The Anger Around the PTR Mercy Buffs Explained

Mass Rez had to be earned, though.

So any Mercy relying on it to “correct” her mistakes is effectively blowing her most powerful ability and won’t get a new one any time soon, if her healing is really that bad.

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Literally anything big and flashy comes to mind. I’ve only started playing overwatch in the past year, but before that I was vaguely aware of the nuke, Winston’s ult from promo material, and genji, lucio, and hanzo ults from their yells. Now that I’ve played the game for some time Those ults still stand out along with stuff like the big game changers like zen or flashy ults like pharah or reaper.

Mercy in and of herself is just the dull heal-bot persona with a current ult that inspires yawns and an ult old that seemed more frustrating then meaningfully impacting. Even characters like ol edgy reaper, who character design is on par with mercy, scary death man and angel savior, at least does something different when he ults (wild gun-foo). Mercy says her line then proceeds to do exactly what she normally does but 10 feet higher then usual.

The only others on par with her ult would be soldier, tracer, bastion, orisa, and maybe brig, but at least brig is supposed to use the ult in a sort of “lead the charge/ hold the line” capacity.

I’d make her fly up and have her wings extend much further then normal then flap forwards that fully heals allies and gives enemies a short damage debuff in a sizable wave. Something akin to Brightwing’s emerald wind in Heroes of the Storm for a sort of reference. Anything more interesting would be a step up.

Every ultimate had to be earned but you also needed to know when you could safely use it. Mercy had that restriction before invul buff but they changed that. Mercy knows how many people she is going to res because the game tells her (not that it’s an issue but again it does the work for you.)

No matter what Mass Res is a correction tool and you only use it to correct someones death. I don’t know how this can be debated. You can’t Mass Res someone who is alive it’s 100% a correction tool. Her healing being weaker makes this existence of this tool better for me. Asking her to be the best main healer and be able to revive someone is a stretch for me.

ults literally gain charge over time though… and all she really has to do in the game is healbot people… it’d be like saying dps EARN their ults! well yea… everyone gets ult charge by do stuffs.

Titanium, as much as I love your posts I think that they are too long. No, seriously, people have too much angles to attack you from lmao

I always felt the most Iconic to me was McCree. Not because it was good but because it stood out so much.

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Pre-invulnerable Mass Rez was so risky that it was suicide, though. And there wasn’t much she could do, even at the highest level. It was why she she was considered a liability even in the hands of the best. That isn’t a healthy model.

By the argument you’re making, every support ability is a “correction” tool. If a teammate makes a mistake, you save them to the best of your ability.

Also, remember that even when Mercy had Mass Rez and 60 heals per second, she was still considered the worst healer in the game.


While I do love and miss Mass Resurrect, there is nothing wrong with current Resurrect contradicting her mobility-based gameplay. Not every ability has to define and make a hero’s kit shine; some are there to give weaknesses for its meaningful and strong impact.

I think the best way to balance Mass Resurrect is to keep the cast time and without the invulnerability, so that Mercy can be killed/canceled out of such a heightened and powerful ultimate, giving it meaningful weaknesses and drawbacks. Valkyrie could become her E, giving her 10s of Valkyrie so that she can heal/boost multiple allies to charge up Mass Resurrect faster in return for its weaknesses and drawbacks.

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Mercy isn’t the only one with risk added to it.

Umm no. Mercy’s is the only one that can be used on a target that died. Lucio’s shields are a reaction to burst damage coming therefore is reacting to a situation so it doesn’t need correcting later. Same goes for Zenyatta. Ana’s ult now with the heal is very close to a correction tool so I cannot really argue about her. Brigittes is better used right before a fight takes place rather than after it’s started so you can get a good boost to your teams armor before you start. It doesn’t correct anything because you have to plan for its use for it to work. With Mercy you just press Q because people died nothing really to think about.

