Quick Play:
Damage: 26.48+19.08 = 45.56%
Support: 31.95%
Tank: 22.49%
Support: 35.27%
Tank: 31.83%
Damage: 21.05+11.84 = 32.89%
Quick Play:
Damage: 26.48+19.08 = 45.56%
Support: 31.95%
Tank: 22.49%
Support: 35.27%
Tank: 31.83%
Damage: 21.05+11.84 = 32.89%
Idk, you can call it myth but as a player who played a lot before role queue most games I had were 5 dps and 1 support or at least 4-1-1 with Roadhog being the tank.
This chart doesn’t really focus on any ranks… We know in high ranks 2-2-2 and goats were played a lot giving a bit of advantage to tanks and support but overall I guess in plat-diamond people played a lot of 2-2-2 as well…
I was bronze-gold during that time and for me, it was a chaos of dps.
It wasn’t 6 dps every game, it was 4-5 DPS several times every time you went to play the game. The entire duration you are spending in the 4-5dps game is just wasted time still waiting for an actual game- no different than waiting in queue for 2-2-2.
Well I was hardstuck in Gold before Role Queue was implemented, and we had at least 3 dps the whole match every time I played… dunno about you though.
not true, you would lock 5 dps
first push happens you guys obviously lose, you get a mercy, someone goes rein hog or dva and then work from there
occasional ball
People didn’t switch they just blamed each other as they were full held.
OW a team game that lacks team players to play team characters.
we are playing a different game
True that those stats dont tell you much, still i can say as someone who played mostly plat during open q times (sometimes lower and higher i suppose) that 5-6 dps for me was not that offten happening. And i remember the 6 dps teams i fight agains not doing that badly for themself few times too.
Was it harder for me to be in 6dps team, as i was most of times tank or support myself.
Most of well playing teams i was in were trying to run 222, the dfifference was that we could swap roles with each other when something go wrong, or change strat when for example, other team go pirate ship, and go 3 dps for shield breaking.
I liked more the open choice, that gived your team more options to deal with the problem. Sometimes reinhardt main will not be good on hero like dva, and better put him on support slot instead.
So, from my recollection both of these happened mixed with the not entirely rare situation where people went 2-2-2, mostly because a lot of people pined for and wanted 2-2-2…
It was an amalgamation of all of the above, which is non-structured and high chaos potential.
That’s why people wanted structure, and that’s why you still see the same kind of compositions in OQ today.
I personally believe a difference between OQ and RQ socially is that in OQ when someone thought their teammates were underperforming they would do a hail mary and swap for the “I’LL DO IT MYSELF”. In RQ, people just type at you and start feeding.
of course, good teams would simply re-structure… but the occurrence of that is like most things that are polarized in OW: one happens more in a lower rank and one happens more in a higher rank. Mostly… not to speak in absolutes.
Think people were just looking something to blame for their loss and dps is the go-to scapegoat, per usual.
The 2-2-2 queue made the game much better.
Imagine playing football and people refused to play goalkeeper or defence. It’d not be very much fun.
Games would end more balanced but it was the annoyance of one trick or selfish DPS players taking things to the brink in every spawn room or even for X number of team fights that ruined it for people. WOW someone switched to Roadhog for the last push THANKS!
If you played Comp most of your games if not all were 2-2-2 (This is the reason RQ was set in this format. It’s what players were already doing)
If you played QP lets be generous and say 5/10 games were 5 dps and 1 mercy 1 trick since that’s always been a thing.
If was 5 dps until X amount of players leave within the first minute because it’s 5 dps.
You lost 1-2 teamfights and the pushovers swap from Dps to Support/Tank
You actually win the first few team fights, the enemy team swaps and stall you so your team swaps because they’re trying to win now.
The issue was always overstated and more as just a cover to push 2-2-2/RQ because of GOATS in OWL. The casters said this
The competitive scene will flop if it’s not in sync with normal players.
But being the brain deceased, dogpiling, tribalistic sheep that this community is comprised of people happily bought that narrative.
I agree but the thing is, it’s only effective with higher ranks… I like the fact they put the 2 options and not just 1.
And if a Rein can’t play D.va then I don’t understand what he does in tank role. I blame it more on the game for not providing enough info on each hero but I do think that if you main a role the least you can do is learn most of the important heroes there. you don’t have to be perfect with them but at least understand how they should be played…
You can’t just deny my own experiences … I admit I wasn’t the highest player but around bronze-gold most games were 5 dps for sure. I know that because at the start tried filling roles for my team, always playing solo tank/heal only for me to understand the only way to climb up is dps.
33% for every role in rank in total doesn’t really mean a thing when you’ve got masters-gm who played a lot of goats and 2-2-2, plat-diamond who played some 2-2-2 and then bronze-gold who played a lot of dps comps.
Before role queue I was a big denier of the new system requesting a different system but I never thought even for a second we played mostly 2-2-2.
It was a lot of Genji, a lot of Mccree.
And then usually Mercy as the only support before Moira came and replaced her.
I’m not denying the fact plat+ players played a lot of 2-2-2 but in my rank games I’m more than sure more dps was played and considering most players come from low ranks it makes sense most of them remember games be full of dps.
And for the last sentence. I agree some people tend to follow the flock but I don’t say something before checking it out or thinking about it. I think genji is completely fine, Bastion isn’t too far from being good, and that the problem with Widow is her grapple.
And I have more examples. I mean- my balancing post is more than enough to show I have some controversial opinions and that’s ok.
But it doesn’t mean every rank had perfect 2-2-2 always.
dont bother with Overbuff…the devs themselves have stated that 222 was what people usually played before RQ…to use Jeffs own words today…people here tend to use “dramatic hyperbole”
ONE game of 5 dps and “EVERY GAME IS 5 DPS”
if you want more tangible proof…ive now posted my OQ placement match replays on here for the past 3 seasons…where 90% of thus far have been 222…and the other 10% are 132 (the horror!!!)…basically normal matches almost all the time…
i can do the same later this week when i actually do my placements…
it is and has always been an exaggerated myth perpetuated into reality
I fully and unequivocally deny your experience.
I had an entire playlist of Stylosa’s coaching crap with comps of 222 on BOTH SIDES.
I use to watch gold ranked players like Soe, Dodger, Bey, even some kr players in those ranks.
If you played competitive regardless of rank you generally had a 2-2-2 comp.
If you played comp in OW you should already know what happens if you deviate even a FRACTION from what people consider norm.
My first season of comp(5) I mained Mccree. I had around 300 hours on Hanzo, was a Hanzo one trick effectively like 2 hours on Mccree and yet I played Mccree.
You didn’t have 5 dps in any rank period.
I play qpc exclusively and I very very rarely see 5 dps on a team. I mean I’m the 6th and I play support/tank so that’s maybe the diff.
My anecdotal experience is that it typically falls into 2-2-2 naturally or one tank, 3 dps, 2 supports.
can u check each rank because if u can it was mainly bronze to plat that it would happen at at least on console
Because some heroes are in the box of “i dislike them and their playstyle, so why should i learn to play that hero?”
For me its stupid to expect someone who main any hero from tank, dps, or support role, to play every hero from it. What, you going to say “Oh junkrat main, i dont understand why you playing dps role, if you cant play widow!”
Its not that they dont give info how to play, its that heroes are to different from each other to really put them in one box and expect people to play everyone from there.