The Anger Around the PTR Mercy Buffs Explained

I wouldn’t say that Mercy players get all of the hate, but when it’s in a Mercy Thread talking about new ideas for her or saying what could change, there are really rude people; like they just say their opinion or fact that might be incorrect, then someone corrects them and they freak out.

Well, how do you feel about her healing?

I agree with you about her being fun, not as much for me anymore but that’s probably from the long break I’ve needed from this game, but she does feel weak in some aspects of her kit.

I do not mean to be rude, so I apologize in advance if this response comes off this way - but - I answered that question (as well) in the post you are responding to

nobody cares

about what?

Relevant topic, anyone have thoughts about this?

Mercy duh

So you come to a Mercy orientated topic to say that you don’t care.

Interesting. :thinking:


There are a large number of Mercy threads on these forums with thousands of replies collectively, which strongly suggests (to me) that a lot of folks care


I wouldn’t even bother giving that guy the attention honestly. :sunny:

Your entire post was:

…which doesn’t exactly express sarcasm. It certainly is mocking Mercy players, however.

Insulting a group of people in a rather monotone way isn’t a joke. Jokes are supposed to have humor and a bit of class to them.


I think your just being sensitive, it was a harmless joke copying what you said in the original post “mercy mains will never be happy”

and mockery cant be humorous? It probably isn’t funny when your the one being mocked…

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I have said it.

Moral high ground? Maybe not.

But I certainly feel as though I have the practical high ground between you and I. I can at least contribute more to a discussion than:

…A restatement of a thesis that any informed person would recognize to be incorrect.


What you feel and what is known is different.






Six. There’s your answer.

The title narrows the scale down to only the people who are angry with the PTR changes to Valkyrie. I’m talking about why a certain group of people feel the way they feel. If you’re not in that group, then obviously, what is said in the OP doesn’t apply to you.

By speaking for those of us who aren’t fine with her?

That’s not how this works. Me exercising my ability to voice the concerns held by myself and many others does not impede your ability to voice your lack thereof.


You made a tl:dr on your thread.
This pretty much resumes your wall of text.

If for every 100 threads you make about Mercy, she gets a nerf, she’d be deleted already.

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There is a leap in logic. You somehow went from:


You took an out-of-context quote and are trying to construe it to be the full picture, and the only thing in the picture.

Whereas if you read the OP, you would know how wrong what you were going to say was before you said it:

Me bringing up the fact that Resurrect was the most iconic ultimate in the game was to question the decision to remove it. How iconic Resurrect was plays very little part in my current opinion of Mercy. If Mercy didn’t have that iconic ultimate, but was still fun to play, I wouldn’t be here on the forums complaining about Mercy for the past year; I would be playing Mercy.

Placing the quotes side-by-side to refresh your memory, being that it has been a while since my last reply to you:

You stated that because Blizzard at one point said that they do not plan to revert Mercy, that they will never address our concerns, regardless of the type of rework.

Which I replied with:

Replace “I” with “Blizzard”, replace “the color yellow” with “a Mercy rework”, and replace “green”, “orange”, “purple”, “teal”, and “brown” with arbitrary rework ideas, and we have what you said.

But does the fact that I don’t like the color yellow really mean that I also don’t like colors green, orange, purple, teal, and brown?

To assume that to be the case is an extrapolation beyond that which could be reasonably (or unreasonably, for that matter) concluded.

We’re not talking about what you would classify as an “anti Mercy main” position. We’re talking about these positions:

…And you then came in and acted all offended over it, repeating one of those very positions:

And now you seem to be claiming that you never held any of those positions… but you still took offense to it.

Because you have failed to elaborate on that statement, allow me to shoot it down before you can:

You were crying about how I was being “arrogant” and “self-righteous” because I said that several insulting assertions that are based upon ignorance are exactly that: Ignorant.

So yeah, this trade-off begins with a series of ignorant, insulting, and incorrect assertions from your side of the court. You might follow this up with “That isn’t my side of the court”, but then why did you feel the need to defend those positions if you supposedly aren’t siding with them?

And you provide no supporting arguments for this statement. Is it really self-righteous or arrogant to call out insults for what they are? I mean, sure, I’m arrogant as hell, but that move wasn’t made out of arrogance. That move was made because I wasn’t in the mood to beat around the bush when acknowledging a particular group of people in the OP.

“What I said is true because I said it” seems to be a trend here.

“You are X and you think Y because I said so.”
“You are arrogant and self-righteous for rejecting the labels and projected ideals I flung at you because I said so.”

I’m guessing this is the purpose behind the willful ignorance. If you pretend to have no knowledge of the situation, you can feel excused in your misinformed, emotional prejudices.

See above. You misinterpreted the meaning of that, apparently.

Pretending that they know and care about our concerns, pretending that they have acknowledged our concerns, while doing nothing of the sort for a year is disrespectful.

Reworking a hero to appease those playing against that hero with no regard to said hero’s playerbase is disrespectful.

Breaking nearly every promise they made in the Mercy rework Developer Update is disrespectful.

Strawmanning the two sides of the debate as “Make Mercy OP” vs. “Make Mercy UP” is disrespectful.

So again, respect is a two-way street. They lost ours when they demonstrated that we lost theirs. I’ll go back to respecting the developers when they can prove that they deserve that respect again.

Until then, I will call them what they are: Incompetent.

The rework. Why people were calling for a Mercy rework/nerf in the first place.

Because apparently when we want a rework because our hero isn’t fun to play anymore, that’s just us being entitled… but a few players getting mad that their Q press was reversed by someone else’s Q press is unacceptable and requires action.

Did you read what you quoted?
Did you read your previous post?

Do I need to spell it out?


You said that this thread is not constructive. This then prompts a question: What could be changed to make it constructive? The purpose of this thread is to inform people why there was so much backlash over the PTR changes, which it does quite thoroughly. It displays the rationale behind the backlash that many mistook for having none.

Of course, I’m not going to address this topic without addressing the elephant in the room, the statements that inspired me to create this thread in the first place:

I’m not going to ignore the insults meant to delegitimize our concerns. I’m going to hit them head on, because that’s the best way to deal with them.

So that’s two constructive contributions from this thread: The reader sees the reasoning behind our concerns (whether actually apply them or feign ignorance is up to them), and the nonconstructive, pointless insults and myths meant to slander those who have these concerns are shown to be incorrect.

So what about this thread is nonconstructive when it fulfills its exact purpose of informing others about our position and diminishes the value of petty insults?

Is there really anything nonconstructive in the OP?

Or are you calling it nonconstructive because… it doesn’t present or support your sentiments? Just as I have seen countless others do?


A question that is derived from an incorrect assumption needs no answer.


Come on. You walked right into that one.

That’s funny.

Mercy would have… zero nerfs then. Really goes to show little you know.

I’ve made a whopping…

… 7…

Mercy threads. Go to my profile my profile and count them.

I suggest that you check yourself before you make a fool out of yourself next time.


I have to take issue with this. Saying the thread title is wrong and then making this statement is hypocrisy.


That would have been a better thing to say.