The algorithm is not subtle and turns on like a light switch

Venting a little hear so bear with me, but the point I want to make is very concise.

Algorithm or not, from 2100 to 2488, it was a grind. Win a couple lose a couple - no super streaks of any kind. Mind you I have multiple accounts, I rotate around, also I stopped playing for a week.

Come back on vacation and I make it to 2488. One game away from plat! I can finally tell all y’all forum folks to … well…. I lose that game, and the next, and the next.

I rotate accounts come back, lose 2. Come back, lose 3 but win 1. Lose 2, rotate and come back. All the while I’m starting to check dps partners. I notice my dps partners are support mains!!! Multiple multiple times!

Long story short…. 400 sr lower. (I even grouped up with folks!). Point is, it was too sudden! Mean while the other accounts? I didn’t lose my skills on those and continue to grind….

Let me grind but don’t flip a switch on me and change my game all of a sudden.


Well said, and yeah it can be really obvious especially nowadays that there is algorithmic handicapping


We’ll that’s basically the problem of any extensive mm system, “fair” matches in ranked aren’t possible or the point. There are players that are simply way better and I’d rather have them move through the ranks quickly then the mm trying to “even the playing field”.
You don’t have to have an algorithm in your game that matches equal ranked games, first off all that’s by definition, rigging and secondly if you just divide everyone into “weight classes” aka ranks and let them have at it, that 50/50 comes naturally.


The system was like “oh look, bob is getting close to plat again… Not on my watch!” and made you drop like a rock. It dynamically adjusted all the parameters for any Bob account and dragged you back down to 2k SR.

(The secret is to defend the matchmaker on the forums so you’ll get white listed and rank up. Don’t tell the others, though!)


I know ur joking but that’s not even correct. Like I said, I have other accounts that are mid 2k, and one sub 2k that are just “fine”.

Also…. Quick question.

I did manage to get to plat on my tank for this account. Does that now mean I’m smurfing on the account where my tank is stuck in silver?


Technically yes and you’re obligated to play on that account to get it within a reasonable SR of your main so that you’re challenged and continually progressing as a player.

Unless you enjoy dumpstering n00bz of course :smirk:


Technically there is no such obligation


I suspect it’s for player retention.

Especially with noobs placing mid gold even in 2022. Rather than have them crash down 1500 sr in one long string of losses, they get a few wins to keep their hopes up.


Gratz! As to your question, it depends on how many games you have played on each account. You seem to have played enough games on the plat account (as opposed to just 5 placement matches and placing 2.5k). So it’s safe to say that, yes, your silver account would be considered a smurf.

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While that’s technically correct, you cannot argue and support a rigged match maker concept without supporting the same group of people (from that camp) who claim that alt accounts poison the ladder.

In an efforts to nix hypocrisy, you are therefore obligated to discontinue smurfing.


Actually yes you can the two issues are separate

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Oh look, another report of the same garbage happening in overwatch, someone reaches the cusp of a new tier and goes on a loss streak of 400SR. There are literally thousands of reports just like this but the flat earthers who can’t believe the evidence will deny it.

Just stop playing, it’s not worth it, it’s made like this to keep you chasing the carrot or is just simply poor programming where the game vastly overestimates your skill and places you with awful teammates to create a 50/50 match. Doesn’t matter the reason, it’s broken. I’ve never played another competive game EVER where you go on loss streaks right when you get close to a new tier.


It’s a club, and you aint in it!

I feel you! It makes no sense. The way you are gained/lose sr is bad. It should’ve been more based on skill and what you’ve done in the match. I was almost diamond this season and now I’ve gone from gold to plat back and fourth JUST THIS SEASON.

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bro…wtf? you told them that secret? next thing youll be saying is how we get royalty payments…i mean, no we dont


It’s just normalising your SR towards the region you truly belong too. The higher the number of games, the higher the accuracy.

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Let me grind but don’t flip a switch on me and change my game all of a sudden.

What you are describing is well documented in these forums and by the devs themselves (Skill, Matchmaking, and Ranking Systems Design - YouTube).

Find the section about some players going up and down like a yo-yo. You typically experience this if you play the same hero to a high level of consistency and the range of the curve can easily be 300 to 500 SR.

Yes it is extremely frustrating but you have only discovered the first of many of the artifacts of the matchmaking system that make for a really poor user experience.

Welcome to overwatch :disappointed_relieved:


If they started them at 1000 SR, they’d get some wins because that’s where they belong.

The mental gymnastics that the devs must have gone through to convince themselves “we HAVE TO handicap so everyone gets around 50% wins!!!” is mind boggling to me, when simply NOT HANDICAPPING produces the exact same result, but with much better, more consistent games.


Not sure it’s 50% wr in comp (might be in qp, which I’d argue is fair enough to a degree).

I think might be result of mmr matchmaking.

Hoping there’s an mmr reset for ow2. If the influx of lots of new players hopefully happens, and they place in gold, it’s going to be a crap show.

Bronze today is better than gold was when the game came out.

If they place gold, they’ll be like lambs to the slaughter.

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its called regression to the mean. what incentive does the game have holding players back, if anything it has a massive incentive to push players higher than they should be to lower q times in high rank.