The Anger Around the PTR Mercy Buffs Explained

Opinion. :man_shrugging:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Opinion that will be heard on reddit! Cmon gals! Lets show them whats up

BattleMercy said in a sarcastic voice, Yay…

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

man, i wish.

i didnt know me whipping out my pistol and 3-shot-meleeing that tracer happened;

  • without me being worried about her oneclipping me
  • without me aiming at her noggin

Ana doesnt have to conserve rescources and moira has VARIOUS tricks to keep her bar in check.

signed, a main of all 3 main supports.

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The rework was forced onto us, dude. We didn’t ask for it, we warned Blizzard it was about to make Mercy stupidly OP. But it was shoved to live anyway. Despite the fact that a lot of us had fun with Mercy. Our fun was taken away.

If you’re correct that the rework wasn’t forced onto us, like GTIX said, show me the option to re-enable pre-Valkyrie Mercy.


Mercy IS fun to play in her current state to many people. This is the point you’re missing with every post you make about Mercy. To myself and many others, Valkyrie is just infinitely better than mass rez for Mercy and everybody else in the game with her. Accepting that other people feel this way and that they are also entitled to fun will save you a lot of time and frustration.

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Yes, I remember those polls. The problem with those, however, is that they were conducted on these forums, which aren’t at all representative of the player base.

That said, if we WERE somehow able to get an accurate poll, I’d like to see it broken down by player rank. I’ve noticed that low-to-mid-ranked Mercy players (the majority of players) almost always prefer Mercy 1.0. She was easier by far and “felt more impactful” because you could resurrect your team by pressing one button, so it makes sense that that would be the case. Players that prefer Mercy’s current form are more likely to be high-ranked players who are able to get the most out of her new abilities. That breakdown is the most important one to me. We can’t balance heroes or design their kits around how much fun the average player has with them or the game will be broken at its core.

the inverse is true, but ok.

more risk =/= more difficulty.

go speak to animetic, top 500 mercy player.

obviously. it would just be nice if it played a role at all.

after OWL its clear they just want everyone at a 50% winrate regardless of if that hero is themselves. aka mercy/symmetra.

There was almost zero risk to old Mercy. Fly in and press Q with little to no counterplay. Yay. It was far easier than using Valkyrie to its full potential or pulling off a CD rez at the right time (which isn’t instant-cast like mass rez was). Obviously there are also high-ranked players who liked old Mercy better. What I said was that players that prefer the current form are more likely to be high-ranked players. I hit top 500 this season, too, and Mercy was still my second-most played. She’s still my most-played overall by far, so here’s at least one high-ranked player who prefers the new version.

Aoe res*

and there was a lot of risk to old mercy, prior to the invulnerability changes.

except for the fact that it wasnt. and valkyire was ALWAYS easier than AOE res.

you have;

  • infinte self healing
  • huge range
  • huge movespeed
  • chain beams that remove the need for actual thought and prioritisation.
  • “no-clip” style flight that isnt really flight, but it is still flight because the developers called it flight, but its still not really actual flight.

this is much easier to use than old res was. sure it was a Q press, but who did you ressurect? do they have their ults up? will they all just die again if i use it here? have we already lost? how many ults does the enemy have? how many ults do we have? etc. old mercy encouraged proper use of ultimates and conservation of the big team-wipey ones.

valkyire is literally, oh? we’re all grouped as 6? ok.
uses main healer ultimate for boosting damage because the healing is negligable

wow, love that for a main healer who’s supposed to be the go to for healing output.


The difficulty in using Valkyrie doesn’t come from just turning it on. What’s hard is using the whole fifteen seconds to their full potential. Bad Mercys will only pop Valk to fly up high and hold down M1. Good Mercys will use it in a variety of ways and will mix and match all of its abilities within the timeframe they’re given.

Even if you don’t see it that way, you can’t logically argue that hitting Q one time for an instant mass rez was harder or more involved than Valkyrie. It took zero skill to pull off and there wasn’t often a lot of decision-making to be had when it came to deciding when to use it. Will this rez turn the fight around? Cool. Use it and hit as many people as possible by standing where the number is the highest. Nothing difficult about it. It was also up almost every fight for me, so I didn’t hesitate to use it for tempo rezzes. Too easy.

wow, would you look at that, actual depth to her kit. i miss that.

what? it’s crappy healing, its crappier orisa ult?

the gun is the only good thing about it, and the only thing that actually provides a proper impact that’s unique to mercy.

maybe i cant, but it certainly gave more room for different playstyles, rather than pressing q and hugging the skybox 29 metres away from your beam target and then killing the enemy widow/pharah.

keep in mind, im reffering to before the invulnerability changes, y’know, when it was actually fair, the price for a big res was usually the mercy’s death as she would fly in, with no cover fire into a lost fight where the enemies are probably still alive, res, and die, leaving the team without their healer.

Cooldown res is objectively better, you dont have to put ANY effort, at all into getting it, and you have it at t he beginning of a match. dying puts no detriment on your ability to gain ressurect someone, and if you need to get out, pop the valk and run.

lets not even talk about whne she used to be able to ressurect 4 people guarenteed/valkyrie.


I don’t understand why less tools and more limited usage on the ones she did have equals more depth. Mass rez could literally only be used reactively. It had no effect unless somebody on your team was dead. Valkyrie can be used proactively or reactively meaning much more opportunity for skill and also much more depth.

It’s not crappy healing, it’s just not meant to outheal burst damage. It’s doesn’t heal as much as transcendence does, but it lasts longer and can give you the edge for a full fifteen seconds. A 5x chain beam isn’t nothing even if the output is reduced slightly from her single-target beam. It’s also not a crappier Orisa ult because that’s only one of its functions. It’s like a Swiss Army Knife of ults. You pick the best tool for that second and still have the opportunity to swap to another tool from second-to-second throughout the entire ult. You don’t have to commit to one function.

There are no different play styles to be had with mass rez. Either rez dead people or don’t. Those are your different styles. Pressing Q and healing from the skybox is not what Valkyrie is for. If that’s all you use it for and you find that the ult isn’t impactful, it’s probably because you aren’t using it in an impactful way.

You may not have to put effort into earning the CD rez, but it’s definitely harder to pull off. The cast time means you have to protect yourself with either the environment or your team (which takes skill/coordination. Even if Mercy died immediately after the mass rez, she was still going to get the rez off. There’s actual counterplay to casted rez. She can’t just do it with no risk of failing to pull it off like with mass rez.

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Pops Valk during a team fight

Teammates start to die super quickly

Valuable Ultimate


jack of all trades, remotely sufficient in none.

yes, i love rock simulator for 2 seconds, so much fun! especially when you’re on of the most mobile heroes in the game!

did you die near cover? ok, ill press e and guarentee myself the ressurect, dont have to worry if i die, it’ll be up again by the time i get back!

their team still has no healer/an off healer.

you still cant tell me its implemented well when its a glaring contradiction to what they said they wanted for Mercy in the past.



I know right. Solid. Impactful.


i love that, when the only thing you’re made for is ltierally the thing you’re worst at
solid hero disign.

If that’s the case, it wasn’t popped at the right time. It’s not meant to outheal burst damage. That’s what transcendence is for and, if that’s what you need, Zen and Mercy can be played at the same time. We don’t need two ults that do the same thing.