The Abundance of Support POTGs

Has anyone else noticed the abundance of support POTGs? Mostly its Moira or Brigitte. Nothing really amazing happens, they just usually hold their primary attack and kill 2 people.


How many threads do we need to talk about this?


its almost like blizzard wanted to take the spotlight away from dps-ers and try and make people want to play supportsā€¦so weird i knowā€¦


tbf this topic is in a weird repetitive lull where some rando brings it up often throughout the day but not often enough to where other randos would see those and be discouraged to make the same thread

now the 50 moira threads on the other hand have no excuse


Did you forget tanks exists too?
Also, how is a POTG depicting a support hero doing nothing but holding left click going to convince a dps to play support?
Correct me if im wrong, but isnā€™t the Play of The Gameā€™s purpose to display the most game changing part of the match? Not some lousy no-effort clicking?


Support POTGs? Oh you mean ā€œMoira Pissing on the Guysā€. Thatā€™s all I see now for end game highlights: Moira either using her big stream, or giving a liberal misting on a bunch of players while everyone secures the eliminations around her :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.


i saw Ana POTG, where she literally missed few shots , then threw a nade at an empty payloadā€¦ while 2 kills happened somewhere else


Youā€¦ just proved my point.


im assuming they did, because they know in the future tank role wont exist , thats the only thing i can thing off

it isnā€™t, itā€™s meant to give more reward to support players by putting them in the spotlight a little bit more.

it isnā€™t, itā€™s meant to give more reward to support players by putting them in the spotlight a little bit more.

Endcards are a thing


Does anyone actually put weight into POTG? These are the spotlights typically reserved for Torb returning from spawn while the turret puts out some hard work, or for someone to press Q into a well-placed Zarya grav (and never say thank you).


I can understand the change. I dont understand though how Brig can get a pog for healing one person and m1-ing another person to death while Genji pulls a 5k.

I feel there are other ways to do that rather than making the POTG even more of a joke than it already was. I mean, with the way it currently is, why even have it? Just have the game send support players a message saying ā€œYou done yourself good, buddy!!ā€

there are, but you have to understand something , overwatch 1 doesnt have a development team, none, not 1 personā€¦ they all work on ow2.
they wont make big changes unless it overlaps with ow2 development , anyone who ever worked on something new knows this

I think I got one as Zen where I hit a few people with orbs and killed someone. Maybe tranced but didnā€™t actually heal anyone cos the Genji got snapped :thinking:

Yeah the algorithm is weird now. If you expect something spectacular in the POTG, its not going to happen.
I got one with a Trans saving the whole team, thats normal. But also saw one with brig just holding M1 and throwing 2 packs as I killed 3 dudes with Reaper (she was healing someone else) on point.

Like what? :man_shrugging:


As a Support main myself, Iā€™d like to earn my POTGā€¦Itā€™s just embarrassing otherwise.

You are wrong, itā€™s ARDVARK, get it right.


I got a double boop as Lucio the other day, and the POTG went to the Moira who healed me during it.

ā€¦Considering I was playing a Support at the time, I was justifiably peeved.


people keep saying this but I yet have to see it happen. even a dva bomb with 3 kills gets pogs. it is still that supports mostly only get pogs if no one else managed to do the same amount in the short window. thatā€™s what you guys donā€™t get. the window for pogs is short. a 5k from genji has always gotten the pog in my games.

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