Thank. Your. Healers

Urgh, seriously?

Don’t thank me for healing you. Help me when I get focused, peel for me when I get flanked, and we’re even.

Do your job, I do mine = ez game.


Mmm I respectfully disagree. Not letting me get shot is enough thanks. Doing your job and winning is enough thanks. As long as you’re respectful and we work to get our job done, you have no beef with me when I’m your support.

I am a support main and i dont approve of this thread.

We deserve no more respect than the other roles. We arent on any pedestal. All 6 players are important.


I’m just happy as long as people aren’t mean. Being nice is a plus though, and if you look out for me and help me I will probably make an extra effort to help you.

I thank anyone who saves me from dying.Be it a support that heals me up,or a DPS that saves me.

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If you went out of your way to help me out of a tight spot? Sure, I’ll thank you. I will not thank you just because you’re playing a game. That’s silly.


Not extra attention, but maybe extra “big plays” or just moments. To be honest, all want reliable healers, so basically they become into “healbot”. For example, as Zen you can’t heal somebody better, you can just kill enemy’s or help, basically you are shtty dps( more useless version of mcree), you can stack trance, but how much fast stacks dragons, you only purpose is mitigate other. Supports are not flexible, maybe that’s why we have “switch to mercy” curse…

It’s more better now, before they only thanked Mercy players. Next step to merge all roles)))

You can thank me by staying alive and playing smart.

that’s the best thank you I can ask for.

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Exactly, you thank the healers for healing you, and they’ll thank you for peeling for them. That’s the way it works.

I thank anyone that helps me out or do a good job, Soldier got the kill on their dps? ‘Nice one mate!’

Roadhog/Zarya protected my back and probrably saved me from a flanker? ‘Nice protection dude!’

Any support heals me at some moments 'Thanks for the heals “put support name here”

Any ultimate going off on my team when we are together or close ‘Lets GET EM BOYS!!’

Encourage and be cheerful, improves my gameplay quite a lot till my mic broke yesterday.


I spam that thank you to supports and if somebody does excellent job at healing I tell them “premium heals!” at the end of the round, but I’m about had it with all these posts where support players come cry how they’re not appreciated. You’re appreciated if you do your role well, but if you do just an almost average job you’re not going to be praised for it and even worse if you do below average and get feedback for it you’re supposed to just take it. You’re not above the other roles and shouldn’t feel entitled to such praisal. I’m going to start using the “Understood!” and just keep quiet from now on, thank you

This won’t work on console. We don’t have game chat and as a result “Thanks!” is primarily used by salty, egotistical teammates as their only outlet to be salty about dieing or a losing. I’d be worried my healer would think I was being sarcastic when I was being genuine, especially since I usually wait till it’s safe before i say “thanks”. It could happen some time after the support’s clutch heal or rez and they might think I’m being salty about a different thing a different teammate did.

A few times I tried saying “Thanks” for a rez but the comms wheel blocked my view of the screen and I didn’t realize the Mercy had been killed during the rez so by the time I hit the “thanks” it looked more like I was being a ©unt about NOT being rezzed. I felt bad.

Now I just always endorse my healer and make sure to vote for their card if they did well. I hope this shows them my gratitude.

I don’t need a thank you. Not spamming “I need healing” when I’m dead is all I ask. Use tab for once if you think I should be there.

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I want to be shown appreciation with endorsements at end, the rest is for showing a good mood, not a matter of politeness. I don’t go out of my way to use thank you every single time I’m happy with healer or team. If I did that I’d use it 3-5 times a match at least and look like a faker.

Support mains don’t deserve any special treatment. Playing tank or DPS can be as equally frustrating. Please delete this attention whoring circle jerky thread

I pretty much always get endorsements if I play support or tank. That is thanks enough imo.

And why should it not be the other way around? You thank me for peeling, I thank you for healing. No, DPS players must worship the very soil on which Support players walk, it seems.

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I get a giggle out of this because it always comes off as a ‘gotcha!’ moment (not saying that you do, but this phrase is a common retort to ‘thank your (x)’ threads) and the thing is-- I always thank my team regardless of what they’re on. I compliment kills, I cheer for my tanks on their good positioning, I praise my support for heals. If they are making crucial plays that are winning us the fight, I try to call it out after the enemy has been defeated for their push.

It’s not hard to appreciate any role-- you’ve just got to pay attention.


The right attitude to have. Getting sick of Support mains who think they need to be treated like they’re the second coming of Christ just for playing Support.