Thank. Your. Healers

you rezzed, you healed… thats the job of a mercy?

i dont expect ppl to thank me … if you dont like playing healer… then dont.

there are enough ppl who play healer anyway.

play tank and see how that feels.

Are you so desperate for attentions that we have to praise you for picking healer and DOING YOUR JOB?
People like you will not make me like support mains, and I rather give endorsements to Symmetra one-tricks. It’s disgusting.


Is dropping endorsements and voting them up good enough?
Because I already play healer a lot and I do those things instead of just thanking them.

No bc healers are generally looked down upon or someone flexes/forced into that role.

Never asked for just a thanks every now and then or at least once is appreciated.
Just like spamming I need healing isnt needed

just bc a DPS gets a kill doesn’t mean they did their job. in fact just making a hero back out of a fight is good. but diving after them and dying like many do isn’t esp when the healer has no LoS or way to heal them then ppl like you complaining about it.

this 10Mx. DPS already get PotG that’s all they need but when tanks and supports enable those plays no thanks is usually given except the DPS in some cases saying look how amazing i am

well therefore i suggested to make POTG where both heroes are being shown.

if i make a grav and hanzo uses his dragon… the intro should show zarya and hanzo.

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Is your narcissistic as* lacking any attention or what did you make this thread for?


Wanting to be thanked as a healer does not exclude you from thanking your tanks or dps as the healer, guys.

I do it often, quite frankly. I like to acknowledge when my team is doing well or when they save my bacon.

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I never expect anyone to say thanks. Getting it feels good, but I don’t demand or want it.

Demanding thanks is actually very rude.

I don’t open doors for strangers, than scream at them to say ‘Thank you’. If you’re doing something only because you want appreciation, you will never appreciate what you’re doing.

I play support because I like the feeling of saving someone from near dead. The thrill of knowing I contributed to a win is all I need. A ‘thank you’ is just the icing on the cake.


Pointless. I’m fine with my teammates as long as they aren’t flaming me, or protect me when I am having trouble defending myself.

True healer mains don’t do it for the thanks. Healer mains rather enjoy the power of being able to judge who stays alive and who to sacrifice to save another player for the better of the team. Most of all, healer mains love to keep everyone’s HP at MAX.

This is from someone who mains healer for more than 10 years in all other games. Overwatch is possible the only game I don’t really main healer, but I still play it a fair amount.

Main healer here! This is so true! Fortunately, people are usually polite, I get a lot of thanks. The funniest and most infuriating part of being a healer is people asking for healing and then engaging combat, running away from me just before I go out of my way to get to them. My friends have no idea what they make me go trough, lol

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I mean, I would if my dps ever did more damage than the tanks…

I almost choked on my food while reading this. DPS mains are always getting bashed for playing DPS. This entire thread is an example of how the healer mains of this game are condescending and biased. Almost every single day I see a post named “I won’t heal you anymore” or “DPS mains are the problem with this game”.

You guys don’t like us, just be honest.

It hurts a little bit, because I’m that DPS that spams “Thank you” every time my health bar goes up (damn I even have a shortcut for the “Thank you” voiceline on my keyboard), or jumps off the edge of the map so our Mercy can fly to me and save herself. Meanwhile, on the forums, a thousand posts talking about how every DPS player is toxic and they should just die.

Don’t say “we” if you’re the only person in this community that doesn’t want every DPS main burnt on a stick.


Naw, healers always get thanked. I’m not saying stop, but don’t give them the succ if they don’t deserve it. Tanks are almost never “tanked” (I’m not sorry).

However, after many, many years of practice and endless grinding and learning, I can finally use the communication wheel to thank my teammates, like when I get saved by a Zarya bubble, or a Genji deflects a Neighborhood icicle. Those kind of things.

I know it’s hard to press c and flick your mouse to the left, but with enough practice, you, too, can thank your team when they do something that deserves it.

In case none of this makes sense: Don’t thank people just to be nice. Thank them because you think they deserve it, because they did something helpful, like saving you from dying, or giving you a taxi back from spawn. So many people seem to want to be praised for picking a hero.

And can we please stop with the tribal mentality of us Vs them? All it does is promote hating people for what role they play.

On the topic of skill: Just chill dude. I’m not going to cry if some randy on the internet tells me my hero is easy. Don’t waste your time on people like that. Unless you’re Brigitte in which case just uninstall the game please. (Jk. I still don’t like her though).

And in case you try to pull the “You don’t understand, you play DPS” card, feel free to check my (public, pogchamp) profile.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to add this - if you don’t get thanked, please don’t have a mental breakdown. Saying thanks isn’t mandatory. It’s optional. It’s fine if people don’t thank you.

But the issue is, at least in my experience, the DPS don’t help me when I get flanked, don’t peel off when I’m getting focused, and instead spam I need Healing after they’ve let me be killed by a flanking Tracer. I agree people should play their roles without expecting to be told they’re pretty, but part of the DPS’s role (which many often seem to forget) is to help protect their supports.

Ana main here, I agree 100% on this.

It is really annoying to hear people complain about bad healing when they just walk around corners all the time though. Like I want to heal you so bad but your positioning makes it not possible.

People are pretty mad in those moments and telling them they need to watch their positioning often just fuels their rage sometimes. :frowning:


that would be best since many supports like zen save someone or several but the dps gets the kills during it

While solo healing my last comp match as Mercy (because everyone wants to be dps i guess). My junkrat decides to yell “HEAL YOUR BACKLINE!” after he died from a burst of damage.

Beetch I’ve been zip zapping around this whole darn first point on Dorado healing your azzes and dodging fire from the enemy dps. Me staying alive is number one goal when defending. If i die, it’s game over. Y’all can die and come back, but if our only healer dies then we are losing that point faster than you can say “I need healing”.

We ended up winning and I got first card for healing 30% of my team’s damage taken. Not a single “thank you” or “nice heals” I do think I got thanked for some clutch rezzes, but other than that it was just “WHY DID I DIE?! YOU MUST NOT HAVE BEEN HEALING ME NOUGH!”.


So much entitlement jesus christ

I’m a Moira main, so thank you. :smile: