The Abundance of Support POTGs

These kind of POTGs happen when the team isn’t doing their own jobs well. When people run less than optimal comps like, Hog/Zar/Hanzo/Genji/Ana/Moira. Generally when the DPS run duel tech picks, you see this happen too. It happens because most people aren’t good enough with their tech picks to actually be consistently productive. Where as Moira and Brig are both designed so the player isn’t made to fight a cumbersome UI in addition to the enemy team. So when we see these silly POTG clips, both tanks and both DPS should think “Oops… I made someone else work much harder than they should have. Maybe next time I shouldn’t run tracer on defense…”

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PotG was never good. Nanoblades and gravdragons have gotten old many years ago. Now they crank up multiplier for Moira and we can see epic crosshair flailing and three assists.
Just disconnect when game ends and don’t waste your time.

Whats wrong, you pressed Q as reaper and didn’t get POTG instead?

You pressing Q to activate McCrees or soldiers auto aim ult from high ground while your team is busy fighting desperately to keep the point below is not anymore impressive than a Moira or a Brig fighting off flankers and BEING THE REASON THE TEAM STAYS ALIVE

As a lucio main I agree. It’s usually moira or brig doing nothing interesting but sometimes I get POTG too as lucio not doing something im exactly really proud of.

They must have increased the weight for plays as support.
I’d much rather get a POTG less frequently like it used to, but when I do, I would really get a moment of joy.

What’s wrong with tracer on defense?

Because their system is flawed… Brigs and Moira heal while also doing damage, system will always take those over anything

Most Tracer players in solo q aren’t great at working as a team. That would be fine if they were really good at their job. The majority of Tracer players are not good at their job however. So when one pops up, the actual chances of them doing well is low. More so right now since there are a lot of people playing tracer because McCree is out of rotation.

I have noticed, and its not just Moira and Brig (but these to take the cake though)
Also those pogs I’m seeing are complete trash.

So? I get plenty of healing potgs, the only one I haven’t got yet is Ana, and I find hers is downright hard to obtain. I’ve got several on Lucio, and Mercy as well. Here’s a tip though… Ready?

If a DPS or tank does not get potg, their impact was not nearly as much as you think. Healing has more weight than pressing Q to win.

Are you telling me endgame cards and potg give players the same feeling?

Cuz I have to respectfully say, HELL NO.

A card doesn’t offer the feeling of satisfaction for doing a job well done. Potg clips do.

It’s awful still

Like, play of the game doesn’t matter, but seeing it be supports and them doing nothing every game is getting tiresome.

At least pull the play from an ult or something, it’s way too generous right now for just healing somebody at any time. Boops aren’t even being overly valued like they usually are!

I don’t care about PotG, but I admit they do seem a little wonky. I see some support ones, where the support didn’t do anything. I see DPS ones as well like that. The only ones that seem to be correct are Reinhardt ones.

The game is trying to make people aware that this role exists ,despite blizzard’s best efforts. Yes.

I mean, this change didn’t come from nowhere. Someone had to develop it.

As much as Blizzard need to realize that potgs are broken and they need to change it.
Anything interesting to contribute?

Yeah actually…something to contribute.

People like you are consistently spamming every single subforum about supports getting more POTG. Get over it. Clearly we all know by now, we don’t need another thread talking about this. Just because developers haven’t replied does not in the slightest mean that Blizzard hasn’t seen these threads.

Maybe it’s not even the system, maybe you just suck

It’s pretty ridiculous. I get it literally every game now, but beforehand I had seen 2 Ana potgs and 1 sombra potg. The system needs tweaking to heroes like Sombra+Ana, but not other supports.

I’m sick of moira play of the games I’d rather see anything but those

I am getting it a lot too. Sometimes its a good one, others its quite lame.

One time, I got a kill with whipshot and bashed an ultimate. another time, I was swinging into a 4man grav.

both of them felt very rewarding to watch, but obviously the former was warranted and the latter was stupid.