Thanks for the attention to Roadhog DEVs

Just wanted to convey my thank for going through the effort of getting back to Roadhog, appreciation is much quieter on this site than criticism and I think many Roadhog mains appreciate the efforts.

Continuing the discussion from Roadhog Hero Update | Patch 1.28:


Personally, no, I do not appreciate this particular change at all. It does a whole lot of nothing, actually.

Who even uses LMB at that range? Nobody… It changes nothing. It’s not a balancing of power decrease. People use LMB in someones face, not at 10-15m range. The spread is ridiculous at that range and you’ll maybe hit a couple pellets. It’s still an effective nerf as RMB will do a whole lot less of damage at a reasonable distance which means Hog has to be up closer to bust shields and in turn will probably feed more.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate anything they do, of course, I am really glad Hook finally doesn’t disconnect for no reason anymore. I’m also really happy with the bugfix to all affected shotguns and weapons with spread. It’s a start but I hope for more reasonable changes that have an actual impact.

Wait a sec, so RMB wasn’t increased in damage falloff?

I think I misread this and it might be a very different thread.

Agreed on the hook fixes.

Those this mean what I think it is?
Alt fire blast at some place 10m and has same damage for 15m radius? That includes 5m behind you.
Oh, the spread makes it still weaker before that range I guess?

RMB used to NOT have fall-off. Then they “bugfix” it by adding it. Because RMB got such a substantial nerf or “fix”, they reduced fall-off on LMB decreasing it from 10-20 to 15-30 as a way to balance out the decrease in power. Personally, I find it pointless as you don’t use LMB for any of those distances ever.

I know all that jazz, I believe I incorrectly presumed RMB was increased in distance here.

I’m still holding out they’re going to make changes to roadhog in the upcoming ptr changes

people like to complain blizzard never listen but they’ve fixed a bunch of key issues already that they’ve never commented on previously but were fairly big deals in the past week


Ooh, I see. No, they did not increase the range of RMB. Its range is still the same however it will deal considerable less damage outside 15m.

Oh woof…

If they really want to buff Roadhog, they could have easily done so already.

His biggest issue is the RNG on his spread (and armor but that is another thing). It makes it really inconsistent. All shotguns have this problem like Reaper and Torbjorn. Only a singular shotgun hero has received special treatment on his shotgun and that is DF, removing the spread RNG which in turns makes his shots consistent…