Thank you, heroes. Let's talk about our next steps for Overwatch 2!

If blizzard really wanted to apologize they’d either revert to the former monotization or lower the coin cost by 90% for real money and increase the free coins obtained. Also give us enough coins for a legendary skin rather than randomly selecting a hero that only some folks play.


Well - You were not up for a great start tbh. But you already know that.

However what I would like to see from the game is more ways to earn coins. I know you just want us to spend all our money but right now its like you are trying to rip us off. Right now it takes 32 weeks to unlock one 1900 skin - WHAT the ACTUAL! - That is just insane, and that is only IF you in all 32 weeks can find time to do all 11 weekly challenges. Thats just insane. Up the coins, and balance sombra and zarya (She cannot die in mayhem as it is now)

But I am happier with the game than I thought i would be, but its a grind to try and unlock skins right now. And charms and stuff - Well those are just… I cant use that word on the forums, but you might as well remove them.

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This is not a thank you, what about all the players that do not play Reaper? Coins would be better, a new skin that only a handful will use is not good. Honestly now losing a lot of faith in you as a company. Blizzard, you seriously need to sort out the BP, coin values, challenges and bugs. You have had YEARS to plan these types of things and what you offer as a “NEW” game and offer as an apology is nothing short of disapointing.

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Merge account still not working for me

Still cant play. you shouldve never deleted ow1 until ow2 was ready.


My brother in christ it is already P2W by the simple fact heroes are behind a grindwall or paywall in the BP


Ya, I just read that on a different post, that is sad. If they make some super strong hero in a role I play and then paywall it I will quit. It’s that simple. I will give them a pass this season because I don’t care about the new heroes and I don’t feel like they are required picks. If they release a char behind a paywall that is over tuned and starts winning all their matches then I’m gone.

Can we get an update about the Overwatch 2 halloween event? When does it start? Thanks!

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At a high level yea, that sounds reasonable, but when you look at the details and why someone made the choices they did, it falls apart.

What if the phone is from work they need it for their job and work gave it to them. They have a new car because they travel a lot or wanted a safe vehicle for their kids.

What if they try and balance all that out by getting their food from the local market instead of a grocery store and getting used clothes.

You won’t see that, you don’t know every decision they made, but if you just point to the iPhone and say ohh you can’t criticize Capitalism YoU hAvE aN iPhOnE. Well you clearly aren’t interested an honest discussion then are you?

If someone who fits your description saw a guy walk into a school with a gun. They should absolutely call the cops. No matter his opinion on them, its the right thing to do.

Someone breaks into their house, they shouldn’t put their own life or family’s life at risk, because they think cops are insanely corrupt in this country.

This is literally missing the forest for the trees. Blizzard is the most egregious example lately, but this has happened to so many brands. Look at Black and Decker, Sears, Tupperware, Pyrex, etc. All brands that used to be known for quality that make crap now and why? because profits must always go up.

Hell Breyer’s ice cream can’t even legally be called Ice Cream any more its frozen dessert. Hersey’s Chocolate lobbied the government to lower the legally required amount of Cocoa to be able to call it chocolate.

This is the most bizarre part of your argument, Many people demanded he step down and apologize. He isn’t and didn’t, and he is getting a 360 million dollar golden parachute. What more do you expect people to do?

Name me one job that’s handing people the latest phones as soon as they drop. Jobs like that might exist, but they really don’t have to. Besides, if its absolutely needed for work and given to you by your job, that’s not you participating in a capitalist system in the way we’re talking.

I’m talking about the people that feel like they HAVE to buy the latest IPhone, but then will turn around and criticize capitalism like they’re tech purchases aren’t directly contributing to both capitalism and the destruction of the planet.

In reality, we as consumers all live if we didn’t buy the newest tech as soon as it drops. I’m actually someone who greatly benefits from technology and relies on it for work, and even I don’t need the latest tech.

Unironically, the people who do this help the planet more than the people who just go “Capitalism bad, now let me directly participate in it like a capitalist would”. Not that I think capitalism is bad at all, I just think people should practice what they preach to the best of their abilities.

I, for one, am because I’ve actually done my research, and am willing to take the L when someone says “I feel like my purchase is morally justified because-”. But you know something, when I criticize people for bad-talking capitalism, they never tell me about what they do to make up for it.

Do you know why? Because they don’t do anything to make up for it! Most of the people who I’ve said this to try to dodge the issue, or they’ll outright say “Well, I don’t have to follow my own advice because” and then say some nonsense. Maybe your outlook is different from mine, but in my experience, most of the people online who pull this nonsense really are hypocrites about it.

If someone in that extreme example saw a guy walk into a school with a gun, then yeah. However, we live in the real world. People don’t just see extreme circumstances like that everyday no matter what the media has led you to believe, and I actually think that its a sign of poor character for you to bring school shootings into this in the way that you did. but since you did, I’ll do something similar:

In reality, we have perfectly mundane people who act like the police are the worst thing on the planet, but if they see someone being assaulted and for some reason had a gun, they’d rather watch an assault while they’re on the phone with the cops before they’d act and shoot the person committing the crime.

