Thanks for doin nothing vs smurfs

I think it’s a good illustration of how our bias toward the self causes us to label everyone who played better than us in a match as a smuf and everyone who played worse than us as a thrower. We’re the only ones in are matches who are playing at the correct level and in the correct way.


IP lock or hardware lock the game so only 1 account per ip/hardware unless your accounts banned or something


While I get your talk a lev 20 player (if talk about qp) or a lev 25 genji that know perfecty where to dash to get naoned and can do some good primary+melee combo.

or a widow that know every single offangle,

or a person that already know how to move in the maps and wich hero counter who

or a doomfist that know how to engage/escape—

isn’t a new player at all, stop thinking people won’t recognize it.


Keep in mind that you cannot smurf in Quick Play.


They need to automatically link the MMR between accounts which share the same hardware where the game is used on. Smurfing loses its appeal if you just create a copy of your main account and cant play against weaker players.
Then you can only go lower by throwing matches, which is a bannable offense.

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Of course you can - just get good at the game, buy a new account and play QP.


How many accounts do you have?

One PC one PS4 - how is that relevant?

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alt acc or whatever, I know to all of you smurfing is to play in a lower elo, but some of these people create a new acc only to be toxic toward less skilled players


Because you’re a smurf by your logic. You bought one account, and since you already knew the game when you bought a second account you were, again by your standards, smurfing. Shame.


I have one account. It is this one.

Not at all - i suck on PS4, i’m terrible with a controller - i only play with my daughter when she’s in the mood (which isnt often).

If i bought a second PC account knowing i have higher skill than a new account however i’d be a smurf.


So you bought the game again, this time with a technical edge, to push you over the top. Sounds like smurfing to me.


I own 2 copies of the game on different platforms. I’m worse than average on the other version and i dont play often.

That is very different from buying a second copy on the same platform knowing you’re already better than average.

Sounds nothing like smurfing to me.


All I am getting from this conversation is that you have two standards as far as smurfing goes. When you have multiple accounts it isn’t smurfing, but when others do it is smurfing. If you ask me, the smurf pejorative doesn’t make a lot of sense.


No, single definition. Buying a second account on the same platform when you’re higher skill than a new player.

A PS4 player coming to PC generally isnt a smurf unless they have high aim skill already.

Sounds to me like you’re intentionally misinterpreting a simple concept.


What I am doing is pointing out that people who complain about smurfs place artificial caveats in order to absolve themselves of similar behavior.


I think “having a second account i dont play on a different playform” is a pretty clear distinction. OWNING a second copy doesnt make you a smurf, its the associated skill level.


I have only this acc my friend.

Not that what you say don’t happens, I’m sure it happens. But not everyone in this community can’t learn a new hero in qp on his/her only account from the way I seen things.

You clearly knew the angles when you purchased the second copy. You were at a distinct advantage.