Mercy also wasn’t the strongest healer at this time either. She was the most consistent but again her ultimate is only good as a correction tool and the higher rank you got the less you were going to make such mistakes. She loses value the better your team gets. If people were not going to die often why bother picking the character that can revive them? Why not just pick the hero with the better healing output?

Why would you want Mass Res back if you yourself are using “she was not the best” as a reason to why it should exist? Do you not want the hero to be good?

Remember, Mass Rez was considered suicide even WITHOUT cast time. Mercy was a trash-tier character.

If cast time is added, she’s going to need something to offset it.

ie Valkyrie for her E, giving her strong aoe healing/boosting that would quickly build up her ultimate which already had one of the lowest charge time back when Resurrect was an ultimate. It’s either that, or the vast majority of players cry about Mercy again, and she gets gutted and changed into something we don’t want.

No other healer was considered so risky to use that they literally weren’t worth playing.

The problem isn’t risk itself–it’s the level of risk.

Which isn’t my point. If your argument is that Rez is a “correction” tool, despite all of the risks and problems associated with using it in that way, then every single support ability is the same thing. And some tank abilities, too–such as a Zarya bubbling her team’s soldier after he stupidly runs past Rein’s shield and gets hooked.

The only way you could argue otherwise if the only definition you use for a “mistake” is death.

Because I personally enjoyed Mass Rez more, due to the reasons I said above. You have to earn it, it was risky as hell, but the payoff made it worth it.

But I suspect you aren’t asking this question honestly. The impression I get is that what you’re really doing is debating the assertion that Mercy was considered bad because in your mind, nobody would actually want their character to lose strength because they prefer a different playstyle.

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I think we get it by now. Until they ‘return’ mass resurrection, there are many of you who will never be happy and will complain repeatedly hoping to get your way.

It’s been months since I have seen anything new in any of these discussions.

You are correct. Mercy without Mass Rez doesn’t appeal to me. Which is why I stopped playing her. If it never comes back, I have to deal with it.

By the same token, if my (and other players) feeling that way upset you, then you have to deal with it.

It doesn’t upset me. It bores me.

The conclusion is the same.

Of course there is more than one way to define a correction. Can others abilities be used as a correction fixer? Sure. Are they locked to only being able to be used as such? No.

You’re right. I think anyone who would want a weaker version of their character is insane. I will never understand it because it seems dumb. You would rather have an F-Tier hero to play in Comp that you know is not good and you know you are bringing your team down because of it simply because you didn’t like the better version?

Why would you wish for an F-Tier hero? Why is it only Mercy players who want this? The argument of we need more engagement when you have it with Valk. It doesn’t do you job for you as much as Res has.

Here is a video on why this Mercy is more interactive in my opinion.

Again, if that’s the definition you’re going by, then unless your team is deliberately using it as bait, every single support ability counts .

Even if a healer is only healing 5 HP, that is 5 HP that was lost due to a mistake or risk. By the same token, teams often use Rez as bait. Jayne famously did this live on stream by having his Rein bait a Zarya into ulting him, and telling Mercy to Rez the Rein.

Again, the only way this can be debated is if your only definition of “mistake” is “they died”.

Well, first of all, why is this a binary? Do you think Blizzard cannot add minor QoL changes to the game or something?

My ideal scenario is to bring back Mass Rez, then add minor fixes that make Mercy viable but not OP. If hiding isn’t what the devs want her to do, then make Rez unusable if Mercy hasn’t healed or boosted within the last 3 seconds or something.

Good players will still make Mercy an asset to her team while bad players just won’t use her. I’d take a fun Mercy with a 1% pickrate over a boring Mercy with a 100% one.

Which, in fact, is exactly what I have done for the past 13 seasons.


We are always going to disagree so I am finished debating a topic where we say the same things over and over with no results.

You argue for Mass Res I will argue for Valk. I would even argue for a Valk without Res also with a replacement.

Well you’re right, we’re apparently never going to agree.

The loss of Rez would remove the last vestige of long-term macroplay strategy vs short-term microplays in my opinion. It would be a step toward making the game just like any other shooter, which is not the reason I play it.