Something Changed. Matchmaking Suddenly Better

Okay, thanks for posting but I’m not sure what we want to do with them? Sorry for the bad run, happens.

Want me to have a look and do some quick reviews or tips?

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I made some yesterday elsewhere and peak irony was one frothing reply regarding “white knights” and blizzard forcibly censoring criticism here and that “we” (lol) could not stop them elsewhere… like, hello?

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Yeah, it’s odd. You just aren’t allowed to mention anything good any more.

The doom post cult.

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My man, when you asked for them I thought you had a desire to see them.

Someone said they had a 5 game loss streak. I so happened to have a 5 game loss streak too (because they’re not that rare). Oh wait did I call your bluff?

I didn’t ask you anything. I engaging a conversation with someone and you inserted yourself whilst not really explaining anything either.

Yeah. And? We all get them… I can’t even begin to understand “calling my bluff” as that makes no sense at all. I just kindly offered a review or whatever of yours and you respond with that? I think I’m just wasting time time here

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Replay codes of a 5 game loss streak including stomps provided. What ever you wanted these for, that’s up to you.

To me it’s proof that the matchmaker is busted after someone wins too much - a series of “correction games” to get me back down to 50:50.

Sadly, you are. Many have tried before.

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All they are proof of is you losing 5 games.

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Many = a total of 4 i have counted. In the tiny amount of forum posters which in itself is a tiny amount of total players.

Its really not that much.

I mean the best reviews I’ve had were by nick, and mills and there was a person here on the forums too that was outstanding (forgot his name).

I think the narrative is though, “oh show me those unwinnable games and I’ll critique that you were the worst player” I’ve seen all too many times before.

Mean while 3-4 times a season, like 10-20s a lifetime, every time I reach my season high I get a series of correction games.

I get every so often your going to lose, I get that. But wide stomp unwinnable games at season high is a pattern that is all too familiar.

I’m not even counting people on here.

The games you lost are the easier to pick things to improve from.

They’ll most likely happen in games you win too, but they’ll be masked by winning fights. People tend to think if they win, they did good after all. So it’s harder to break down what’s gone wrong in that situation.

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Numbers tell otherwise. OW2 is pretty OK right now.

Exactly. Every game whether you win or lose, whether you stomp or get stomped, it’s a learning experience. Just because a certain play worked, doesn’t necessarily mean it was the right thing to do. I 100% agree; people often don’t analyze the matches they win(or the ones they lost for that matter).

Not to mention, if they win they think everything they did was perfect, but if they lose it’s because their team is feeding, throwing and leaving.

If your the dude that gave me a vod a couple months ago… I’d find a way to pay you. If your going to vod for the sake of pointing out my flaws to prove a greater point that I somehow could have turned the tide of the stomps… then yea I agree your wasting your time.

I watched your vid (9NBAY7) and you could have done more, you could have done something to “change the tide,” but you probably would have still barely won. It’s all completely beside the point because when I simply watch the other people on your team they were clearly awful and had no idea what they were doing. You should not be expected to do everything correct in order to rank up out of gold tier. You should simply be able to play better than the people at your tier in order to rank up, and you did, end of story.

People who are reviewing VOD’s and saying “you should have done xyz so the loss is on you” are shallow thinkers. What they’re essentially saying is “You need to play like a GM or top 500 in gold tier in order to rank up” which is once again proving that the matchmaker is completely broken.

Pointing out that someone did something wrong in a game does not in any way shape or form mean that the match was fair and the person is at fault for the loss. They should look for one criteria, did you play better than your avg gold dps at your tier and based on what I saw in the match it’s an easy yes. As for whether or not you were toggling some aim assist bot at key moments that’s a different discussion that I won’t have here and beside the point, because if you were cheating then you definitely were playing better than most gold tier and that would be further proof the matchmaker is broken.

No matter how you look at it the matchmaker is broken.


You have given me the greatest compliment of all times. Thank you sir. 100 hours on aim labs and 2k hours in ow, and a life time gamer.
Oh and you should have seen the 27-0 game, it’s scary when they give me good hitboxes.

Sorry just to be clear I reviewed this match where you said someone had accused you of hacking, you said “Someone was looking for codes? Narrow win 50-8 20k damage, no mercy - accused of hacking - long game: 9NBAY7”

I wasn’t accusing you I was addressing your comment of being accused.

Man I got codes in different area codes. Been thinking of getting some more coaching, might use this one. Our team did win though, but it was very close.

True. Can we please protest to get Aaron Keller out! We need new management at Blizzard, someone who takes competitive integrity seriously.