healers in the game can do. Plain and Simple.
I never understand this either? Ever support has a low risk of healing his or her teammate if we are going by your logic.
Good thing that is just your opinion, but to me Brigitte take that spot, but how is that going mate? I agree that low risk, should be low reward, but the thing is Mercy is not a low risk, as far as to me… my opinion though.
I like what you did here… You only listed Mercy’s pros and not her cons and vice versa with Ana, you only listed her cons and not her pros.
FYI: Her Gaurdian Angel is on a cool down for 1.5 seconds not flat out 1.
It’s going take much more to make the game balance then just this mate… game balance does not I repeat, DOES NOT revolve around these two heroes (Ana and Mercy).
* Shurgs * they already nerfed her mobility by 75% which again goes against her whole design as a mobile support. However, that is only when she resurrect.