THANK YOU for Talking About Matchmaker's MMR and Forced 50%

this was absolutely hilarious.


Allows ladder mobility so players who genuinely don’t belong below a certain threshold are forced upwards.

Fixed it for you.

In the interest of knowledge for knowledge’s sake.

Why do you even care so much?

You “do try” to come off as elegant and at least thoughtful in your responses (incorrect or not). Why are you so committed to this particular subject? Do you have some ardent desire to be an OWL player or something? Because honestly there are such better problems in the world you could focus your time trying to raise awareness for.


This is specious reasoning at best.
Every single player I know that has ever reached Master’s or higher is able to get back there with any account they are given. Every. Single. One. There are thousands of old videos (I’ve made several myself) showing a progression from unranked to GM.

If the MMR was actually gatekeeping the upper echelons like you seem to think, surely some would get hardstuck before they reach master’s.

The best players always make it to the top of the ladder. If there is any discrepancy (there isn’t), it is in the mid-tier ranks, not the top.


The only discrepancy is that players who think themselves superior, yet remain hard stuck in their ranks, blame their problems on inept teammates and a bad match making system, when in reality, they’re failing to have enough impact in the game such that they can make up for the inconsistent performance of the average player.


You would think that players who deserve a higher rank would achieve it by winning matches, and that players who deserve lower rank would get there by losing. Wouldn’t you? But algorithmic handicapping precludes those patterns of natural event. Instead, Activision/Blizzard attempts to compensate with PBSR, a completely artificial and arbitrary system, disjointed from the match’s objectives and result.

Thank you for the compliment, I do try. I also regard you as an elegant fellow.

Why do I care, and why do I give this subject so much thought? These answers are contained in my video, please watch. I’ve added it to the original post.


Exactly. Without the rigged matchmaker, we could have dedicated servers with human admins that could balance the teams and ban trolls on the fly.

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I love this argument, as if it’s about winning and climbing. No, its about fairness and consistency, both of which the current matchmaker severely lacks. I am content in my rank, but I would LOVE to play in a lobby with players of my caliber instead of being part of a team-average-pendulum where I am either the carry or the potato.


Actually, gaming as a whole is a fairly young form of entertainment. Especially e-sports.

And there’s not only a lot of passion involved, but also a lot of money.

Society and politics are still not really aware of this market yet. For most people, gaming is something that kids or teenagers do, and when you talk about gaming as an adult, you quickly get on the “uncomfortable” side of the conversation. The moment you get just a little “excited” or “enthusiastic” about more complex games, many people will look at you with irritation and view you as a “nerd” in a biased way (outside the safe Twitch-/Reddit-/Discord-Bubble). Sitcoms like TBBT highlighted this issue a bit more, but to the average viewer, Sheldon and co. were still socially awkward clowns. Also, games are always brought into play as triggers for school shootings and hyper-aggressive guys going out to kill people.

Average people can accept super easy games like Tetris, Mario, or Candy Crush. Games you can play for 5 minutes on the toilet. But games like CS:GO, LoL, WoW and so on are only accessible to “real” gamers, whatever that is.

But back to the topic at hand: because of the social unconsciousness, there are no real “rules” applied to the gaming market. No real controlling or only a few explicit laws. Each company can invent its own rules, just like in the wild west.

Gambling and similar entertainment industries have been monitored for a long time, because the addictive mechanisms are now well known. Similar factors play a role in gaming, because here, too, players are expected to spend as much time as possible in the game and spend a lot of money. Nowadays, a game is nothing more than a casino. Completely unmonitored casinos.

Anyone who looks over the gaming market has long seen that the big games only offer 08/15 gameplay and fill the content void with Lootboxes, Season Passes and cosmetic items (soon NFTs). Much of this is obtained through excessive gameplay and a lot of luck. The more you play, the greater the statistical chance of winning.

Would anyone seriously claim that the casino wouldn’t cheat if they won a jackpot? The same is true for lotto or scratch tickets.

Ergo, there are plenty of reasons to advocate maximum transparency and legal regulation in games. The market has become far too commercialized to exist as a shadow market outside the mainstream.

I think Cuthbert’s video illustrates the problem quite well and can be appreciated beyond Overwatch. Many aspects of it also concern ethical questions related to large tech companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook and Co.


Honestly, I think Blizzard is over-reliant on an overtuned mmr matchmaker that tries to implement this form of “equity” because of cheaters, paid boosters/win traders, and those who soft throw in streaks.

The game needs to have a much stronger anti-cheat before it can be successfully weaned off the current system.

Last time I commented here was in May, was about them needing to fix up their anti-cheat, and I still haven’t played OW since.

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Just as a reminder…

All current competive shooters use algorithmic handicapping and that isn’t his issue.

Game can be played in a algorithmic free way using custom games and discords. Him not even trying this or acknowledging it, is gaslighting the game for allowing you to do both.

What he’s asking for by asking to remove algorithmic handicapping is to delete qp and comp and leave custom games. It’s a bad idea.

As for MMR there maybe issues with it but it’s intent is to give better matches and fairer games. While anyone can see it’s not perfect asking for it to be removed without a detailed solution to how you’d deal with throwers and Smurfs when without it they be able to ruin 10 times as many games is basic and flawed.

The patents are a long running joke. They don’t and are not proof being used in ow. Also they prove as much as the fact they have programmers on staff. As they wouldn’t and don’t need patents to do what you claim.

All in all outside of opinion and flawed conclusions there’s nothing left to it as example of how flawed his conclusions are I will quote a lie.

It does, and claiming it doesn’t is just emotional and illogical and all the foundation of a flawed and pointless opinion.

He may have an issue with that fact but my point is he’s not objective and draws flawed conclusions which is proved by that.


Pause game. PAUSE GAME!
“We have come to believe ‘IgiveNadaMada’s’ might be a smurf, so we’ll have to restart the game for the 18th time”.


That’s actually what happens. Lol.

How do you not understand that players rank up, and players rank down. What defines “deserve?” Apparently, your definition is different than blizzards. And that’s fine. Go play a different game.


according to the forums its equality of outcome.

“i bought the game, i deserve to t500”

no one wants to work for anything anymore, it should just be GIVEN to them because they deserve it.


Ah, the good ol’ strawman. If you can’t refute an argument, modify it into something stupid enough that you can actually take on.

If you can only weigh in after you’ve mischaracterized something to the point of absurdity, you either need to work on your critical thinking skills or you need to sit back and watch. This post is meaningless, irrelevant noise.


this entire thread is noise bruh. im not the one doing personal attacks.


And you know what people who go over the top ad hominem have in common? They’re bitter and angry and wounded people, looking for opportunities to lash out and distribute some of their own pain and frustration, even while engaging in something like a harmless conversation about a video game. Who hurt you?


I didn’t personally attack you. I attacked your argument.


listen child, you need to re-think how you work your arguments. its like an intro class here, graduate, get some letters, then try again.


Ok you got me! This is totally what people are saying, and it’s definitely not a strawman. My bad.


i know i am, now move along.