No I am not.

I sincerely think that, the moment we put our foots down and demand change, all of these companies would capitulate. But you know why we aren’t?

“Capitalism bad! Capitalism bad!”.

What’s it going to take for us to just point and say “No more, Blizzard. This is not okay!”. Things would change over the weekend if we did that, but we aren’t.

I think you’re pampered by being online a ton, so allow me to tell you:

We can physically protest in order to remove bad people from office. Funny enough, I wouldn’t suggest doing this for most companies, but I think Blizzard has more than warranted it due to numerous anti-consumer actions. Has a group of protesters marched to Blizzard, and said “we will be back every day until bobby resigns?” because I haven’t heard of anything like that, but I also haven’t been checking.

The point is that limp wristed “demands” and blaming capitalism will only get you so far. If that sounds bizarre to you, its only because you’ve never seen a successful protest.

You guys could renew the suspension history of the current season, this is not something fair to the players because the instability of the game that caused us this discouraging interference…

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Roll the good character changes into OW1, restore 6v6, and I’ll buy some lootboxes. I’ll never spend a single $ on OW2. I literally hate bli$$ard the company. They’ve ruined this game.


Take out the battlepass and bring back loot boxes thats what kept OG gamers interested the first game was perfect and i feel sorry for new gamers who missed out on these dope skins cause all the good skins ive gotten for free cost money now lol tf who thought that was a good idea needs to go sit in the corner and junker queen needs to be nurfed ASAP not baston


Alright, I’m not too mad about the current state of the game, I understand that it JUST released and needs some time to be tuned to player feedback, but the buggy state is not what I’ve come to talk about

Instead, it’s one of my biggest gripes with the new systems, and the thing that scares me the most, which is how skins and currency are handled. In OW1, skins weren’t an issue, loot boxes were a relatively fair and decent system for entirely-cosmetic rewards, and later there were systems implemented to make it even easier to get skins, like the 25 coins for queuing Flex, or the weekly arcade boxes

However, in OW2, not only were all the item prices jacked up, now the only way to get coins is either to play consistently, every week, for 60 coins per week, which is 540 coins per 2 month long season, while legendary cosmetics cost 1900 coins to purchase?

So, hoping you guys are actually listening to feedback like you say you are, I propose a rather simple solution to this. Lower the prices of cosmetics back down to OW1 prices, as the high prices are completely unnecessary and just makes the game look greedy with the price of coins in the shop. And, make Legacy Coins an actual obtainable currency, that can be used for cosmetics, but not stuff in the shop

With this, the legacy coins can be obtainable through easy, fair means, like quickplay/comp, and maybe daily/weekly arcade missions, or attached to battle pass levels, which would give players a means to reliably obtain cosmetics without having to spend money to actually get them. And, the premium coins can stay attached to the shop, being used to buy the item bundles and premium battle pass, and maybe top-off cosmetic purchases.

This way, if people really want skins, they can grind out legacy coins for them, and if there isn’t enough time, they have the option to spend some money to get a skin if they really really want it. It’s a win-win, really, players don’t have to cough up their wallets for any old cosmetic if they don’t want to, but there’s still monetization value attached to it as an option

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Dissecting each response like we are will get us no where, I’m going to focus on one part.

Would protesting work absolutely, but that’s a very high bar to clear especially for a game company.

Look at mass protests in the past do you know what they had in common, the thing deeply affected them. Abortion, BLM, LGBTQ, this is core to who they are, or in the case of abortion has massive repercussions that affect them. Blizzard isn’t, sure it might have been a big part of their childhood and its a shame what happened to a once great company. But demanding that people interrupt their life travel across the country to protest at Blizzard HQ, its just not going to happen.

So what do people do instead, they boycott Blizzard, demand he step down, and move on with their lives talking about what a once great company Blizzard was. Multiply this exact scenario with the amount of once great companies in the US and people start to see a pattern.

You are setting an unrealistically high bar that can not be meet, and when its inevitably failed to be meet, you change the argument. Instead of discussing peoples issues and furthering the conversation, you throw people off their guard and call it a win. Its not, its just playing whack a mole. Sure they are temporarily stunned but nothing changed for them, they will be back.

From your recent examples its clear, the core of your issue with people blaming Capitalism is apathy.

Capitalism runs on apathy, so much is happening in the world, there are only so many hours in the day. They are filled with work, taking care of kids, living. I have limited capacity to really try and effect change without completely uprooting my life. I pick on or two things that are important to me and everything else, I criticize, but very well might still part take in it for some reason.

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This seems short sighted as hell.

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I do quite like that weapon charm

Your monetization model feels absurdly unrewarding and just plain insulting, please PLEASE evaluate it for next season.


I mean … if they offer me better gaming I m willing to pay for it yes! …even tho you live in a world that everything has a price … get used to it!

Day 10 LC-208 and the stream is still going for my son, you can at least stop by and get your drops… at EpicTiger323 - Twitch you wont see gameplay though just what he’s gotten to see for the last 10 days, so far he’s on 19hrs of streaming this screen!